Palestine Pamphlets. Terrorist Methods With Mines and Booby Traps.

Rare First Edition of Terrorist Methods With Mines and Booby Traps

Palestine Pamphlets. Terrorist Methods With Mines and Booby Traps.


Item Number: 125181

Jerusalem: Headquarters, Chief Engineer, Palestine & Transjordan, 1946.

Very rare restricted British Army manual dealing with terrorist explosive devices and methods. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers, frontispiece and 6 plates, 16 full-page text-illustrations. Only 2 copies can be traced in institutions (National Library of Israel and Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto). In very good condition.

This work is both an instruction manual on how to detonate various types of mines and booby traps, and also a history of terrorist activity in 1946 undertaken by Jewish groups. Plates of various attacks are included, such as the partially destroyed King David Hotel in July 1946, and the demolished building in the David Quarter, Jerusalem, bombed in November 1946. Of that attack the booklet reads, "This incident is included for its illustration of the extreme methods which Jewish Terrorists may employ when planning deliberate murder."

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