Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, Pendant Les Annees 1783, 84, et 85. [Travel to Syria and Egypt, During the Years 1783, 84, and 85].


Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, Pendant Les Annees 1783, 84, et 85. [Travel to Syria and Egypt, During the Years 1783, 84, and 85].

VOLNEY, Constantin Francois. [Napoleon Bonaparte: His Copy].


Item Number: 146536

A Paris: Chez Dugour et Durand, Libraires, Rue et Hotel Serpente, 1799.

Volney’s important work on Egypt and Syria, from the library in exile of Napoleon Bonaparte with his annotations and corrections throughout, several made as he was dictating details from the Egyptian Campaign for his own Memoirs. This copy may also have accompanied him during his Egyptian Campaigns; it is known that Napoleon brought along a copy of Volney’s book to Egypt, and it served as the standard reference source for the members of the campaign. Octavo, two volumes bound in full contemporary French sprinkled calf with gilt tooling to the spine, morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, gilt scrolling to the front and rear panels, with 3 engraved folding maps and 5 folding plates.

First published in 1787, this important travel account by the renowned French historian, orientalist, philosopher and politician Constantin Francois de Chasseboeuf, comte de Volney (1757-1820) is considered the best exposition of Egypt from Ottoman Syria in the late eighteenth century. It served as a basis for later Egyptian expeditions, and many scientists, as well as Bonaparte himself, took this work with them on their expeditions. His candid descriptions did not romanticize Egypt’s history or its contemporary social and political conditions, but discussed the ills that plagued the country and explored the military weakness of the Ottoman Empire. Based on his observations, Volney discouraged a conquest of Egypt, and while he supported his friend Bonaparte politically, he declined the invitation to accompany Napoleon‘s expedition in person. It is known that Napoleon brought along a copy of Volney’s book to Egypt, and it served as the standard reference source for the members of the campaign.

The French campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798–1801) was a Napoleonic campaign in the Ottoman territories of Egypt and Syria, executed by Bonaparte. Napoleon proclaimed to “defend French trade interests” and to establish “scientific enterprise” in the region. Despite early victories and an initially successful expedition into Syria, Napoleon and his Armee d’Orient were eventually defeated and forced to withdraw, especially after suffering the defeat of the supporting French fleet by the British Royal Navy at the Battle of the Nile. However, on a scientific front, the expedition was a success that led to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, creating the field of Egyptology. This important copy contains numerous annotations in ink and pencil in Bonaparte’s hand, mostly concerning measurements and other calculations, including a heavily annotated folding plate of the pyramids (“Vue de Pyramides de Djize”) in Vol. I.

The first volume contains ink annotations on pages 188, 232, 272, 273, 277-79, 281, plate at page 229 (cited above), and map (“Carte de la Syrie”) at p. [288] (outlines drawn in red pencil). The second volume contains mostly pencil annotations on pages 223, 225, 227, 229, 272 (ink and pencil) and 333. These corrections were made by Napoleon as he was dictating details from the Egyptian Campaign for his own Memoirs (see provenance below). After Napoleon‘s death on St. Helena, a large portion of his last library was divided by the executors among heirs and friends. The remainder was removed from St. Helena by order of the British Government and sold to the important French bookseller in London, Martin Bossange. The lots that failed to sell (almost half) were quickly consigned by Bossange to Sotheby’s and sold on 23 July 1823.

The lengthy catalogue entry for the present lot in the Sotheby’s catalogue reads: “This Work is one of the most interesting books that has occurred for sale for many years. Most persons are aware that Napoleon wrote very little, but dictated to his favorite Generals Bertrand, Montholon, and Count Las Casas. The Egyptian Campaign, which forms a part of two volumes, just published, of his Memoirs, have been dictated from these volumes: he has taken notice of the most trifling error in the book; hence the many CORRECTIONS BY HIM. The Plate at page 229, vol. i, is entirely covered with his hand writing. This unique Book forms an historical document, which will be looked at with a mixture of pleasure and pain by the admirers of so great a man.”

Provenance: Napoleon I (each title-page with circular hand-stamp in brown ink from Napoleon‘s library at Longwood House on St. Helena; and with his numerous ink annotations to plates and text in both volumes); Sir James Lewis Knight-Bruce (bookplates; and with a note from his grandson regarding this copy: “These two volumes of ‘Volnay’s Voyages’ which belonged to Napoleon the first, were understood to have accompanied him during his Egyptian Campaigns, and contain many notes in his the Emperor’s handwriting. My grandfather, the late Lord Justice Sir James Lewis Knight-Bruce of Roehampton Priory purchased these books, presumably about 1821-2, when they were sent to England from St. Helena for sale. They being in Napoleon‘s possession there, until his death in 1821…”

In very good condition with splitting to the spine and joints, small section of leather torn from the upper cover of Vol. II; some wear to extremities. Occasional pale spotting internally, final blank leaves (30/8) of both volumes removed (presumably at the time of binding). First map in Vol. I with small marginal tear repaired near gutter margin, second and third maps each with 2-inch tear repaired at gutter, a few other plates with small marginal tears or reinforcements. Housed in a custom full crushed levant morocco clamshell box by Riviere & Son. Third edition, revised and corrected. An exceptional piece of history with fascinating provenance.

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