Prose Improvements.
First Edition of Prose Improvements; Signed by Trevor Pateman
Prose Improvements.
PARKMAN, Trevor.
Item Number: 147892
Brighton, England: Degree Zero, 2017.
First edition of this work by the award-winning author. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Trevor Pateman on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Cover art by Ilva Kalnberza.
Trevor Pateman was born in England in 1947. After a state school education, he studied in Oxford, London, and Paris where he was a pupil of Roland Barthes. For twenty years, he taught at the University of Sussex. Since 2016, he has published seven new books: a personal memoir, I Have Done This In Secret (2018); two collections of cultural and political essays, The Best I Can Do (2016) and Silence Is So Accurate (2017); a semi-academic work on art, Materials and Medium: An Aesthetics (2016); an entirely academic work on language pragmatics, Studies in Pragmatics (2017); and most recently a group of thematically linked essays, Between Remembering and Forgetting (2020), reflecting on both individual and collective memory.