Man and Economics.
First Edition of Man and Economics; Inscribed by Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Robert Mundell
Man and Economics.
MUNDELL, Robert A.
Item Number: 3406
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968.
First edition of the Nobel Prize-winning economists first book. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Inscribed by the author, “To Sydney Heyman from Bob Mundell February 1969.” Books signed by Mundell are rare.
"Man and Economics" is both a readable introduction to economics and a work in which a trained economist can find insights, formulations, and perspectives he has never encountered before" (Fortune Magazine). Economics is the science of choice. It began with Aristotle but got mixed up with ethics in the Middle Ages. Adam Smith separated it from ethics, and Walras mathematized it. Alfred Marshall tried to narrow it, and Keynes made it fashionable. Robbins widened it, and Samuelson dynamized it, but modern science made it statistical and tried to confine it again.
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