An Evening with Winston Churchill at Churchill Cigar Lounge.

An Evening with Winston Churchill at Churchill Cigar Lounge.


An Evening with Winston Churchill at Churchill Cigar Lounge.

Raptis Rare Books and Churchill Cigar Company and Lounge were honored to host renowned Churchill expert Lee Pollock for An Evening with Winston Churchill at Churchill Cigar Lounge.


Churchill Cigar Company

The crowd enjoying a puff before the lecture.


Lee Pollock is Executive Director and a Trustee of The International Churchill Society, the world’s leading member organization dedicated to preserving the historic legacy of Winston Churchill and ensuring it remains vibrant and alive for this and future generations. The Society publishes an outstanding quarterly journal, Finest Hour, holds events and conferences around the world and operates the National Churchill Leadership Center in Washington, DC. Among its main objectives is educating young people about leadership and the value that understanding history and the example of great statesmen of the past can provide in informing our decisions today.



Churchill Cigar Company owner Matthew Raptis and Lee Pollock.

Churchill Cigar Company owner Matthew Raptis and Lee Pollock.


A native of Montreal, Canada, Lee graduated from McGill University in 1971 with Honors in Political Science and Economics and subsequently received a master’s degree from the University of Chicago. He has spoken about the life and times of Winston Churchill to audiences throughout the United States, Canada and Britain.


Lee Pollock discussing Churchill.

Lee Pollock.


Browse our complete collection of Winston Churchill here.

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