Fine Bindings and Sets
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“There is no sin so great as ignorance. Remember this": First English Edition of Rudyard Kipling's Kim
KIPLING, Rudyard.
London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1901.
First English edition of what many consider Kipling’s masterpiece. Octavo, original cloth. Illustrated with photographs of clay reliefs by John Lockwood Kipling including tissue-guarded frontispiece, two pages of advertisements at rear. In fine condition. Housed in a custom half morocco made by Asprey and Garrard. An exceptional example.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 136986
Rare first edition of Henry Hesketh's Piety the Best Rule of Orthodoxy
Piety the Best Rule of Orthodoxy. Or, an Essay Upon this Proposition: That the Conduciveness of Doctrines to Holiness or Vice, is the best Rule for private Christians to judge the Truth or Falshood of them by.
London: Printed by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1680.
Rare first edition of Hesketh's classic essay. 12mo, bound in full contemporary mottled calf with gilt tooling to the spine in five compartments within raised bands, gilt turn-ins, all edges marbled. In very good condition. Rare.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 140234
The Weimar edition of The Works of Friedrich Schiller; elaborately bound in full morocco
SCHILLER, Friedrich.
The Works of Friedrich Schiller.
Weimar and New York: The Northern Press, Printed for Subscribers only, n.d.
The Weimar edition of the collected works of Friedrich Schiller. Octavo, 10 volumes bound in full morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in five compartments within raised bands, elaborate gilt tooling to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles, watered silk endleaves and doublures with central gilt mongrams "EHR", top edge gilt, illustrated with numerous hand-colored photogravures. One of 100 numbered copies of the Weimar edition, this is number 2. Provenance: from the collection of Fred and Kay Krehbiel. In very good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 143624
Rare first edition, first issue of Lord Byron's The Giaour bound in contemporary calf with a rare first edition, first issue of The Corsair
BYRON, Lord George Gordon.
The Giaour, A Fragment of a Turkish Tale; The Bride of Abydos; The Corsair.
London: John Murray, 1813.
First trade edition, first issue of Byron's The Giaour; bound with a second edition of The Bride of Abydos and a rare first edition, first issue of The Corsair. Octavo, bound in full contemporary calf with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels. In near fine condition. Rare and desirable bound in contemporary calf and with two rare first issues.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 120498
Rare First Edition of British Sports and Sportsmen: Yachting and Rowing; From the Library of Steve Fossett
British Sports and Sportsmen: Yachting and Rowing.
London: British Sports and Sportsmen, 1916.
First edition, limited to 1,000 examples. Folio, bound in original full morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, raised bands, numerous photogravure portraits. This lavishly-produced survey of large and small boat racing, cruising, and rowing, includes biographies of prominent yachtsmen, and includes descriptions of the America's Cup and single-handed cruising. From the library of James Stephen “Steve” Fossett with his bookplate to the pastedown. American businessman and record-setting aviator Steve Fossett became the first person to fly solo nonstop around the world in 2002 in his 10-story high balloon Spirit of Freedom. He completed…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 111672
Rare early 18th century Dutch Luther Bible illustrated with engravings by renowned Romeyn de Hooghe
Biblia, Dat is, De gantsche H. Schriftuure vervattende alle de Boeken des Ouden ende Nieuwen Testaments; Nu Van nieuws uyt D.M. Luthers Hoogduitse Bybel in onze Nederlandsche Taale getrouwelyk overgezet, Tot dienst van de Christelyke Gemeynten, d’Onveranderde Augsburgsche Confessie toegedaan in deeze Nederlanden. [Biblia Neerlandica].
Amsterdam: Jacob Lindenberg, 1702.
Rare early 18th century Dutch Luther Bible illustrated with exquisite engravings by renowned Dutch Baroque artist Romeyn de Hooghe. Folio, original full calf with ruling and central motifs to the panels stamped in blind, brass cornerpieces and clasps, illustrated with engravings including frontispiece portrait of Martin Luther, pictorial title page, portrait of Henricus Vos. Amstelodamensis, initials, headpieces and tailpieces. From the library of American interior and architectural designed Edward Francis Searles with his bookplate to the pastedown. Housed in a custom clamshell box. In good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 116383
Rare Complete First edition set of William James' Naval History of Great Britain; with the quarto volume of tabular abstracts
JAMES, William.
The Naval History of Great Britain, From the Declaration of War by France, in February 1793; to the Accession of George IV. In January 1820; With An Account of the Origin and Progressive Increase of The British Navy; Illustrated, From the Commencement of the Year 1793, by A Series of Tabular Abstracts, Contained in a Separate Quarto Volume.
London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1822.
First edition of James' naval history of Great Britain. Five octavo volumes and one quarto volume of tables bound in three quarter calf over marbled boards with morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, folding plate in volume I. Sabin 35720. In near fine condition. Uncommon.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 130581
Rare complete set of Nuovo Teatro Comico Dell'Avvocato Carlo Goldoni
Nuovo Teatro Comico Dell’Avvocato Carlo Goldoni Poeta Di S. A. R. Il Serenissimo Infante di Spagna Don Filippo Duca Di Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, ec. [New Comic Theater of the Lawyer Carlo Goldoni].
Venezi: Francesco Pitteri, 1753-1755.
Rare complete set of Pitteri's 1757 printing of Goldoni's works of comic theater. Octavo, ten volumes bound in full vellum with gilt tooling to the spine, engraved frontispiece portrait of Goldoni by Pitteri after Piazetta. In good condition. Armorial bookplates. A rare complete set of this scarce printing published during the author's lifetime.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 129035
First Edition of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's first book La Hojarasca; Which introduced the World To Magical Realism
La Hojarasca.
Bogota: Ediciones- S.L.B., 1955.
First edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's first book. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers by artist Cecilia Porras. In very good condition. A very sharp example.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 138058
"Art does not stop to explain: it incites one to go and do likewise": Complete first edition set of Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet
DURRELL, Lawrence.
Justine, Balthazar, Mountolive, Clea. [The Alexandria Quartet].
London: Faber and Faber, 1960-1961.
First editions of each of the novels comprising the author's acclaimed Alexandria Quartet. Octavo, original cloth, 4 volumes. Each volume is very good in a very good to near fine dust jacket. A very bright set of Durrell's acclaimed novel cycle.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 144881
"Oh, Sairey, Sairey, little do we know what lays before us!": First Edition of Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewhit
DICKENS, Charles.
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit.
London: London: Chapman and Hall, 1839.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, bound in contemporary three quarters calf over marbled boards, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised bands, illustrated with 40 plates. In near fine condition, contemporary name to the front free endpaper.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 133790
“Don't you know that everybody's got a Fairyland of their own?”: Rare First Edition of Mary Poppins; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery
Mary Poppins.
New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1934.
First American edition of this children's classic. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and ruling to the spine, raised bands, double gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In fine condition, bookplate. An exceptional example.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 144179
First edition, first issue of Mark Twain's King Leopold's Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule
TWAIN, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens].
King Leopold’s Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule.
1905: The P. R. Warren Co, Boston, Massachusetts.
First edition, first issue of Twain's work of political satire harshly condemning King Leopold's rule over the Congo Free State. Small octavo, original wrappers as issued. In very good condition. Housed in a custom cloth and chemise case with a second edition third printing of the pamphlet which contains the publisher's later advisory, "The publishers desire to state that Mr. Clemens declines to accept any pecuniary return from this booklet, as it is his wish that all proceeds of sales above the cost of publication shall be used in furthering the effort for relief of the people of the Congo State.…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 95339
First Edition of Zora Neale Hurston's Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery
HURSTON, Zora Neale.
Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica.
Philadelphia : J.P. Lippincott Company, 1938.
First edition of Hurston's personal experiences in Haiti and Jamaica. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles to the spine, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, raised bands, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, 26 illustrations. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 141718
The Knave of Hearts.
New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1925.
First edition of "one of the greatest of American illustrated books" (Porter, 84), the last and most lavish children's book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish, with mounted cover design, pictorial endpapers, 14 full-page color plates, and nine in-text color illustrations. Folio, original black cloth, mounted cover illustration, pictorial endpapers. Housed in a custom cloth chemise and slipcase.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 133869
The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare; finely bound with a concealed fore-edge painting of Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare with Copious Glossarial Notes and a Biographical Notice. [Fore-edge Painting].
Edinburgh and London: Gall & Inglis, n.d.
Finely bound example of Inglis' compilation of the dramas of Shakespeare. Octavo, bound in full morocco with gilt titles to the spine and front panel, all edges gilt, decorated with a concealed fore-edge painting of Shakespeare, illustrated with four engravings on steel. In very good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 138237
"Like all great travellers." said Essper, "I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen": First Edition of Benjamin Disraeli's Vivian Grey; In the original boards
DISRAELI, Benjamin.
Vivian Grey.
London: Henry Colburn, 1826-27.
First edition of Disraeli's first novel. Octavo, original gray boards with printed spine labels, 5 volumes, half-titles present in Volumes 2 and 5, as issued; terminal ads in Volumes 1-4. Bookplates to each volume, in very good condition. Housed in a brown cloth clamshell box. Complete first editions are uncommon, especially in the original boards.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 82398
Scarce 18th Century Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments; Printed by Reverend Leonard Howard
HOWARD, Rev. Leonard.
The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, Illustrated and Explained By a Full and Comprehensive Paraphrase at the Bottom of Each Page. By the Rev. Leonard Howard, D. D.
London: Printed for J. Pottinger, 1761.
Scarce 18th century Book of Common Prayer printed by the Rev. Leonard Howard, Chaplain to the Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales. Quarto, bound in full calf with gilt titles and five raised bands to the spine, ruling and cornerpieces to the panels stamped in blind, all edges marbled, illustrated with engravings including frontispiece portrait of King George II. In very good condition. Gift inscriptions and history of provenance to the front free endpapers and verso of the frontispiece. Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha was the Princess of Wales from 1736-1751 and became Dowager Princess of Wales when her husband…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 109571
First Edition of Winston S. Churchill's Step By Step 1936-1939; In the Rare Original Dust Jacket
Step By Step 1936-1939.
London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd, 1939.
First edition of this Churchill title, the last book he published before the outbreak of the Second World War. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in the rare original dust jacket.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 140070