Fine Bindings and Sets
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"Best African Wishes": Signed Limited First Edition of Osa Johnson's I Married Adventure
I Married Adventure: The Life and Adventures of Martin and Osa Johnson.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1940.
Signed limited first edition of Johnson's classic work, number 167 of 520 copies. Octavo, original half cloth, photographic endpapers illustrated with 83 aquatone illustrations. Boldly signed by the author, "Best African wishes Osa Johnson." In near fine condition, contemporary name to the front free endpaper.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 142059
Signed Limited Edition of Thomas Hardy's The Dynasts
HARDY, Thomas.
The Dynasts.
London: Macmillan & Co, 1927.
Signed limited edition, one of 525 examples. Quarto, bound in half vellum over boards. Signed by Thomas Hardy in volume I. In fine condition. An exceptional set.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 133285
“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability": Rare Second Edition of William Osler's The Principles and Practice of Medicine
OSLER, William.
The Principles and Practice of Medicine.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1895.
Rare first printing of the second edition of Osler's magnum opus. Thick octavo, bound in contemporary leatherette. In very good condition.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 140471
First Edition of Winston Churchill's London To Ladysmith Via Pretoria
CHURCHILL, Winston Spencer.
London To Ladysmith Via Pretoria.
London: Longmans, Green, 1900.
First edition of Churchill’s fourth book and personal record of his impressions during the first five months of the Second Boer War. Octavo, in original cloth, with three folding maps (one printed in color). In very good condition.
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 119411
Samuel Smiles' Lives of the Engineers; decorated with a beautiful fore-edge painting of a steam locomotive
SMILES, Samuel.
Lives of the Engineers. The Steam-Engine. Boulton and Watt. [Fore-edge Painting].
London: John Murray, 1878.
Finely bound example of Smiles' work on Boulton and Watt. Octavo, bound in full polished calf by John Bumpus with gilt titles and ruling to the spine, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, all edges gilt, ribbon bound in. Decorated with a beautiful disappearing fore-edge painting of a steam locomotive. In near fine condition. A very nice example.
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 135624
First edition of George Bancroft's Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece
HEEREN, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. [Translated by George Bancroft].
Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece.
Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co, 1824.
First American edition of Bancroft's translation of Heeren's monumental work on politics in Ancient Greece. Octavo, bound in full contemporary calf with gilt ruling to the spine and a red morocco spine label lettered in gilt, all edges marbled. From the library of William Safire with his bookplate to the pastedown. William Safire was an important American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He joined Nixon’s campaign for the 1960 Presidential race, and supported him again in 1968. After Nixon’s 1968 victory, Safire served as a speechwriter for him and Spiro Agnew. He authored several political columns in addition to…
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 128205
First Edition of George Eliot's Felix Holt: The Radical
ELIOT, George.
Felix Holt: The Radical.
Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1866.
First edition of this classic political work. Sextodecimo, three volumes, half-calf bound in three quarter morocco over marbled boards with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. In very good condition with rubbing to the hinges and extremities, light toning.
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 147727
Evelyn Waugh's First Published Novel Decline and Fall; Finely Bound by The Harcourt Bindery
WAUGH, Evelyn.
Decline and Fall.
London: Chapman & Hall, 1931.
Pocket edition of Waugh's first published novel. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, illustrated, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 147545
The New Whole Duty of Man; finely bound with a concealed fore-edge painting
The New Whole Duty of Man, Containing the Faith as well as Practice of A Christian: Made Easy For the Practice of the Present Age, AS the Old Whole Duty of Man was design’d for those unhappy Times in which it was written: And Supplying the Articles of the Christian Faith, Which are Wanting in that Book. Though Essentially Necessary to Salvation. [Fore-Edge Painting].
London: Printed for W. Bent, 1823.
Finely bound example of this classic Protestant devotional work. Octavo, bound in full morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, elaborate gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, decorated with a concealed fore-edge painting of a maritime view, engraved frontispiece. In good condition with the fore-edge painting exceptionally bright. Ownership inscription.
Price: $800.00 Item Number: 138215
Rare Second Pickering Diamond Edition of Horace's Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
London: Gulielmus Pickering, 1824.
Rare second Pickering Diamond edition, large paper issue, with an additional engraved title page. 12 mo, bound in full morocco, gilt titles to the front panel, raised bands, marbled endpapers. In very good condition. Housed in a custom chemise and half morocco slipcase.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 82315
The Collection Française edition of Paul Bourget's Le Disciple; one of 1021 numbered copies
Le Disciple.
Paris: Collection Française, 1925.
Limited Collection Française edition of Bourget's most notable work. Octavo, bound in three quarters calf over marbled boards with gilt tooling to the spine in three compartments within raised gilt bands, black morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, gilt topstain, marbled endpapers, illustrated with colored engravings. One of 1021 numbered copies, this is number 233. Text in French. In near fine condition. A very bright example.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 115687
Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc's Dictionnaire Raisonne de Mobilier Francais de L'Epoque Carlovingienne a La Renaissance
VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Eugene-Emmanuel.
Dictionnaire Raisonne de Mobilier Francais de L’Epoque Carlovingienne a La Renaissance. [Dictionary of French Furniture from the Carlovingian Period to the Renaissance].
Paris: Librairie Centrale d'Architecture, n.d.
Finely bound example of Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc's authoritative resource on the evolution of furniture styles in France from the Carolingian Period to the Renaissance. Royal octavo, 6 volumes bound in one quarter morocco over marbled boards with gilt titles and stamping to the spine in six compartments within raised bands, top edge gilt, illustrated with numerous plates and text illustrations. In near fine condition. A very nice example of this standard reference.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 144610
Mark Twain's The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-Day; from the library of Arthur Balfour's younger brother Cecil Balfour and subsequently American journalist William Safire
TWAIN, Mark [Samuel Clemens] and Charles Dudley Warner.
The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-Day.
Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1878.
Early printing of Twain and Dudley's satirical work on greed and political corruption in post-Civil War America which has appeared in more than 100 editions since its original publication. Octavo, bound in three quarter morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, fully illustrated from new designs by Hoppins, Stephens, Williams, White, et al. In very good condition. Bound for and from the library of Cecil C. Balfour, the younger brother of Arthur Balfour. British Conservative statesman Arthur Balfour served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 127448
Lytton Strachey's famed Eminent Victorians; finely bound in full crushed red morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe
Eminent Victorians: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold, General Gordon.
London: Chatto and Windus, 1960.
Finely bound example of the work that placed Strachey firmly in the top rank of biographers. Octavo, bound in full crushed red morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, double gilt ruling and fleuron cornerpieces to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 129185
"When it is misty, in the evenings, and I am out walking by myself, it seems to me that the rain is falling through my heart and causing it to crumble into ruins": The Edition du Centenaire of the complete illustrated works of Gustave Flaubert
FLAUBERT, Gustave.
Oeuvres Completes Illustrees de Gustave Flaubert.
Paris: Librairie de France, 1922-1924.
The Edition du Centenaire of the complete illustrated works of Gustave Flaubert. Quarto, bound in three quarters morocco over marbled boards, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in five compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, original wrappers bound in, illustrated by Andre Favory, Georges Dufrenoy, Bernard Naudin, and Pierre Girieud. In near fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 137205
Cours Gastronomique, ou Les Diners de Manant-Ville; Finely Bound
Cours Gastronomique, ou Les Diners de Manant-Ville, Ouvrage Anecdotique, Philosophique et Literature.
Paris: Imprimerie de Brasseur Aine, 1809.
First edition of this work on French Gastronomy, containing its history throughout the country's various regions. Octavo, bound in full calf with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, red morocco spine labels, marbled endpapers, ribbon bound in. In very good condition. Rare.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 96186
Scarce 17th century printing of Perez's Institutiones Imperiales
PEREZ, Antoni.
Institutiones Imperiales Erotematibus Distinctae.
Amstelodami [Amsterdam]: Danielem Elzevirium, 1669.
Scarce 17th century printing of Perez's early legal treatise. 12mo, bound in full contemporary vellum, engraved pictorial title page. In near fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 132642
Sarah Churchill's A Thread in the Tapestry; FINELY BOUND BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE
CHURCHILL, Sarah [Winston S. Churchill].
A Thread in the Tapestry.
London: Andre Deutsch, 1967.
First edition, early printing of the author's deeply moving eulogy of her father, Sir Winston Churchill. Octavo, bound in three quarters morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, gilt titles and ruling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. In fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 139833