Fine Bindings and Sets
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First edition of Rufus Wilmot Griswold's The Republican Court of American Society in the Days of Washington; with twenty-one portraits of distinguished women
GRISWOLD, Rufus Wilmot.
The Republican Court of American Society in the Days of Washington.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1854.
First edition of Griswold's account of the American Republican Court during the presidency of George Washington. Quarto, original publisher's full morocco with gilt titles to the spine, elaborate stamping to the spine and panels, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, illustrated with twenty-one portraits of distinguished women including Mrs. George Washington and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton engraved from original pictures by Woolaston, Copley, Trumbull, et al. In very good condition.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 138600
First edition of Gustavas Dedman Crain's Market Data Book and Directory of Class, Trade and Technical Publications; finely bound by asprey
CRAIN, Gustavas Dedman.
Crain’s Market Data Book and Directory of Class, Trade and Technical Publications.
Chicago : G.D. Crain, Jr, 1921-22.
First edition of G.D. Crain's collection and analysis of market publications circa 1920. Octavo, 2 volumes, bound in full morocco by Asprey with gilt titles to the spine and front panel, raised bands, grey speckled endpapers, with original full color publication wrappers from various petroleum and dry good business throughout. In fine condition. A unique example.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 95096
First edition of Carlos Thompson's The Assassination of Winston Churchill; FINELY BOUND BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE
THOMPSON, Carlos. [Sir Winston Churchill].
The Assassination of Winston Churchill.
Buckinghamshire: Colin Smythe, 1969.
First edition, signed limited issue of the author's in-depth investigation into the allegations put forth in Rolf Hochhuth's 'Soldiers, An obituary for Geneva' (1967). Octavo, bound in three quarters morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, gilt titles and ruling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. One of a limited number of copies signed by the author on the dedication page. In fine condition.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 139267
First edition of Charles Dickens' The Pic Nic Papers
DICKENS, Charles.
The Pic Nic Papers.
London: Henry Colburn, 1841.
First edition, first issue of this anthology edited by Charles Dickens. Small octavo, three volumes, bound in three quarter morocco over marbled boards with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, frontispiece to each volume, all edges red, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. In very good condition, bookplates to the front pastedown.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 147636
Soixante-Dix_Sept Bibliophiles Signed Limited Edition of Machiavelli's La Mangragore (The Mandrake); One of 77 copies signed by artist Claude Durrens
MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo. Illustrated by Claude Durrens.
La Mandragore: Comedie en Cinq Actes de Machiavel Gentilhomme Florentin. (The Mandrake).
Soixante-Dix_Sept Bibliophiles, .
Soixante-Dix-Sept signed limited edition of Machiavelli's classic comedy, The Mandrake. Folio, loose leaves as issued, illustrated with 12 original lithographs by Claude Durrens, additional suite of lithographs in rear. One of only 77 copies signed by the artist on the colophon. In very good condition. housed in the original one quarter morocco and chemise slip case.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 101228
Facsimile Manuscript of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby Manuscript Facsimile.
Washington, D.C: Microcard Editions Books, 1973.
The facsimile manuscript edition of Fitzgerald's masterpiece. Quarto, original cloth, illustrated. Near fine in a near fine slipcase. Edited and with an introduction by Matthew Bruccoli.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 140683
First Edition of William Thackeray's The Virginians; Finely Bound
The Virginians.
London: Bradbury and Evans, 1858-59.
First edition of Thackeray's memorable historical novel. Octavos, 2 volumes, bound in three quarters morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, illustrated. In near fine condition with light rubbing to the extremities.
Price: $650.00 Item Number: 92535
First Edition of Leonard Bolles Ellis' History of New Bedford and its Vicinity 1602-1892
ELLIS, Leonard Bolles.
History of New Bedford and its Vicinity 1602-1892.
Syracuse: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1892.
First edition of Ellis' profusely illustrated history of New Bedford. Large octavo, 2 volumes bound in three quarters morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, illustrated with a profusion of fine tissue-guarded steel-engraved portraits. In near fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 131249
First Edition of Carl Cutler's Greyhounds of the Sea
Greyhounds of the Sea: The Story of the American Clipper Ship.
New York: Halcyon House, 1930.
First edition of Cutler's masterwork on the history of the American clipper ship. Quarto, bound in three quarters morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, frontispiece. In near fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 131492
The Centenary edition of Sir Walter Scott's Waverly Novels
SCOTT, Sir Walter.
Waverly Novels. [Waverley: or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since, Guy Mannering, The Antiquary, Rob Roy, Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, The Pirate, The Fortunes of Nigel, Peveril of the Peak, Quentin Durward, St. Ronan’s Well, Redgauntlet, The Betrothed, Talisman, Woodstock, or, the Cavalier, Chronicles of the Canongate, The Fair Maid Of Perth, Anne of Geierstein.
Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1883.
The Centenary Edition of Sir Walter Scott's Waverly Novels. Octavo, 12 volumes bound in three quarter morocco over marbled boards by Robertson with burgundy morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, elaborate gilt tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled. Illustrated title page and tissue-guarded frontispiece to each volume, in-text illustrations. In very good condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 126344
"Nicholas Tarvin sat in the moonlight on the unrailed bridge that crossed the irrigating ditch above Topaz, dangling his feet over the stream": First edition of Rudyard Kipling's The Naulahka
KIPLING, Rudyard with Wolcott Balestier.
The Naulahka: A Story of West and East.
London: William Heinemann, 1892.
First British edition of Kipling's ambitious narrative. Octavo, original publisher's decorative cloth. In near fine condition. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise slipcase.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 120549
"The contemplation of a magnificent structure and of an extensive work are objects exceedingly pleasing to the imagination": John Campbell's A Political Survey of Britain
A Political Survey of Britain: Being a Series of Reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of This Island.
Dublin: T. Ewing and C. Jenkin, 1775.
Rare second edition of John Campbell's classic survey of late sixteenth century Britain. Octavo, four volumes, bound in full contemporary calf, raised bands, red and green morocco spine labels, gilt titles. In good condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 81166
First edition of George Cruikshank's Omnibus; elaborately bound in full morocco by Riviere & Son
George Cruikshank’s Omnibus.
London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842.
First edition of George Cruikshank‘s Omnibus. Octavo, bound in full morocco by Riviere & Son with elaborate gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, triple gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, top edge gilt. Illustrated with an engraved frontispiece and numerous plates and in-text illustrations by Cruikshank, as well as an engraved portrait of Cruikshank by C.E. Wagstaff. In near fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 133420
Finely Bound Edition of Guy de Maupassant's Bel-Ami
New York: The Heritage Press, 1968.
First edition of the Heritage Press edition of this classic work. Quarto, bound in three quarters morocco over marbled boards, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised bands. illustrations by Bernard Lamotte. Introduction by Alec Waugh. In fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 142808
Alexandre Dumas' The Borgias; Finely Bound by Bumpus
DUMAS, Alexandre.
The Borgias.
London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1911.
Finely bound edition of Dumas' classic work. Octavo, bound in full red morocco gilt by Bumpus, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised bands, gilt tooling to the front and rear panels, all edges gilt, inner dentelles. In near fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 140821
Finely Bound Collection George Macaulay Trevelyan's Life of Garibaldi
TREVELYAN, George Macaulay.
Garibaldi’s Defence of the Roman Republic; Garibaldi and the Thousand; Garibaldi and the Making of Italy.
London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1907-1911.
Finely bound collection of Trevelyan's work on Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi. Octavo, three volumes bound in three quarters morocco by Henry Sotheran, Ltd., gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised bands, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, illustrated, tissue-guarded frontispiece portrait of Garibaldi to each volume. In near fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 139018
First edition of James E. Doyle's Chronicle of England
DOYLE, James E.
A Chronicle of England. B.C. 55 – A.D. 1485.
London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864.
First edition of Doyle's elaborately illustrated history of ancient and medieval England. Quarto, bound in three quarter crushed levant morocco over marbled boards with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, illustrated with engravings by the author printed in colors by Edmund Evans. In very good condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 139284
Rare large paper edition of Reverend Edwards Forster's translation of The Arabian Nights
FORSTER, Reverend Edward.
The Arabian Nights, in Five Volumes, Translated by The Reverend Edward Forster.
London: Printed for William Miller, 1802.
Large paper edition of this early translation by Edward Forster (1769-1828), based on the French version of Antoine Galland which first appeared between 1704 and 1717. Royal octavo, bound in full period calf with morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, gilt tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, double gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, illustrated with engravings from pictures by Robert Smirke. In very good condition. Small bookplate to the pastedown of each volume.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 145199
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman": Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex; Signed by Her
The Second Sex.
Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library, 1979.
First Franklin Library edition of the author's masterpiece. Octavo, original full leather, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt tooling to the front and rear panel, all edges gilt, raised bands, silk ribbon bookmark bound in. Signed by Simone de Beauvoir. Translated by H.M. Parshley. Illustrated by Eugene Karlin. In fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 105112
John Bunyan's Grace Abounding and The Pilgrim's Progress
BUNYAN, John; Edited with Introduction by Roger Sharrock.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and The Pilgrim’s Progress from this World to that which is to come.
London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Finely bound Oxford University Press printing of the author's famous allegory and spiritual autobiography. Octavo, bound in full polished calf by Bayntun with morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, gilt tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, double gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, tissue-guarded frontispiece of John Bunyan from the pencil drawing by Robert White in the British Museum. Presentation stamp to the front free endpaper. In fine condition.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 145239