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Rare 1963 color photograph of the Project Mercury Astronauts; signed by GUS GRISSOM, JOHN GLENN, JR., GORDON COOPER, SCOTT CARPENTER, WALLY SCHIRRA, AND D.K. SLAYTON
CARPENTER, Scott; Gordon Cooper; John Glenn.
Project Mercury Astronauts Signed Photograph.
Chromogenic photograph of the Project Mercury astronauts, signed by six of the Mercury Seven. This informal group shot was taken at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston on October 21, 1963, during Look Magazine's photo coverage for the Mercury Seven's winning of the Robert J. Collier Trophy Award. Signed by Gus Grissom, John Glenn, Jr., Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter, Wally Schirra, And D.K. Slayton. With an additional secretarial signature for Alan Shepherd. Matted and framed. In near fine condition. The photograph measures 13.5 inches by 10.75 inches. The entire piece measures 18.75 inches by 21.5 inches. A very sharp piece.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 147686
"He thought about the wedding gift, a stool carved from Muiri wood. I'll change the woman's figure. I shall curve a woman big- big with child": First Edition of A Grain of Wheat; Lengthily Signed by Ngugi
NGUGI, James [Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o].
A Grain of Wheat.
London: William Heinemann, 1967.
First edition of the author's magnum opus. Octavo, original cloth. Lengthily signed by the author on the title page, "I'll change the woman's figure. I shall curve a woman big- big with child" NW Thiong'o 24th October 2006 Irvine." Near fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 144382
“When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future": First Edition of Gorillas In the Mist; Inscribed by Diane Fossey to Italian Naturalist Francesco Nardelli
Gorillas in the Mist.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1983.
First edition of Fossey's classic work. Octavo, original cloth, pictorial endpapers, illustrated throughout. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "With deepest gratitude to Francesco Nardelli for introducing me to the gorillas of Howletts Dian Fossey Feb 11, 1984." The recipient, Francesco Nardelli is an Italian naturalist who has dedicated his life to the protection and conservation of endangered species. He is also the co-founder, with John Aspinall, of the Sumatran Rhino Project, one of the most important coordinated efforts to save a critically endangered species. In 1980 he moved to England where he became Curator of Howletts and Port Lympne Zoo, John Aspinall’s Zoos in Kent. There…
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 146297
"Face an audience as frequently as you can and you will soon stop shying": First edition of Dale Carnegie's First Book: The Art of Public Speaking;
CARNEGEY (CARNEGIE), Dale and J. Berg Esenwein.
The Art of Public Speaking: An Inspirational Working Handbook of Instruction For All Who Would Become Efficient Public Speakers.
Springfield: Home Correspondence School, 1915.
First edition of Carnegie's pioneering work which would become the predecessor to countless self-improvement books. Octavo, original cloth, top edge gilt. Co-author Dale Carnegy would later change the spelling of his surname to Carnegie to associate himself in the eyes of the public with American business tycoon Andrew Carnegie, to whom he was not related. In near fine condition Rare and desirable.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 95246
Original NASA photograph of the Apollo 14 Mission launch; signed by viewers Spiro Agnew and Neil Armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Neil and Spiro Agnew.
Neil Armstrong and Spiro Agnew Apollo 14 Mission Launch Signed Photograph.
Official NASA photograph of the VIP grandstand at the Apollo 14 viewing site at Launch Complex 39 on January 31st 1971. Signed by both legendary astronaut Neil Armstrong and the 39th Vice President of the United States Spiro Agnew. Both are shown seated in the grandstand with Prince Juan Carlos and Princess Sofia of Spain beneath the American and Spanish flags. Double matted and framed. The entire piece measures 16.5 inches by 15 inches.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 100438
“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free": First Edition of Invisible Man; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery and Signed by Ralph Ellison
Invisible Man.
New York: Random House, 1952.
First edition of the author's landmark first novel, which went on to win the National Book Award. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Boldly signed by Ralph Ellison on a page bound in. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 148165
First Edition of the Authors Prophetic Book The Coming of Post Industrial Society; Inscribed by Daniel Bell in the year of Publication TO IRVING KRISTOL AND GERTRUDE HIMMELFARB
BELL, Daniel.
The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.
New York: Basic Books, 1973.
First edition of this insightful work which speaks about the coming of the service economy and the importance of knowledge for creating stratification in the new society. Octavo, original half cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the front free endpaper, "For Irving and Bea- with affection, as always, Dan May 30, 1973." The recipients were Irving Kristol and his wife Gertrude Himmelfarb, who were close friends of Bell’s. Kristol was a journalist who was dubbed the “godfather of neoconservatism.” Historian Gertrude Himmelfarb, also known as Bea Kristol, was an American historian who was…
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 118638
“THE ONLY THING NEW IN THIS WORLD IS THE HISTORY THAT YOU DON'T KNOW”: First Edition of President Trumans Mr. Citizen; Inscribed by Him to His Treasury Secretary
TRUMAN, Harry S.
Mr. Citizen.
New York: Bernard Geis, 1960.
First edition, the author's edition. Octavo, original half leatherette, slipcase, illustrated with 32 pages of black-and-white photographs. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Honorable John Wesley Snyder from his good friend, comrade and associate in most trying times. He was the greatest of the great Secretaries of the Treasury." The original slipcase is also inscribed to Snyder from Truman but has faded. John W. Snyder was appointed Secretary of the Treasury in 1946 by his close personal friend President Truman, with whom he had served in the Army Reserves. His task as Secretary was to establish a…
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 3806
"To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone": Scarce Amicus Brief issued for the historic 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
[BROWN, Oliver].
In the Supreme Court of the United States October Term, 1952. Oliver Brown, Mrs. Richard Lawton, Mrs. Sadie Emmanuel v. Board of Education of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas.
New York: Bar Press Inc., 1952.
Scarce Amicus brief issued for the historic 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in American schools to be unconstitutional. Octavo, original wrappers, rebacked with a tape repair. Invery good condition. Scarce, OCLC locates only a single copy held by the Kansas State Historical Society.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 135377
First Edition of Thomas Merton's Thoughts In Solitude; Signed by Him
MERTON, Thomas.
Thoughts In Solitude.
New York: Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy, 1958.
First edition of this work which stands alongside The Seven Storey Mountain as one of Merton's most popular works. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Thomas Merton on the title page. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Jacket, typography and binding by Enrico Arno.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 114467
First Edition of The Right Stuff; Signed by Tom Wolfe and Chuck Yeager
WOLFE, Tom [Chuck Yeager].
The Right Stuff.
New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1979.
First edition of Wolfe's classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Brian Blevins Tom Wolfe" and additionally signed by pilot Chuck Yeager. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket, name to the second endpaper. Jacket design by Kiyoshi Kanai. A very sharp example, rare signed by Wolfe and Yeager.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 146151
“To me education is a leading out of what is already there in the pupil's soul": First Edition of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; Signed by Muriel Spark
SPARK, Muriel.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
London: Macmillan, 1961.
First edition of Sparks’ eighth and best-loved novel. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Muriel Spark on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket with a touch or rubbing. Jacket design by Victor Reinganum. Uncommon signed.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 73072
“Win one for the Gipper!": First Edition of the 40th President of the United States Autobiography An American Life; Warmly Inscribed by Ronald Reagan
REAGAN, Ronald .
An American Life.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.
First edition of the 40th President of the United States' memoir. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, warmly inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Scott Mutryn- Win one for the Gipper! With Best Regards. Ronald Reagan Oct. 28-'93." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket, paper clip indentation to the front free endpaper. Jacket design by Robert Anthony, Inc. A unique inscription.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 146728
"It is my hope to recall this great shade from the past, and not only invest him with his panoply, but make him living and intimate to modern eyes": Finely Bound First Editions Churhill's of Marlborough: His Life and Times
Marlborough: His Life and Times.
London: George G. Harrap & Company, 1933-38.
First editions of each volume of Churchill's important biography of his notable ancestor, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Octavo, 4 volumes, bound in three quarters morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised bands, marbled endpapers, with hundreds of maps and plans (many folding), plates and document facsimiles. In near fine condition.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 140247
Large black and white photograph of the Roosevelt Luncheon at Lordvale, the home of industrialist Henry Worcester Smith in Grafton, Massachusetts; Signed by Theodore Roosevelt
ROOSEVELT, Theodore.
Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph.
Large black and white photograph of the Roosevelt Luncheon at Lordvale, the home of industrialist Henry Worcester Smith in Grafton, Massachusetts, held on September 1st 1916. Signed by Theodore Roosevelt on the lower right corner of the photograph, "Theodore Roosevelt." Double matted and framed. The photograph measures 16 inches by 14.5 inches. The entire piece measures 21 inches by 19.5 inches.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 88168
First edition of John Steinbeck's Classic Work East of Eden; In exceptional Condition
East of Eden.
New York: The Viking Press, 1952.
First edition, first issue of Steinbeck's epic and moving story of a modern Cain and Abel. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket with a touch of shelf wear. An exceptional example.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 147707
"Maybe you could show me how to let go, Lower my guard, Learn to be free. Maybe if you whistle, Whistle for me": First Edition of Anyone Can Whistle; Inscribed by both Arthur Laurents and Stephen Sondheim
LAURENTS, Arthur & Stephen Sondheim.
Anyone Can Whistle: A Musical Fable.
New York: Random House, 1965.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Warmly Inscribed by both Arthur Laurents and Stephen Sondheim on the half-title page. Fine in a near fine bright jacket without the fading usually encountered with the spine.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 762
Rare Lloyd Millard Bentsen Autograph Letter Archive
BENTSEN, Lloyd Millard [Jimmy Carter].
Lloyd Millard Bentsen Autograph Letter Archive.
Rare archive of autograph letters, photographs, and commemorative stamp folios from the collection of former United States Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Millard Bentsen. The archive includes a photograph of Bentsen with Jimmy Carter, inscribed by Carter to him, "Thanks & best wishes to my good friend Lloyd Bentsen - Jimmy Carter 2-21-80", two autograph letters and one typed letter signed by Lady Bird Johnson to Bentsen and his wife Beryl Ann thanking them for recent visits to the LBJ ranch, an autograph note signed by Kitty Dukakis regarding Lloyd Sr.'s passing, two commemorative stamp folios with autograph notes laid…
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 119532
"What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?I wish I knew... Just staying on it, I guess, as long as she can": First Edition A Cat On A Hot Tin Roof; Finely Bound by The Harcourt Bindery and Signed by Tennessee Williams
WILLIAMS, Tennessee.
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.
New York: New Directions, 1955.
First edition, first issue of one of Williams's best-known works and his personal favorite. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Boldly signed by Tennessee Williams on a page bound in. In fine condition.
Price: $2,850.00 Item Number: 143560
"As nearly perfect as any American fiction I know": Rare First Edition of James Salter's A Sport And A Pastime; Signed by Him
SALTER, James.
A Sport And A Pastime.
Garden City, NY: Paris Review Editions/ Doubleday, 1967.
First edition of this modern classic, hailed as a masterpiece. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by James Salter on the title page. With a publisher's compliments of the author laid in, fine in a good dust jacket with a few chips. Jacket collage by Alex Gotfryd. First editions are exceptionally rare and desirable signed.
Price: $2,800.00 Item Number: 146210