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“When I cannot see words curling like rings of smoke round me I am in darkness—I am nothing": First Edition of Virginia Woolf's The Waves
WOOLF, Virginia.
The Waves.
New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1931.
First edition of Woolf's most experimental novel. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Vanessa Bell. Housed in a custom half morocco slipcase. Uncommon in the original dust jacket.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 139435
"Our mighty weapon, the cooking spoon" The Joy of Cooking; Signed by Irma Rombauer
The Joy of Cooking.
Indianapolis/ New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1941.
Early printing of Irma S. Rombauer's culinary classic. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Joe with all good wishes most cordially Irma S. Rombauer." In very good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 115098
First edition of The Works of Benjamin Franklin; compiled by Jared Sparks
SPARKS, Jared. [Benjamin Franklin].
The Works of Benjamin Franklin; Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts Not Included in Any Former Edition, and Many Letters Official and Private Not Hitherto Published; with Notes and A Life of the Author.
Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1840.
First edition of Jared Sparks' authoritative compilation of Franklin's works and letters. Octavo, ten volumes bound in full contemporary polished calf with morocco spine labels lettered in gilt, gilt ruling to the spine, tissue-guarded engraved frontispiece portrait of Franklin, illustrated. In good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 141375
"God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better": First Edition of Just As I Am; Inscribed by Billy Graham to Bob and Delores Hope
GRAHAM, Billy.
Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham.
San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1997.
First edition of Billy Graham's autobiography. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page to Bob Hope and his wife Dolores, "To my dear friends Bob and Dolores God bless you always Billy Graham." Though this copy is personally signed and inscribed by Graham, attached to the front end page is a tipped-in note with the author's apologies for being unable to personally sign books due to his Parkinson's Disease. Rare personally signed and a wonderful association copy. From the library of Bob and Dolores Hope. Accompanied by a signed letter from Linda…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 2998
“Facing it, always facing it, that’s the way to get through. Face it": The Collected Works of Joseph Conrad; each volume in the rare original dust jackets
CONRAD, Joseph.
The Collected Works of Joseph Conrad. [Almayer’s Folly, An Outcast of the Islands, The Nigger of “Narcissus”, Tales of Unrest, Lord Jim, The Inheritors, Youth: and Two Other Stories, Romance, Typhoon and Other Stories, Nostromo, The Mirror of the Sea, The Secret Agent, A Set of Six, Under Western Eyes, Some Reminiscences, ‘Twist Land & Sea Tales, Chance, Victory, Within the Tides, The Shadow Line, The Arrow of Gold, On Day More, The Rescue].
Edinburgh & London: Various Publishers, 1925.
Collection of the writings of Joseph Conrad. Octavo, 20 volumes, original cloth. Near fine in the rare original dust jackets which are in near fine condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 125741
First Edition of Dee Brown's Bury My heart at Wounded Knee; Inscribed by Him
Bury My heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West.
New York : Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970.
First edition of this landmark work. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated with 49 black and white reproductions of photographic portraits of Native Americans. Presentation copy, warmly inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For R.B. Downs- my Super Chief for 23 pleasant years. And may our "book exchanges" continue for at least another 23! Sincerely, D.A. Brown." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Winston Potter. Signed first editions are decidedly scarce.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 127933
Rare complete set of Nuovo Teatro Comico Dell'Avvocato Carlo Goldoni
Nuovo Teatro Comico Dell’Avvocato Carlo Goldoni Poeta Di S. A. R. Il Serenissimo Infante di Spagna Don Filippo Duca Di Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, ec. [New Comic Theater of the Lawyer Carlo Goldoni].
Venezi: Francesco Pitteri, 1753-1755.
Rare complete set of Pitteri's 1757 printing of Goldoni's works of comic theater. Octavo, ten volumes bound in full vellum with gilt tooling to the spine, engraved frontispiece portrait of Goldoni by Pitteri after Piazetta. In good condition. Armorial bookplates. A rare complete set of this scarce printing published during the author's lifetime.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 129035
The Knave of Hearts.
New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1925.
First edition of "one of the greatest of American illustrated books" (Porter, 84), the last and most lavish children's book illustrated by Maxfield Parrish, with mounted cover design, pictorial endpapers, 14 full-page color plates, and nine in-text color illustrations. Folio, original black cloth, mounted cover illustration, pictorial endpapers. Housed in a custom cloth chemise and slipcase.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 133869
Signed Limited Edition of Aldous Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza
HUXLEY, Aldous.
Eyeless In Gaza.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1927.
Signed limited edition of what is considered by many to be Huxley's definitive work of fiction. Octavo, original cloth. Number 85 of 200 numbered copies, signed by Aldous Huxley. In near fine condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 136196
First Edition of Ethel Boileau's Ballade in G Minor; Inscribed by her to Ayn Rand
BOILEAU, Ethel [Ayn Rand].
Ballade in G Minor.
London: Hutchinson & Co, 1938.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the front free endpaper, "For Ayn Rand from Ethel Boileau A tribute to "We The Living" New York Feb.10th 1938." Lady Ethel Boileau was an English novelist, best known for Clansmen and Ballade in G Minor. Her correspondence with Ayn Rand began in 1936, when she wrote a glowing homage to We the Living after her American publisher had sent her a copy. After Rand read Clansmen in 1936, she wrote to Boileau that her “descriptions are so lovely…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 136398
Rare First Edition of Amartya Sen's Choice of Techniques; Inscribed by Him to Fellow Economist Francis Bator
SEN, Amartya Kumar.
Choice of Techniques: An Aspect of the Theory of Planned Economic Development.
Oxford: Basil Blackford, 1960.
First edition of the Nobel Prize-winning economist's dissertation. Octavo, original boards. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "Francis Bator with regards, Amartya Sen." The recipient, Francis M. Bator was Deputy National Security Advisor of the United States from 1965 to 1967. He was also a Special Assistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson. Bator was Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Political Economy in Harvard's Kennedy School of Government where he was founding chairman of the School's Public Policy Program, and director of studies in its Institute of Politics. Before coming to Harvard in 1967 he served as…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 115214
“Although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert": First Edition of J.K. Rowling's Quidditch: Through the Ages; Signed by Her
ROWLING, J.K [Kennelworthy Whisp].
Quidditch: Through the Ages.
New York: Arthur A. Levine/ Scholastic Books, 2001.
First edition of this "amazingly imaginative work" (Associated Press). Octavo, original wrappers as issued. Boldly signed by J.K. Rowling on the title page. In fine condition. Rare signed.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 141463
"Our mighty weapon, the cooking spoon" The Joy of Cooking; Signed by Irma Rombauer
The Joy of Cooking.
Indianapolis/ New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1946.
First edition of of the new and enlarged edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed "Cordially yours Irma S. Rombauer" on the front free endpaper. Very good in a very good dust jacket. Illustrations by Marion Rombauer Becker. Rare, especially signed.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 147747
Rare first edition, first issue of Lord Byron's The Giaour bound in contemporary calf with a rare first edition, first issue of The Corsair
BYRON, Lord George Gordon.
The Giaour, A Fragment of a Turkish Tale; The Bride of Abydos; The Corsair.
London: John Murray, 1813.
First trade edition, first issue of Byron's The Giaour; bound with a second edition of The Bride of Abydos and a rare first edition, first issue of The Corsair. Octavo, bound in full contemporary calf with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels. In near fine condition. Rare and desirable bound in contemporary calf and with two rare first issues.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 120498
First Edition of The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism; Signed by Daniel Bell
BELL, Daniel.
The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism.
New York: Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1976.
First edition of the author’s magnum opus. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Daniel Bell on the front free endpaper. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Vincent Torre.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 4274
First edition of Pershing's work on the different states of the first edition of John Milton's Paradise Lost; finely bound
The First Edition of ‘Paradise Lost’.
London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941.
First appearance of Pershing's work on the different states of the first edition of John Milton's Paradise Lost which appeared in Vol. XXII, No. I. June 1941 issue of Transactions of the Bibliographical Society New Series. Octavo, bound in three quarters morocco, marbled endpapers, with the original wrappers bound in, illustrated. In fine condition. Rare.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 95340
"A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example": First Edition of Joe Di Maggio's Lucky To Be A Yankee; Inscribed by Him
DI MAGGIO, Joe [DiMaggio].
Lucky To Be A Yankee.
New York: Rudolph Field, 1946.
First edition of this early autobiography by Joltin Joe Di Maggio. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in a contemporary hand, "To Dick- Hope the start of a good Pic Book! Best alwasy Joe Di Maggio." Foreword by Grantland Rice. Introduction by James A. Farley. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Most desirable signed by this baseball legend.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 107322
From the Library of Jack Kerouac: First Edition of I DODO A Poem Cycle; Inscribed to Him by Fred Kline
KLINE, Fred; [Jack Kerouac].
I, DODO: A Poem Cycle.
San Francisco: Double-H Press, 1968.
First edition of this charming book of poetry; from the library of 'On the Road' author Jack Kerouac. Sextodecimo, original wrappers. The first printing of 2000 copies. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "to Jack Kerouac, with great admiration. Fred Kline. Nov. 11, 1968 Dos Palos." The recipient, Jack Kerouac, is generally considered the father of the Beat movement, although he actively disliked such labels. His method was heavily influenced by the prolific explosion of jazz in 1960s America and later by his studies in Buddhism that originated with fellow beat and academic Gary Snyder.…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 146634
"Me and Robert looked at each other there a long time, they all went by him": First Edition of The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman; Lengthily Signed by Ernest J. Gaines
GAINES, Ernest J.
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.
New York: The Dial Press, 1971.
First edition of this classic novel, which depicts the struggles of African Americans as seen through the eyes of the narrator, a woman named Jane Pittman. Octavo, original boards. Lengthily signed by the author with a powerful quote from this novel on the title page, "Me and Robert looked at each other there a long time, they all went by him Best always Ernest J. Gaines." Fine in a very good dust jacket with a few small closed tears. Jacket design by Mike McGiver. A unique example.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 146411
Original Photograph signed by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer Autograph Signed Photograph.
Large photograph of Albert Schweitzer in Lambarene purchasing supplies for the hospital, signed and inscribed by him. The entire piece measures 13 inches by 11 inches. One of the largest signed photographs we have seen or handled.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 117846