First Edition
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Nicholas Machiavel’s Prince.
London: The Folio Society, 1970.
Finely bound edition of Machiavelli’s Prince, a seminal work in the foundation of modern political theory and a great classic of political science. Octavo, bound in full morocco by Asprey, gilt titles to the spine, raised bands, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers. In fine condition. A nice presentation.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 139631
First English Edition of the Nobel Prize-Winning Authors First Book; Signed by Saul Bellow
Dangling Man.
London: John Lehmann, 1946.
First British edition of the author's first book. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Saul Bellow on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket with the lightest of wear. Jacket design by Robert Medley.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 190
"To help the boys and girls of America to know the boys and girls of Britain, their allies in the building of the future": Rare collection of ten issues of Britain Junior
Britain Junior.
New York: British Information Services, 1944-1945.
Rare collection of ten issues of Britain Junior, issued by the British Ministry of Information in wartime England. Quarto, ten issues, illustrated with photographs. In fine condition. Uncommon.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 125390
First edition in English of Henri See's Modern Capitalism in the Rare Original Dust Jacket
SEE, Henri [Henry].
Modern Capitalism: Its Origin and Evolution.
London: Noel Douglas, 1928.
First edition in English of See's classic work. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece, illustrated. Near fine in the rare original dust jacket which is in very good condition. Translated by Homer B. Vanderblue and Georges F. Doroit.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 132345
Thornton Wilder's The Skin of Our Teeth Rare with Original Dust Jacket; Signed by Vivien Leigh
WILDER, Thornton [Vivien Leigh].
The Skin of Our Teeth: Play in Three Acts.
New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1942.
Early edition of this Pulitzer Prize-winning play. Octavo, original cloth and labels. Signed by actress Vivien Leigh on the front free endpaper. One of the most iconic actresses of the 20th century, known particularly for her portrayal of Scarlett O'Hara in the 1939 epic film 'Gone with the Wind,' Leigh was lauded for her talent in acting, winning multiple awards for Best Actress across her years in film. Leigh was already well-established by the time she accepted the role of Lily Sabina in Thornton Wilder's play, 'The Skin of Our Teeth,' which she performed in between work on 'Caesar and…
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 145370
“I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see": First Edition of Blindness; inscribed by Nobel Prize-Winning Author Jose Saramago
New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997.
First edition of the author's masterpiece. Octavo, original boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Saul Jose Saramago 29.10.2008." Translated from the Portuguese by Giovanni Pontiero. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Claudine Guerguerian. Uncommon signed and inscribed.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 146522
First edition of William Gladstone's Speeches and Addresses Delivered at the Election of 1865; signed by him
Speeches and Addresses Delivered at the Election of 1865. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer.
London: John Murray, 1865.
First edition of the Gladstone's collected speeches delivered at the Election of 1865. Octavo, original wrappers. Signed by Gladstone on the front panel, "From the Author." In near fine condition.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 134982
First Edition of Mary Oliver's House of Light
OLIVER, Mary .
House of Light.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
First edition of this work by the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Cover design by Dede Cummings. Rare.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 146866
First Edition of Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home: A Cookbook; Signed by both Julia Child and Jacques Pepin
CHILD, Julia and Jacques Pepin.
Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home: A Cookbook.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.
First edition of this work by these two legendary chefs. Quarto, original boards, illustrated with 328 color photographs by Christopher Hirsheimer. Signed by both Julia Child and Jacques Pepin on the second free endpaper. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Carol Devine Carson.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 147276
Finely bound collection of stories and poems from Little Folks Magazine; featuring Arthur Rackham's first printed colour plate
[RACKHAM, Arthur].
Little Folks: A Magazine For Young People.
London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1899.
Finley bound collection in book form of stories and poems from Little Folks Magazine, featuring Arthur "Rackham's 1st printed colour plate" (Riall, p. 212), Up a Tree, used as the frontispiece. Quarto, Vol. II, bound in three quarter morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, illustrated with numerous full page and in-text illustrations including 6 coloured plates. In very good condition.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 142843
First Edition of Carl Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections; In the Rare Original Dust Jacket
JUNG, Carl [C.G.].
Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1963.
First edition of this classic biography by one of the most influential psychiatrists of the modern age, drawing from his lectures, conversations, and own writings. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece of Jung. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson. Jacket design by Howard Morris. Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe. First editions are rare, especially in the original dust jacket.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 148168
First Editions of Time on the Cross; Inscribed by both Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman
FOGEL, Robert William and Stanley L. Engerman.
Time On The Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery & Time On the Cross Evidence and Methods. Two Volumes.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974.
First edition of this work which attracted widespread attention in the media and generated heated controversy and criticism for its methodology and conclusions. Octavo, original brown cloth, 2 volumes. Both volumes are inscribed by both authors to the same recipient. Volume one is near fine in a near fine dust jacket with light wear to the spine tips. Volume two is near fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Sarah L. Bindari.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 2415
First Edition of Forever Ulysses; Signed by Translator Patrick Leigh Fermor
RODOCANACHI, C.P. [Translated by Patrick Leigh Fermor].
Forever Ulysses.
New York: The Viking Press, 1938.
First edition of the author's first novel and Patrick Leigh Fermor's first significant literary contribution. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by the translator Patrick Leigh Fermor on the title page. Fine in a very good dust jacket with some wear to the crown of the spine and a few small closed tears. Leigh Fermor translated this novel at the age of 22.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 3901
“Every man and every living creature has a sacred right to the gladness of springtime": Leo Tolstoy's Resurrection
Resurrection: A Novel.
London: The Brotherhood Publishing Co., 1900.
Second edition in English of Tolstoy's final novel which outsold both Anna Karenina and War and Peace. Tall octavo, original cloth with gilt titles to the spine and front panel. In near fine condition. Uncommon.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 127408
First Edition of John Truslow Adams' The Epic of America; Finely Bound by The Harcourt Bindery
ADAMS, James Truslow.
The Epic of America.
Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1931.
First edition of the work which introduced the term “American dream” into the lexicon and the “single best volume of American history” (Allan Nevins). Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, frontispiece, gilt titles and ruling to the spine, raised bands, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Illustrated by M.J. Gallagher. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 145767
First Edition of Fannie Flagg's Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe; Warmly Inscribed by Her in the year of publication
FLAGG, Fannie.
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe.
New York: Random House, 1987.
First edition of this classic novel. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the front free endpaper, "Nov. 1987 For Mia- Best Wishes from "Susie Sweetwater" Fannie Flagg." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Wendell Minor.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 133206
First Edition of Richard Posner's The Economics of Justice; Inscribed by Him
POSNER, Richard A.
The Economics of Justice.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.
First edition of Posner's classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To John Roger with all best wishes Dick Posner." Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 85890
First edition of The Soldier in Our Civil War: A Pictorial History of the Conflict, 1861-1865
MOTTELAY, Paul F. and T. Campbell-Copeland.
The Soldier in Our Civil War: A Pictorial History of the Conflict, 1861-1865. Illustrating the Valor of the Soldier as Displayed on the Battle-Field.
Richmond and New York: Stanley Bradely Publishing Company, 1890.
First edition of both volumes in this profusely illustrated set, containing large engraved portraits of Lincoln, Grant, McClellan and numerous battle scenes. Folio, 2 volumes, original cloth decorated in gilt, illustrated from sketches drawn by Forbes, Waud, Taylor, Hillen, Becker, Lovie, and Schell among others. In good condition. A rare complete set.
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 134950
First Edition of The Prince of Egypt: A New Vision in Animation; Inscribed by Directors Simon Wells, Steve Hickner, and Brenda Chapman
SOLOMON, Charles.
The Prince of Egypt: A New Vision in Animation.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1998.
First edition of this brilliantly illustrated behind-the-scenes look at the 'The Prince of Egypt.' Small folio, original boards, illustrated throughout with over 500 full color screen captures, pieces of concept art, and photographs of the animators. Presentation copy, inscribed in black felt tip by the movie directors Simon Wells, "To Larry - Thanks for having us on the show! Simon Wells," Steve Hickner, "For Larry - Thanks for letting us on the show! Steve Hickner," and Brenda Chapman, "Larry - It was an honor to be on your show & a pleasure to meet you! Thanks! Brenda Chapman," presumably to…
Price: $850.00 Item Number: 145446