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Rare Eighteenth Century Map of China by Renowned French Cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
BELLIN, Jacques-Nicolas.
L’Empire de La Chine Pour Servir a l’Histoire Generale des Voyages. [Eighteenth Century Jacques-Nicolas Bellin Map of China].
Paris: 1748.
Eighteenth century engraved map of China by renowned French cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. One page with two decorative cartouches. In near fine condition. Double matted and framed. The entire piece measures 22 inches by 17.25 inches.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 137234
First Edition of Roald Dahl's Going Solo; Warmly Inscribed by Him
DAHL, Roald.
Going Solo.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1986.
First edition of this classic autobiographical account of Dahl's exploits as a World War II pilot. Octavo, original cloth, pictorial endpapers. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the half-title page, "Michael Love Roald Dahl 15/12/86." Fine in a fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket illustration by Julie Tennent. Author's photograph by Sophie Baker.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 135871
First Edition of Graham Greene's The Quiet American; With the Rare Wrap Around Band
GREENE, Graham.
The Quiet American.
London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1955.
First edition of Greene's classic novel of exploration of love, innocence, and morality in Vietnam. Octavo, original blue cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket with the rare wrap around band. An exceptional example, rare and desirable especially with the wrap around band.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 148133
First Edition of A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and American in Vietnam; Warmly Inscribed by Neil Sheehan
A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and American in Vietnam.
New York: Random House, 1988.
First edition of the definitive Vietnam War exposé which won both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication, "Dec. 4, 1988 To Tom Griffin, With Best Wishes, Neil Sheehan." Fine in fine dust jacket. Jacket design by John Sposato.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 140223
"The greatest description of war since Goya" (Henri Cartier-Bresson); Vietnam Inc.; Signed by Noam Chomsky
GRIFFITH, Philip Jones; Foreword by Noam Chomsky.
Vietnam Inc.
New York: Phaidon Press, 2001.
First edition of the re-release of classic photojournalist work. Folio, original black boards, illustrated. Boldly signed by Noam Chomsky on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Foreword by Noam Chomsky.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 125511
First Edition of Edward O. Wilson's The Diversity of Life; Warmly inscribed by Him to Colleague Ruth Turner
WILSON, Edward O.
The Diversity of Life.
Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992.
First edition of this work by the Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "For Ruth Turner with warmest regards and respect Edward O. Wilson." Wilson who has also added a drawing of an ant. The recipient, Ruth Turner was a colleague of Wilson's at Harvard and was also a pioneering marine biologist and malacologist. She was the world's expert on Teredinidae or shipworms, a taxonomic family of wood-boring bivalve mollusks which severely damage wooden marine installations. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Marianne Perlak. An…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 131698
First edition of The 56th Fighter Group In World War II; SIGNED BY 13 MEMBERS OF THE 56TH FIGHTER GROUP
The 56th Fighter Group In World War II.
Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1948.
First edition of this authoritative record of the 56th Fighter Group's achievements in the European Theater of Operations. Quarto, original publisher's cloth, pictorial endpapers, illustrated. Signed by 13 members of the 56th Fighter Group on the half-title page including Robert S. Johnson, Robert J. Rankin, Billy G. Edens (with an additional signed card by Edens laid-in), and more. In near fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 146987
Rare Second Pickering Diamond Edition of Horace's Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
London: Gulielmus Pickering, 1824.
Rare second Pickering Diamond edition, large paper issue, with an additional engraved title page. 12 mo, bound in full morocco, gilt titles to the front panel, raised bands, marbled endpapers. In very good condition. Housed in a custom chemise and half morocco slipcase.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 82315
First Edition of The World's Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild; Signed by Niall Ferguson
The World’s Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998.
First British edition of Ferguson's monumental history of the Rothschilds. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed Niall Ferguson on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 147605
First Edition of Ullman's Day on Fire, The; Signed by Him
ULLMAN, James Ramsey.
The Day On Fire: A Novel Suggested by the Life of Arthur Rimbaud.
Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1958.
First edition of this masterwork of biographical fiction. Octavo, original cloth. One of 350 presentation copies signed by James Ramsey Ullman. Near fine in a very good dust jacket with a chip to the spine. Jacket design by George Salter.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 115744
First edition of Isaac Asimov's The Heavenly Host; inscribed by him
ASIMOV, Isaac. Illustrated by Bernard Colonna.
The Heavenly Host.
New York: Walker and Company, 1975.
First edition of Asimov's classic juvenile science fiction adventure. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated by Bernard Colonna. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Steve Isaac Asimov." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 142300
"In nature nothing exists alone": First Edition of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring
CARSON, Rachel.
Silent Spring.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1962.
First edition of Carson's landmark work. Octavo, original green cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Drawings by Lois and Louis Darling.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 144688
First British Edition of The Dog Years; Signed by Gunter Grass With a Large Drawing
GRASS, Gunter.
Dog Years.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965.
First British edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's third and final novel in his acclaimed Danzig Trilogy. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed and dated in the year of publication by Gunter Grass with a large drawing of a chicken on the title page. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Gunter Grass. Translated by Ralph Manheim. A unique signed example.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 145663
The Constitution of The United States; Inscribed by Daniel Boorstin to William Safire
BOORSTIN, Daniel [William Safire].
United States Constitution.
Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow, and Company, 1987.
First edition of the Constitution published for the bicentennial of its adoption in 1787. Octavo, original wrappers. Association copy, inscribed by Daniel Boorstin on the title page, "For Bill and Helene with love from Dan Sept 7, 1987." The recipient, William Safire was an important American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter and a close friend of the then Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin. Safire joined Nixon’s campaign for the 1960 Presidential race, and again in 1968. After Nixon’s 1968 victory, Safire served as a speechwriter for him and Spiro Agnew. He authored several political columns in addition to his…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 127627
First Edition of Vladimir Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading; Signed by the Translator Dmitri Nabokov
NABOKOV, Vladimir.
Invitation to a Beheading.
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1957.
First edition of this "wonderful tour de force" (Gilbert Highet). Octavo, original half cloth, red topstain. Signed by the translator Dmitri Nabokov on the title page. Dmitri Nabokov was the only child of Vladimir Nabokov and his wife Vera; they emigrated to the United States from France in 1940. In his later years, Nabokov translated many of his father's works into other languages, and served as the executor of his father's literary estate. Fine in a very good dust jacket. Translated by Dmitri Nabokov. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 140003
First Edition of Norman Douglas' South Wind; In exceptional condition
DOUGLAS, Norman.
South Wind.
London: Martin Secker, 1917.
First edition of the author's classic work based on the island of Capri. Octavo, original cloth. In near fine condition. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise case.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 142093
“It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment?": First edition of Vita Sackville-West's Collected Poems; signed by her and from the library of Erica Jong
Collected Poems.
London: Published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1933.
First edition of Sackville-West's collected poems including "The Land" and "Sissinghurst" (which was dedicated to Virginia Woolf), as well as 28 new poems published here for the first time. Octavo, complete in one volume (Volume I was the only volume published). Signed by the author on the front free endpaper. From the library of Erica Jong. Jong remains best known for her 1973 novel Fear of Flying which became famously controversial for its portrayal of female sexuality and figured prominently in the development of second-wave feminism. Written in the first person and narrated by its protagonist, 29-year-old American poet Isadora…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 142371
First Edition of Harold Pinter's The Collection and the Lover
PINTER, Harold.
The Collection and the Lover.
London: Methuen and Co, 1963.
First edition of this classic work by the Nobel Prize-winning playwright. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Housed in a custom half morocco chemise and clamshell box. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 143521
First edition of Robert Parker's The World's Greatest Wine Estates; Signed by Him
PARKER, Robert M.
The World’s Greatest Wine Estates: A Modern Perspective.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005.
First edition of the renowned wine critic's elaborately illustrated work showcasing 175 of the world's most accomplished wine estates. Quarto, original cloth, pictorial endpapers, elaborately illustrated with color photographs. Boldly signed by Robert M. Parker on the second free endpaper. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Beth Middleworth. Uncommon signed.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 144062