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J.H. Stine's History of the Army of the Potomac; inscribed by him
History of the Army of the Potomac.
Washington, D.C.: Privately Printed, 1893.
Second edition of Stine's history of the the principal Union Army in the Eastern Theater of the American Civil War. Octavo, original cloth, patterned endpapers, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the flyleaf, "With the compliments of the author to a personal friend C.A. Fromm... J.H. Stine." In very good condition. Rare.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 132771
"Some things aren't any good unless they're shared": First Edition of A Fine and Private Place; Signed by Peter S. Beagle
BEAGLE, Peter S.
A Fine and Private Place.
New York: The Viking Press, 1960.
First edition of Peter Beagle's first fantasy novel. Octavo, original half cloth. Boldly signed by Peter Beagle on the front free endpaper with a smiley in the "P." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by George Salter. An exceptional signed example.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 146917
First Edition of Graham Greene's The Quiet American; With the Rare Wrap Around Band
GREENE, Graham.
The Quiet American.
London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1955.
First edition of Greene's classic novel of exploration of love, innocence, and morality in Vietnam. Octavo, original blue cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket with the rare wrap around band. An exceptional example, rare and desirable especially with the wrap around band.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 148133
"There are still times I wake up at three o'clock in the morning... to write books like this one": FIRST EDITION OF HOW THE GARCIA GIRLS LOST THEIR ACCENTS; Lengthily SIGNED BY JULIA ALVAREZ
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents.
Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Press, 1991.
First edition of the author's classic work. Octavo, original half cloth, Lengthily signed by the author on the title page, "May you enjoy my book- There are still times I wake up at three o'clock in the morning... to write books like this one, Julia Alvarez." Near fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket art by Paul Munck. Jacket design by Carin Goldberg.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 108779
Rare 18th Century Map of Florida, Louisiana, and Neighboring Countries by famed French cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
BELLIN, Jacques-Nicolas.
Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays Voisins. [18th Century Map of Florida, Louisiana, and Neighboring Countries. To be used in the General History of Travel].
Jean-Francois de La Harpe, 1757.
Rare 18th century engraved map of North America by French cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. One page, hand-colored, the map shows the French territory of Louisiane and Florida. Labelled cities and regions include St. Augustine, Savannah, New Orleans, Santa Fe, Toronto, Detroit, Mobile, Pensacola, New Mexico, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Topographical features include Lakes Michigan, Erie, and Superior, the Savannah, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers, and the Appalachian Mountains. Bellin also labels the locations of various Native tribes such as the Cherokees, Osages, and Apaches, as well as locations of major forts. In near fine condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 138434
First Edition of Donald's Lincoln's Herndon; Warmly Inscribed by Him
DONALD, David.
Lincoln’s Herndon.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948.
First edition of the Pulitzer-Prize historian's first book. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper in the year of publication, "For Ann and Mary Ann Schmidt from Marion Bonzi with the best wishes of the author, David Donald Christmas 1948." On page 11, she is mentioned as "Expertly and meticulously she has read the book both in manuscript and in proof. Her passion for accuracy has saved me from a score of errors." Bonzi was instrumental in a number of heavyweight scholarly productions. Two years after this inscription she married Lincoln historian…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 118772
First Edition of Robert J. Shiller's Macro Markets: Creating Institutions for Managing Society's Largest Economic Risks; Signed by Him
SHILLER, Robert J.
Macro Markets: Creating Institutions for Managing Society’s Largest Economic Risks.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
First edition of this classic work by the Nobel Prize-winning economist and winner of the first Paul A. Samuelson Award. Octavo, original cloth. Signed and dated by the author on the title page, "Robert J. Shiller Oct. 8, 2015." Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 130611
Rare first edition of the 1862 Civil, Military and Naval Blue Book with the United States census of 1860
Blue Book: Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval, in the Service of the United States; Corrected to November, 1862…Together with the Census of 1860, by States and Territories.
New York: Published by J. H. Colton, 1863.
Rare first edition of the 1862 Civil, Military and Naval Blue Book with the United States census of 1860. Octavo, original cloth, preliminary and terminal advertisements. In very good condition. Ownership stamps. Rare.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 133075
First Edition of Scott Turow's Presumed Innocent; Inscribed by Him in the year of Publication
TUROW, Scott.
Presumed Innocent.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1987.
First edition of Turow's first novel and the first book to feature his memorable character Rusty Sabich and basis for the film starring Harrison Ford, Raul Julia and Greta Scacchi. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "Fran and Carl Korn Best wishes Scott Turow 1 Nov 87." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by One Plus One Studio.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 132465
Rare 19th Century American Map of Florida
19th Century American Map of Florida.
Chicago: People's Publishing Co, [c. 1890].
19th century American map of the state of Florida. One page, the map shows a detailed view of the stated divided by county and includes an inset of the North-western portion of Florida. In near fine condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 21.5 inches by 17.25 inches.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 139015
First edition of The 56th Fighter Group In World War II; SIGNED BY 13 MEMBERS OF THE 56TH FIGHTER GROUP
The 56th Fighter Group In World War II.
Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1948.
First edition of this authoritative record of the 56th Fighter Group's achievements in the European Theater of Operations. Quarto, original publisher's cloth, pictorial endpapers, illustrated. Signed by 13 members of the 56th Fighter Group on the half-title page including Robert S. Johnson, Robert J. Rankin, Billy G. Edens (with an additional signed card by Edens laid-in), and more. In near fine condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 146987
First edition of Anne Shannon Monroe's Signing in the Rain; inscribed by her and in the rare original dust jacket
MONROE, Anne Shannon.
Singing in the Rain: Essays for Thoughtful People.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc, 1930.
First edition of this collection of the author's popular articles on beautiful living. Octavo, original cloth with gilt titles to the spine and front panel. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Cora E. MacKenzie of Lauta; and a delightful evening's memory at the Town Club in Portland Oregon. from Anne Shannon Monroe Leave Grove Oregon." Fine in the rare original dust jacket which is in very good condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 115861
Rare autograph letter signed by W. Somerset Maugham
MAUGHAM, W. Somerset.
W. Somerset Maugham Autograph Letter Signed.
Autograph letter signed by the author of The Razor's Edge, W. Somerset Maugham. One page, on Messages Maritimes letterhead, the letter reads, "On the way to Port Said at sea. My dear Miller Thank you very much for sending me a cable on my first night. It was kind of you to think of me at that trying moment. Since it took £404 on the second night I think it has got something. Yours very faithfully, W.S. Maugham." The recipient, Gilbert Heron Miller was an American theatrical producer who collaborated with Maugham on several plays including The Constant Wife and…
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 115513
First Edition of The World's Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild; Signed by Niall Ferguson
The World’s Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998.
First British edition of Ferguson's monumental history of the Rothschilds. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed Niall Ferguson on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 147605
Signed Limited First Edition of Anzia Yezierska's Bread Givers
Bread Givers: A Novel.
Doubleday, Page & Company: Garden City, NY, 1925.
Signed limited first edition of the author's classic work. Octavo, original cloth, pictorial endpapers. One of 500 examples signed by Anzia Yezierska. In very good condition.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 125779
First edition of Isaac Asimov's The Heavenly Host; inscribed by him
ASIMOV, Isaac. Illustrated by Bernard Colonna.
The Heavenly Host.
New York: Walker and Company, 1975.
First edition of Asimov's classic juvenile science fiction adventure. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated by Bernard Colonna. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Steve Isaac Asimov." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 142300
Rare First Edition of Schumpeter's Rudimentary Mathematics for Economists and Statisticians
CRUM, W.L. and Joseph A. Schumpeter.
Rudimentary Mathematics for Economists and Statisticians.
1946: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1946.
First edition of this classic work by Schumpeter. Octavo, original cloth, gilt titles to the spine. In very good condition. Rare.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 130196
"In nature nothing exists alone": First Edition of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring
CARSON, Rachel.
Silent Spring.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1962.
First edition of Carson's landmark work. Octavo, original green cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Drawings by Lois and Louis Darling.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 144688
First Edition of Gore Vidal's The Judgment of Paris; Signed by Him
VIDAL, Gore.
The Judgment of Paris.
New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc, 1952.
First edition of this classic coming of age story. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Gore Vidal on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket with a touch of wear. Jacket design by George Salter. Rare in this condition and signed.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 92437
First British Edition of The Dog Years; Signed by Gunter Grass With a Large Drawing
GRASS, Gunter.
Dog Years.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965.
First British edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's third and final novel in his acclaimed Danzig Trilogy. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed and dated in the year of publication by Gunter Grass with a large drawing of a chicken on the title page. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Gunter Grass. Translated by Ralph Manheim. A unique signed example.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 145663