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"I have discovered that even the mediocre can have adventures and even the fearful can achieve": First Edition of Nothing Venture, Nothing Win; Inscribed by Edmund Hillary
HILLARY, Edmund.
Nothing Venture, Nothing Win.
New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1975.
First edition of Hillary's autobiography, which he considered his finest book. Octavo, original blue boards, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Dan Searle with kindest regards Ed Hillary." The recipient, Dan Searle was a business executive and philanthropist. He served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of G. D. Searle & Co from 1970 to 1977, and as its Chairman from 1977 until its merger with Monsanto in 1985. He established the Searle Freedom Trust to promote free market economics. Fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by George Chrichard.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 147926
"I speak to the broken halves of all our selves and tell them to embrace, loving the worst in us equally with the best": First Paperback Edition of J.M. Coetzee's Dusklands; Inscribed by Him
London: Penguin Press, 1982.
First paperback edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's first book. Octavo, original wrappers. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "For Ken Hubner with best wishes J.M. Coetzee Cape Town April 27, 1987." In near fine condition.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 129678
"Hic Calix! Look that up in Latin, 'Here's the chalice,' and be sure there's wine in it": First Edition of Jack Kerouac's Vanity of Duluoz
Vanity of Duluoz.
New York: Coward-McCann, Inc, 1968.
First edition of this classic work by the author of On the Road. Octavo, original half cloth, pictorial endpapers. Near fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. An exceptional example, uncommon in this condition.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 132201
"Keep the gimlet with you": Rare 1933 Special Carling Hotel edition of The Gimlet
The Gimlet: Miami, Palm Beach, Havana.
Miami: John Ashe Scott, Publisher, 1933.
Special Carling Hotel edition of The Gimlet, "published in the interest of the many visitors to Cuba and Florida and other fascinating resorts of the South." Slim octavo, original illustrated wrappers, illustrated with numerous vintage advertisements. In near fine condition.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 134108
First Edition of A Tribute to John F. Kennedy; Warmly Inscribed by Pierre Salinger to Actor Allan Sherman
SALINGER, Pierre [John F. Kennedy].
A Tribute to John F. Kennedy.
Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 1964.
First edition of this tribute to President Kennedy. Octavo, original boards, original slipcase, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Allan Sherman with the sincere appreciation of his friend and admirer Pierre Salinger." The recipient, Allan Sherman was actor, singer, producer and writer who became known as a song parodist in the early 1960s. His first album, My Son, the Folk Singer (1962), became the fastest-selling record album up to that time. His biggest hit was Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, a comic novelty recording in which a boy describes his summer camp experiences to the…
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 134104
First Edition of The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Alone, 1932-1940; Inscribed by William Manchester
The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Alone, 1932-1940.
Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1988.
First edition of the author's classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, lengthily inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the dedication page, "For Pat- With warmest regards and all good wishes- Wm Manchester Washington D.C. November 88." Fine in a very good dust jacket.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 146386
Jacob A. Riis's The Making of an American; Rare Autograph Letter Signed by Him Tipped In
RIIS, Jacob.
The Making of An American. [WITH] Jacob A. Riis Autograph Letter Signed.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1902.
Early printing of this exceptional autobiography from the exceptional American reporter and reformer, Jacob A. Riis. Octavo, original blue ribbed cloth with gilt titles to the spine and front panel, tissue-guarded half-tone frontispiece portrait of Riis, top edge gilt illustrated with in-line and full-page half-tone drawings and photographs. In very good condtion with rubbing, bookplate of Walter Sondheim to the front pastedown. Rare autograph letter signed by the author, tipped in. Octavo, one page on Riis's personal stationary, signed by Riis and dated Oct 1903. In near fine condition with mail folds. Also tipped in is a magazine article on…
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 146700
First Edition of Thomas J. Sargent's Rational Expectations and Inflation; Inscribed by Him
SARGENT, Thomas J.
Rational Expectations and Inflations.
New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1986.
Advanced review copy of the Nobel Prize-winning economist's classic work. Octavo, original wrappers as issued. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "For John Thomas J. Sargent." In near fine condition.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 112448
First Edition of Philip Roth's When She Was Good; Inscribed by Him in the Year of Publication
ROTH, Philip.
When She Was Good.
New York: Random House, 1967.
First edition of Roth's second novel. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper in the year of publication, "Sept. 7, 1967 NYC To Jack Keeney- For the testimonial baquet- Philip Roth." Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Roy Kuhlman.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 115622
First edition of Richard Ford's The Ultimate Good Luck; lengthily inscribed by him to photographer Sally Soames
FORD, Richard.
The Ultimate Good Luck.
London: Collins Harvill, 1989.
First edition of Ford's second published novel. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the title page to Sally Soames who contributed the author photograph for the dust jacket, "For Sally, Right! Better... Indeed. Genuine, ever complex... Richard Ford." The recipient, British photojournalist Sally Soames, worked for The Sunday Times from 1968 until 2000 and was highly regarded for her exclusively black and white portraits of many of the most prominent figures of the 20th century including Menachem Begin, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Thatcher, Sean Connery, Rudolf Nureyev, Alec Guinness and Andy Warhol. Soames, who was known to…
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 123277
First Edition of Bright Wings; Inscribed by Billy Collins to fellow Poet Georgianna Orsini
COLLINS, Billy; Paintings by David Allen Sibley.
Bright Wings.
New York: Columbia University, 2009.
First edition of this wonderful collaboration between Collins and Sibley. Octavo, original boards, illustrated throughout. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Georgianna and Armando I miss you! Billy Collins." The recipient, Georgianna Orsini is an author and poet as well as former partner of Leonard Cohen. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 148016
First Edition of Nixon: An Oliver Stone Film; Signed by Him
STONE, Oliver.
Nixon: An Oliver Stone Film.
New York: Hyperion, 1995.
First edition of the screenplay which was the basis for the work by the legendary director. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers. Boldly signed by Oliver Stone on the title page. In fine condition. Edited by Eric Hamburg. Screenplay by Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson, and Oliver Stone.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 133168
Inscribed by Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Angus Deaton
DEATON, Angus.
Essays in the Theory and Measurement of Consumer Behaviour: In Honour of Sir Richard Stone.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
First edition of this collection of essays in honour of the Nobel Prize-winning economist Richard Stone. Octavo, original cloth. Inscribed by the editor Angus Deaton on the half-title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 75092
"Since the day we were born, twins like Jacob and Esau , the younger had ruled the older. Did anyone ever say Esay and Jacob? Jacob have I loved": First Edition of Jacob Have I loved; Inscribed by Katherine Paterson
PATERSON, Katherine.
Jacob Have I Loved.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1980.
First edition of the author's second Newbery Award-winning novel. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, lengthily inscribed by the author, "Since the day we were born, twins like Jacob and Esau , the younger had ruled the older. Did anyone ever say Esay and Jacob? Jacob have I loved... For Lisa Katherine Paterson." Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Kinuko Craft. A unique example.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 73768
Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies?; Inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning Economist James J. Heckman
HECKMAN, James J. and Alan Krueger.
Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies?
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004.
First edition, early printing of this work by the Nobel Prize-winning economist. Octavo, original boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To John Rogers with respect Jim Heckman 9/18/15." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 138139
First edition of Peter Diamond's A Search-Equilibrium Approach to the Micro Foundations of Macroeconomics: The Wicksell Lectures, 1982; signed by him
A Search-Equilibrium Approach to the Micro Foundations of Macroeconomics: The Wicksell Lectures, 1982.
Cambridge: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.
First edition of this collection of lectures delivered by Diamond at the 1982 Wicksell lectures. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Peter Diamond on the half-title page. In fine condition.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 114504
“I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe": First edition of Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch; warmly inscribed by her
TARTT, Donna.
The Goldfinch.
New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2013.
First edition of the bestselling author's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Octavo, original publisher's cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "especially for John - on Halloween - Donna Tartt." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Keith Hayes. Jacket painting: The Goldfinch (1654) by Carel Fabritius. Author photograph by Beowulf Sheehan.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 141045
First Edition of Saul bellow's Something to Remember Me By; Inscribed by Him to Sally Soames
Something to Remember Me By. Three Tales. The Bellarosa Connection, A Theft, Something To Remember Me By.
New York: The Viking Press, 1991.
First edition of this trio of short works by the Nobel laureate and “greatest writer of American prose of the twentieth century” (James Wood, The New Republic). Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "For Sally Soames, Saul Bellow Chicago Oct 10 '91." The recipient, British photojournalist Sally Soames, worked for The Sunday Times from 1968 until 2000 and was highly regarded for her exclusively black and white portraits of many of the most prominent figures of the 20th century including Menachem Begin, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Thatcher, Sean Connery, Rudolf Nureyev, Alec Guinness…
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 118778
Limited Edition of Tristram; Signed by Edwin Arlington Robinson
ROBINSON, Edwin Arlington.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927.
Signed limited edition of this popular Pulitzer prize-winning Arthurian narrative poem. Octavo, original publisher's half cloth, top edge gilt. One of three hundred and fifty copies signed by Edwin Arlington Robinson on the limitation page, this one is number 167. In near fine condition, bookplate to the front pastedown. From the library of Frank Irving Fletcher, a prominent freelance copywriter of advertising who famously wrote in his autobiography 'Lucid Interval,' “The aim of modern advertising is not to make people think, but to save them the trouble and effort of thinking."
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 145430
"I wanted to climb high again in order to be able to see deep inside myself": First edition of Reinhold Messner's Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate; signed by him and Peter Habeler
MESSNER, Reinhold. [Peter Habeler].
Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate.
London: Kaye & Ward, 1979.
First edition of Messner's thrilling account of the first ascent of Everest without the use of artificial oxygen. Octavo, original cloth, pictorial endpapers, illustrated. Boldly signed by Reinhold Messner and by Peter Habeler on the first page of the book's first section, The Idea. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Translated by Audrey Salkeld. Uncommon signed by both Messner and Habeler.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 136235