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Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America Inscribed by Barbara Ehrenreich
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America.
New York : Metropolitan Books, 2001.
First edition, early printing of this work, which was named one of the New York Times’ 100 Best Books of the 21st Century. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Lynn- Thanks for your support of Measure '25 Barbara Ehrenreich." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Raquel Jaramillo.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 146483
First Edition of Annie Dillard's An American Childhood; The Author's Own Copy
An American Childhood.
New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1987.
First edition of Dillard's poignant, vivid memoir of growing up in Pittsburgh in the 1950s. Octavo, original cloth, pictorial endpapers. The author's own copy with her personal bookplate. Signed by Annie Dillard on the title page. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Lynn Dreese Breslin.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 1746
First Edition of The Stone Raft; Signed by Nobel Prize-Winning Author Jose Saramago
Stone Raft.
New York: Harcourt, 1995.
First edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's third book to be translated into English. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed and dated by Jose Saramago on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Translated from the Portuguese by Giovanni Pontiero.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 139
First Edition of Al Pacino: In Conversation with Lawrence Grobel; Signed by Academy Award-Winning Actor Al Pacino
Al Pacino: In Conversation with Lawrence Grobel.
New York: Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2006.
First edition of this collection of interviews on the Academy Award-winning actor. Octavo, original boards. Boldly signed by Al Pacino on the front free endpaper. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Michael Nagin.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 147476
First Edition of the Nobel Prize-Winning Authors Second Novel: The Green House; Signed by Mario Vargas Llosa
The Green House.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1969.
First British edition of the author's masterpiece. Octavo, original green cloth. Signed by Mario Vargas Llosa on the title page. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket that shows light rubbing to the spine crown.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 1573
First Edition of I Want To Paint My Bathroom Blue; Signed by Legendary Illustrator Maurice Sendak
KRAUSS, Ruth; Illustrated by Maurice Sendak.
I Want To Paint My Bathroom Blue.
New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, .
First edition of the re-issue of this early illustrated work by Maurice Sendak. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed by Maurice Sendak on the half-title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 137488
First Edition of The Education of A Tennis Player; Inscribed by Tennis Legend Rod Laver
LAVER, Rod with Bud Collins.
The Education of a Tennis Player.
London: Pelham Books, 1971.
First edition of the tennis great's autobiography. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Andy Best Wishes Rod Laver." Near fine in a very good dust jacket, name to the front free endpaper. Written with Bud Collins.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 140060
First Edition of Silent Gesture: The Autobiography of Tommie Smith; Inscribed by Him
SMITH, Tommie.
Silent Gesture: The Autobiography of Tommie Smith.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2007.
First edition of this powerful autobiography by the Olympic gold medalist. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Michelle- Enjoy Life, it's divine Tommie Smith 1968 Olympics." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Kate Nichols. Written with David Steele.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 117701
First Edition of Philemon Tecumseh Sherman's General Sherman in the Last Year of the Civil War
SHERMAN, Philemon Tecumseh [William Tecumseh Sherman].
General Sherman in the Last Year of the Civil War: An Address Delivered at the Thirty-eighth Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee at St. Louis, Missouri.
New York: Robert Grier Cooke, 1908.
First edition of this biographical address of the author's father, delivered at the Thirty-eighth reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Octavo, original wrappers. Author's card tipped in, "With the Compliments of the Author 15 William Street, New York City." In near fine condition with a few small losses to the extremities of the wrappers. General William Tecumseh Sherman’s son P. T. Sherman was a lawyer in New York, specializing in labor and insurance, and was elected a member of the New York Board of Alderman in the late 1880s. In the early 1900s, he was appointed…
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 145970
ZOCCHI, Giuseppe.
Eighteenth Century Views of Florence, Portfolio of 27 Plates (Reproduction of the 1754 Edition Scelta Di XXIV Vedute della principali Contrade, Pizze, Chiese, e Palazzi dell Citta di Firenze).
New York: Walker and Company, 1967.
Portfolio of 27 plates in facsimile, 17.5 x 22.5 inches, in a buckram bound box. First edition / limited edition of 950 copies, of which this is number 476. Includes 29 page booklet, Views of Florence, which are notes on the individual prints. Original drawings are in the collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City. Giuseppe Zocchi (c. 1711-1767) was an Italian painter and printmaker, active in Florence, and best known for his vedute of the city. Prints are fine. The box has some wear.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 2363
"A scientist shouldn't be asked to judge the economic and moral value of his work. All we should ask the scientist to do is find the truth-and then not keep it from anyone"; First Edition of Enzymatic Structures of DNA; Inscribed by Arthur Kornberg
Enzymatic Synthesis of DNA.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1962.
First edition of this work by the Nobel Prize-winning scientist. Octavo, original cloth. Inscribed and dated by Arthur Kornberg on the front free endpaper. Small stamp of Biologist L.S. Baron on the front endpage. Fine in a dust jacket that shows just a touch of wear.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 747
Rare printing of the Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States including Miami and Pottawatomie Indian Treaties
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States…Begun and Held at the City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia, on Monday, the second of December, 1875.
Rare printing of the Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States including Indian treaties with the Creek, Cherokee, Delaware, Pottawatomie, Miami Indian tribes. Octavo, bound in contemporary wrappers. The Ninth Congress of the United States was a significant legislative Congress which passed the first laws abolishing importation of slaves in its second session. In very good condition.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 135321
First edition of Vladimir's Nabokov The Defense
NABOKOV, Vladimir.
The Defense.
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1964.
First edition of this early Nabokov novel, which tells the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own genius and of the hopeless efforts of the wife who loves him to save him from himself. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a very good dust jacket, name to the front free endpaper. Translated by Michael Scammel in collaboration with the author. Uncommon in this condition.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 139301
Elizabeth Moxon's English Housewifery, Exemplified in Above Four Hundred and Fifty Reciepts; Bound with English Housewifery Improved
MOXON, Elizabeth.
English Housewifery, Exemplified in Above Four Hundred and Fifty Reciepts, Giving Directions in Most Parts of Cookery. [WITH] English Housewifery Improved; or, a Supplement to Moxon’s Cookery.
London: Printed for W. Osborne, T. Griffin, and H. Mozley, 1789.
Finely bound edition of this thorough etiquette and recipe book. Two volumes bound in one, three-quarter brown speckled calf over marbled boards with gilt titles on a morocco label and ruling to the spine in six compartments within raised bands, illustrated with a folding table and eight woodcut diagrams of table settings, two of which are folding. In very good condition with very light staining to the first few leaves, bookseller's ticket to the front pastedown.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 146428
Eleanor Roosevelt's A Trip to Washington with Bobby and Betty; In the rare original dust jacket
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor [Mrs. Franklin D.
A Trip to Washington with Bobby and Betty.
New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1935.
Rare second large printing of this early work by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Quarto, original cloth, illustrated. Near fine in the rare original dust jacket, name to the front free endpaper.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 142053
“Beauty lay not in the thing, but in what the thing symbolized”: The Wessex Novels of Thomas Hardy
HARDY, Thomas.
The Wessex Novels of Thomas Hardy. [Including Far from the Madding Crowd; The Mayor of Casterbridge; The Trumpet-Major; Tess of the D’Urbervilles; A Pair of Blue Eyes; Two on a Tower; The Return of the Native; Desperate Remedies; Wessex Tales.]
London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, c. 1896.
The American edition of Thomas Hardy's Wessex Novels. Octavo, seventeen volumes bound in the original publisher's cloth with gilt titles to the spines, author's initials stamped in gilt to the front panels, top edge gilt, tissue-guarded frontispiece to each volume, author's signature in facsimile opposite the frontispiece of volume I. In very good condition with some toning to the spines, ownership signature and gift inscription to the front free endpaper of some volumes. The first uniform and collected edition of Hardy's works in America.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 147342
First Edition of The London Dore Saw; Inscribed by Eric de Mare
DE MARE, Eric.
The London Dore Saw: A Victorian Evocation.
London: Allen Lane, 1973.
First edition. Folio, original cloth. Inscribed by the author, "To Peggy and Frank Taplin with kind, associational thoughts from Eric de Mare Jan. 1973." Also laid in, is a page and half handwritten signed letter to the same recipients. Fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket with a closed tear to the front panel and some nominal wear the the extremities.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 2474
First Edition of Alfred Winslow Jones' Life, Liberty, and Property
JONES, Alfred Winslow.
Life, Liberty, and Property: A Story of Conflict and a Measurement of Conflicting Rights.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1941.
First edition of the author's classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket with light wear. Laid in is an advertisement to purchase war bonds. Rare in the original dust jacket.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 45087
First edition of Garry Wills' Explaining America: The Federalist; signed by him
WILLS, Garry.
Explaining America: The Federalist.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1981.
First edition of Wills' analysis of The Federalist. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Garry Wills on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Lewis Friedman.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 132144