First Edition
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"For General Colin Powell- with respect and admiration- always": Irving Stone's The Man; Warmly Inscribed by Him to Colin Powell
STONE, Irving [Colin Powell].
The Man.
London: Cassell & Co, 1966.
First British edition, early printing of this novel which deals with America's first elected black president faces enormous pressures, including impeachment proceedings, soon after he takes his place in the oval office. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For General Colin Powell- with respect and admiration- always Irving Wallace April 23, 1989." The recipient, Colin Powell was a politician, statesman, diplomat, and United States Army officer who served as the 65th United States Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005. He was the first African-American Secretary of State. He served as the…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 140441
First Edition of Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics; Inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert E. Lucas
STOKEY, Nancy L.; Robert E. Lucas.
Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original illustrated boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert E. Lucas on the front free endpaper, "For Mark- with best wishes- Robert E. Lucas Jr." In near fine condition, small stamp to the front free endpaper.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 142699
Joe Biden's Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics; Inscribed by Him
Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics.
New York: Random House, 2007.
First edition, early printing of “this compelling personal story” (The New York Times). Octavo, original boards, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page in the year of publication, "To Darlene Dolson With best wishes Joe 8.25.07." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by David Stevenson.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 117774
"Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird - equal seekers of sweetness": First Edition of Thirst: Poems by Mary Oliver; Signed by her
Thirst: Poems by Mary Oliver.
Boston: Beacon Press, 2006.
First edition of this collection of poems of grief, love, and faith. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Mary Oliver on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 96101
First Edition of John Steinbeck's Cannery Row
Cannery Row.
London: William Heinemann, 1945.
First English edition of this classic work by the Nobel Prize-winning author. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise clamshell box.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 143494
First Edition of Irving Fisher's The Money Illusion; In the rare original dust jacket
FISHER, Irving.
The Money Illusion.
New York: Alephi Company, 1928.
First edition of Fisher's classic treatise on money. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Rare in the original dust jacket.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 119364
Rare autograph note signed by famed English writer Rudyard Kipling
KIPLING, Rudyard.
Rudyard Kipling Autograph Note Signed.
Sept. 2, 1917.
Rare autograph note signed by and in the hand of Rudyard Kipling. 12mo, one page on Kipling's Bateman's house letterhead, the note reads in full, "Sep. 2, 1917 Dear Dr. Curtiss, Would you please come down to Bateman's as soon as may be to see Mrs. Kipling who is suffering from a sudden attack of illness that I cannot make out the nature of. Very sincerely, Rudyard Kipling." A 17th-century house located in Burwash, East Sussex, Bateman's was the home of Rudyard Kipling from 1902 until his death in 1936. Kipling wrote some of his finest works at the house…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 142237
"The most important questions in life can never be answered by anyone except oneself": First Edition of The Magus
The Magus.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965.
First American edition, preceding the British edition by one year of the author's most well-known work. Octavo, original half cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket, bookplate of famed collector Rolland Comstock. Jacket painting by Tom Adams. Housed in a custom half morocco case.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 142119
Theodore Roosevelt the Citizen; Inscribed by Jacob A. Riis
RIIS, Jacob A. [Theodore Roosevelt].
Theodore Roosevelt the Citizen.
New York: The Outlook Company, 1904.
First edition of Riis’s campaign biography of President Roosevelt. Octavo, original publisher's cloth with gilt titles to the spine, gilt titles and decoration to the front panel, beveled edges, top edge gilt, tissue-guarded frontispiece of Theodore Roosevelt President of the United States drawn by George T. Tobin, illustrated with seventeen plates of black and white photographs. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "William Loeb Jr. with the friendly regards of Jacob A. Riis Washington April 7 1904." The recipient, William Loeb Jr., served as assistant secretary to the President under Theodore Roosevelt from 1901-1903 and…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145330
"The prophet of the wilderness": Rare John Muir ephemera collection including numerous rare articles, periodicals and facsimile printings
MUIR, John.
John Muir Ephemera Collection.
Rare collection of ephemera related to American naturalist John Muir. The collection includes a variety of periodicals articles, exhibition guides, and proof sheets including: John Muir 1838-1914: Keepsake for the Roxburghe-Zamorano Biennial Joint Meeting of 1996; The Presence of Mr. Muir. Keepsake for the John Muir Observance at Yosemite National Park, April 21-30, 1972, signed by publishers Bill Lane and Lew Osborne; John Muir: His World Exhibition pamphlet [Vacaville, California: Vacaville Museum, 1987]; Yosemite Earthquake Storms [Muir, John. Wawona Press, 1993. First state No. 1 of 3]; Reference List to the Published Writings of John Muir [Bradley, Cornelius B. Sierra…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 126971
Inscribed by Both Patrick Leigh Fermor and George Psychoundakis
LEIGH FERMOR, Patrick; George Psychoundakis.
George Psychoundakis: A Letter to C.A. Trypanis.
Athens: The American College of Greece, 1999.
First edition of this work by the author of A Time of Gifts. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, warmly inscribed by both Patrick Leigh Fermor and George Psychoundakis to John Leatham, who contributed the introduction to this volume. Additionally signed by Leigh Fermor on another page. In fine condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 3911
Rare autograph note inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning author Rudyard Kipling
KIPLING, Rudyard.
Rudyard Kipling Autograph Note Signed.
Rare autograph note inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning author Rudyard Kipling. The note reads, in part: "but it is a chapter about...theatrical. They are always great fun. Very sincerely yours Rudyard Kipling." Double matted and framed with an engraving of Kipling. The entire piece measures 14.75 inches by 10.25 inches. A handsome example.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 95201
First Edition of Martin Amis' Money; Inscribed by Him
AMIS, Martin.
London: Jonathan Cape, 1984.
First edition of this modern classic. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Helen, with best wishes Martin Amis." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Mon Mohan/ Dick Jones. Author's photograph by Jerry Bauer.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 142202
finely bound and copiously illustrated 19th century printing of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
The Pilgrim’s Progress and Other Works of John Bunyan with an Original Memoir by the Reverend George B. Cheever, D.D.
Howard Street, Glasgow; South Bridge, Edinburgh; 22 Paternoster Row, London: William Mackenzie, n.d. [1862].
Finely bound and copiously illustrated 19th century printing of one of the most significant works of religious English literature. Quarto, bound in three quarters morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, illustrated with 31 plates and numerous in-text illustrations, additional pictorial title page, folding plate of Bunyan's Dream. In very good condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 144028
Photograph of Neil Armstrong on the Moon; Lengthily inscribed by Charlie Duke
DUKE, Charlie [Neil Armstrong].
Charlie Duke Signed Photograph of Neil Armstrong on the Moon.
July 20, 1969.
Large photograph of Neil Armstrong on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Color photograph of Neil Armstrong on the moon. Lengthily inscribed in gold felt tip by Capsule Communicator Charlie Duke, "Commander Neil A. Armstrong Lunar Surface EVA Charlie Duke Apollo 11 CAPCOM 20 July 1969." In near fine condition. The piece measures 16 inches by 20 inches.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145297
First Edition of America, I Like You; Inscribed by P. G. Wodehouse
America, I Like You.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
First American edition of the Wooster and Jeeves creator's memoir. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated with line drawings by Marc Simont, magazine review of 'America, I Like You' laid-in. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to David Jasen, "For David from Plum P. G. Wodehouse." The recipient, David A. Jasen, is considered to be the world's foremost expert on ragtime music, having studied, recorded, and performed ragtime music for over five decades. Additionally in 1974, eighteen years after the release of this book, Jasen published the first definitive and authorized biography of Wodehouse, 'P. G. Wodehouse: A Portrait of a…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145371
Rare Engraved Hand-Colored Map of the Holy Land by Dutch Cartographer Jan Jansson
Iudaeae seu Terrae Israelis Tabula Geographica in qua Locorum in Veteri et Novo Testamento celebratissimorum Situs accurate descripti arte facta a Tilemanno Stella Sigenesi [Holy Land Map].
Amsterdam: c. 1680.
Hand-colored engraved map of Judea, or the Land of Israel. One page, the map shows Judea with borders in color. The hand-colored title cartouche is flanked by Moses with the Ten Commandments on the left and the Jewish prophet Aaron with his jeweled breastplate and censer on the right. In the opposite corner, another cartouche depicts two spies carrying a branch of grapes from the Valley of Eshkol. In near fine condition with loss to the top corner. The piece measures 18 inches by 14 inches. An exceptional map, suitable for framing.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145576
"Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life?": Finely Bound Set of Havelock Ellis' Studies in the Psychology of Sex
ELLIS, Havelock.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex.
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1905-1910.
Finely bound set of Havelock Ellis' landmark work Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Octavo, 6 volumes. Bound in three quarters levant morocco by Stikeman and Company, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt topstain, marbled endpapers. In fine condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 28043
First edition of Philip Johnson's Writings; lengthily inscribed by him
JOHNSON, Philip.
Philip Johnson: Writings.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
First edition of the acclaimed architect's collected essays and lectures. Quarto, original cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page in the year of publication, "To Paul Falken Levy high appreciation for his art history and also his editing also his love for Schnitzel Paul Johnson August 1979." Foreword by Vincent Scully. Introduction by Peter Eisenman. Commentary by Robert A.M. Stern. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 132944
First Edition of A Tiger By the Tail; Inscribed by Nobel Prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek
HAYEK, Friedrich August von [F.A.].
A Tiger by the Tail: The Keynesian Legacy of Inflation.
San Francisco : Cato Institute , 1979.
First edition of this collection of writings on Keynesian economics by the Nobel Prize-winning economist. Octavo, original wrappers as issued. Inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To George Meyer with best wishes 1-12-82 F.A. Hayek." Compiled and introduced by Sudha R. Shenoy. With a foreword by Leland B. Yeager. In fine condition. Rare signed and inscribed.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 77024
"Money is the root of all evil, but it's also the driving force behind every great heist": Den of Thieves; signed by James Stewart and Rudy Giuliani
STEWART, James B. [Rudy Giuliani].
Den of Thieves.
New York : Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Early printing of Stewart's classic work which recounts the insider trading scandals involving Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, and other Wall Street financiers throughout the 1980s. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed by James B. Stewart and Rudy Giuliani, who prosecuted Milken on the title page. Giuliani was a prominent figure in law enforcement throughout the 1980s. As U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, he played a significant role in prosecuting financial crimes and tackling financial corruption. It was in this position that he first gained national prominence by prosecuting numerous high-profile cases, resulting in the convictions…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146873
First Edition of Charles Dickens' Master Humphrey's Clock; with pages from the original serial tipped in to to each volume
DICKENS, Charles.
Master Humphrey’s Clock.
London: Chapman and Hall, 1840.
First edition of this collection of short stories which originally appeared as a weekly periodical of the same name. Large octavo, 3 volumes, bound in three quarters morocco over marbled boards, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised gilt bands top edge gilt, marbled endpapers, engraved frontispiece in each volume, illustrated by George Cattermole and Hablot Browne. From the library of Virginia bibliophile and historian Christopher Clark Geest with his bookplate to front pastedown of each volume. Tipped in to the front and rear of each volume is an extensive collection containing pages from a number of the original Master's Humphrey's Clock…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 95116
First Edition of Simple Speaks His Mind; Inscribed by Langston Hughes to Rev. Charles Sumner Lee
HUGHES, Langston.
Simple Speaks His Mind.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950; [1951].
First edition of the first book in Hughes’ “Simple” series. Octavo, original publisher's cloth, gray top stain. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "Inscribed especially for Rev. Charles Sumner Lee with the good wishes of Langston Hughes. Camden, 29 April 1951." Very good in a very good dust jacket. Rare and desirable signed and inscribed.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 147216
Early Printing of Thomas Aquinas' Masterpiece Summa Theologica
AQUINAS, Thomas .
Summa Theologica Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, Divinae Voluntatis Interpretis: Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum.
Parisiis: Sumptibus Maturini Henault, 1638.
Early printing of Aquinas' seminal work. Folio, bound in full leather with a red morocco spine label lettered in gilt, woodcut engraving of Aquinas in prayer to the title page. In very good condition with tape repairs to the title page.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 90390
Arctic Journeys: The Story of the Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1937.
First edition of Shackleton's expedition, illustrated with 45 photographic prints, in-text illustrations, and five maps, including one folding map at rear. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and ruling to the spine, raised bands, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, gilt signature to the front panel, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 140961
“All is vanity, nothing is fair": The Biographical Edition of the Works of William Makepeace Thackeray
The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. [Including The History of Henry Esmond, Vanity Fair, Pendennis, The Newcomes, and The Virginians].
London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1900-1902.
The Biographical edition of the Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. Octavo, thirteen volumes bound in three quarter morocco over marbled boards by Maclehose with gilt titles and ruling to the spines in six compartments within raised gilt bands, tissue-guarded frontispiece to each volume. In very good condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 126381
First Edition of Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery
Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings.
New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1974.
First edition of the author's first collection of children's poetry. Quarto, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in five compartments within raised bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt onlay to the front panel, gilt ruled inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146014
Photograph of Stephen King with Clovis the Cat, Signed by Him
KING, Stephen.
Stephen King Signed Photograph.
Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc, 1992.
Photograph of Stephen King, the “king of horror,” with Clovis, the feline hero of 'Stephen King's Sleepwalkers,' a 1992 Columbia Pictures release featuring Brian Krause, Alice Krige, and Madchen Amick as the main cast. Glossy black and white photograph of Stephen King petting Clovis, boldly signed in blue felt tip by Stephen King. In near fine condition. The piece measures 8 inches by 10 inches.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145397
First edition of Albert J. Beveridge's Pulitzer Prize-winning work The Life of John Marshall
The Life of John Marshall.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916-1919.
First edition of Beveridge's Pulitzer Prize-winning work. Octavo, four volumes bound in three quarter morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, illustrated, tissue-guarded frontispiece portrait of Marshall to each volume. In near fine condition. A sharp set.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 132009
Ellen Raskin's Newbery-Award Winning Novel The Westing Game; Inscribed by Her
RASKIN, Ellen.
The Westing Game.
New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc, 1978.
First edition, second printing of Raskins's Newbery Award winning novel. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "For Barbara Nelson Boom! Ellen Raskin 6.25.79." Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Ellen Raskin. Scarcely seen signed and inscribed.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146586
Rare original oil map of eastland Cosden Oil and Gas Company in central texas
Eastland Cosden Oil and Gas Company Oil Map.
Eastland, TX: 1919.
Rare original oil map of the Cosden Oil and Gas Company in Eastland, Texas. Cadastral oil map of the central Texas county west-southwest of Ft. Worth, showing land ownership, oil, and mineral claims, scale of 1 inch = 4000 feet, legend of symbols designating oil and gas exploitation: Location; Rig Up; Drilling; Producing Well; Gas Well; Dry Hole; Abandoned. Signed "Proper of M.A. Benear" in the upper right corner. In very good condition with slight creasing and light rubbing to the extremities. No additional copies that we know of.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 147521
"We do not think and talk about what we see; we see what we are able to think and talk about": First edition of Edgar Schein's Coercive Persuasion; inscribed by him
SCHEIN, Edgar H. with Inge Schneier and Curtis H. Barker.
Coercive Persuasion: A Socio-psychological Analysis of the “Brainwashing” of American Civilian Prisoners by the Chinese Communists.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1961.
First edition of Schein's analysis of the socio-psychological effects of "brainwashing" on American POWs during the Korean War. Octavo, original publisher's cloth. Lengthily signed by the author on the half-title page, "We do not think and talk about what we see; we see what we are able to think and talk about. Ed Schein Author of Humble Inquiry." In very good condition with underlining in pencil.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 141036
First Edition of Tennessee Williams Summer and Smoke; Signed by Him
WILLIAMS, Tennessee.
Summer and Smoke.
New York: New Directions, 1948.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Tennessee Williams on the half-title page. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Alvin Lustig. Housed in a custom half morocco slipcase.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145444
First Edition of Helen Levitt's Second Book In the Street; Signed by Her
LEVITT, Helen; Essays by Robert Coles.
In the Street.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987.
First edition of the photographer's second major photobook. Quarto, original cloth. Signed by Helen Levitt on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Not to be confused with the more common paperback edition. Helen Levitt and the author James Agee first collaborated in 1945 on a documentary film set in Harlem, called "In the Street." Psychologist Robert Coles contributed the essays to this volume.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 810
Rare Official NASA Apollo 11 Photograph; Signed by Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin Signed Photograph.
Rare official NASA Apollo 11 lithograph. Official NASA color lithograph of the iconic Apollo 11 'visor shot' of Buzz Aldrin taken by Neil Armstrong during their Apollo 11 EVA, boldly signed by Buzz Aldrin , "July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin." In fine condition. The piece measures 8 inches by 10 inches.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146529
First Edition of Alfred Tennyson's The Lover's Tale; Finely Bound with an Erotic Fore-Edge Painting
The Lover’s Tale. [Fore-Edge Painting].
London: C. Kegan Paul & Co, 1879.
First authorized edition of this classic poem, following the small "pirated" edition of 1870. Octodecimo, bound in red morocco by Sotheran & Co. with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, elaborate gilt tooling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, decorated with an erotic concealed fore-edge painting depicting a woman posing suggestively for four admiring gentlemen. The term 'fore-edge painting' can refer to any painted decoration on the fore-edges of the leaves of a book which is concealed when the book is closed…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146761
Rare first edition of George Chalmers' Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy; Arising from American Independence
Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy; Arising from American Independence.
London: Printed for J. Debrett, 1784.
First edition of Chalmers' treatise regarding trade regulations between England and America following American Independence. Octavo, bound in paper wrappers. In very good condition. Exceptionally rare.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 127018
First edition of A Collection of Poems, Mostly Original, by Several Hands; finely bound in full calf
GOLDSMITH, Oliver; Edmund Burke; Sir H. Walpole; et al.
A Collection of Poems, Mostly Original, by Several Hands.
Dublin: Printed for the Editor by M. Graisberry, 1789.
First edition of this rare collection of early English literature. Octavo, bound in full calf, elaborate gilt tooling to the spine, morocco spine label lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, ribbon bound in, illustrated with engraved vignettes, lists of subscribers. In near fine condition. An attractive binding.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 137226
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new": First edition of Out of My Later Years; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery
Out of My Later Years.
New York: Philosophical Library, 1950.
First edition of Einstein's collection of social science-related articles, addresses and speeches. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece of Einstein. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and ruling to the spine, raised bands, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In fine condition. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 142361
First Edition of The Monetary Sin of the West; Signed by Jacques Rueff
RUEFF, Jacques.
The Monetary Sin of the West.
New York: The MacMillan Company, 1972.
First edition of the economist’s magnum opus. Octavo, original cloth. Signed and dated by Jacques Rueff on the half-title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket with light shelfwear. Jacket design by Jim McWilliams.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 4384
"'Woman' was the test, but not every woman seemed to qualify": First Edition of Women, Race & Class; Inscribed by Angela Y. Davis
DAVIS, Angela Y.
Women, Race & Class.
New York: Random House, 1981.
First edition of this thought-provoking piece of history by Civil Rights activist, Angela Davis. Octavo, original textured half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "For Ali, Best, Angela Davis 4/23." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Robert Silverman. Author photograph by Phillipe Halsman. Uncommon signed and inscribed.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145195
Rare Presentation Copy of Democracy in the World; Inscribed by David Ben-Gurion to ADMIRAL LEWIS STRAUSS
David Ben-Gurion Inscribed Democracy in the World Presentation Copy.
March 12, 1966.
Copy of David Ben-Gurion's undelivered speech for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Unable to attend, Ben-Gurion sent the text of the speech, which was then published by the Center in 1963. Octavo, sixteen loose pages stapled in the upper left corner. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Admiral Strauss in friendship D. Ben-Gurion 12.3.66." In very good condition with some creasing throughout.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145288
"Look. Slowly. With the room and the music just so": Deluxe First Edition of The Wordless Leonard Cohen Songbook; Signed by George Walker, Norman Ravvin, and Tom Smart
WALKER, George A; with Introduction by Norman Ravvin and Conclusion by Tom Smart [Leonard Cohen].
The Wordless Leonard Cohen Songbook.
Toronto: Privately Printed, 2014.
Deluxe first edition of this biography of author, poet, and singer song-writer Leonard Cohen in wood engravings. Octavo, original black cloth with a wood-engraved cover label portrait of Cohen to the front panel, illustrated with eighty wood engravings on 250 gm Rising Stonehenge 100% rag archival paper chronologizing the life of Leonard Cohen by George Walker. One of eighty copies produced in commemoration of Cohen's 80th birthday and signed by the engraver at the end of the preface, this is number 48. Additionally signed by the author of the introduction, 'Image, Words, Music,' and the author of the conclusion, 'Taming…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145481
Signed Original Drawing By Playwright Tom Stoppard of his Play The Real Thing
Tom Stoppard Original Signed Drawing.
Original drawing by playwright Tom Stoppard. "I can't draw. Really. Look: My Hous, My Dogg (crossed out and replaced with 'Hors') Love, Tom." The drawing corresponds to one of Stoppard's later plays, The Real Thing, first performed in 1982. Known for his use of playful language in addressing philosophical concepts, Stoppard's later works sought greater emotional and interpersonal depths, as is also apparent in this lighthearted and intentionally naive portrayal of a scene typical of children's art. Rare and desirable with an original drawing. The drawing measures 8.5 inches by 8 inches. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 14 inches…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 79905
First Edition of Band of Angels; Signed by Robert Penn Warren
WARREN, Robert Penn.
Band of Angels.
New York: Random House, 1955.
First edition of this classic work one of the most searing and vivid fictional accounts of the Civil War era ever written, basis for the 1957 film directed by Raoul Walsh starring Clark Gable, Yvonne De Carlo and Sidney Poitier. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Robert Penn Warren. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Ska. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise clamshell box. An exceptional example, rare and desirable signed.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 147022
"Bringing people into the here-and-now. The real universe. That's the present moment. The past is no good to us. The future is full of anxiety. Only the present is real--the here-and-now. Seize the day": First Edition of Bellow's Seize the Day; Inscribed by Him
Seize the Day.
New York: The Viking Press, 1956.
First edition of the Nobel Prize-winning author's fourth book. Octavo, original half cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For the Gabels with best wishes from an old exile to Evanston Saul Bellow." The recipients were close friends of Bellow's while he was a student at Northwestern University, where he graduated with honors and earned bachelor’s degrees in anthropology and sociology. Fine in a very good dust jacket with some wear and tear. Jacket design by Bill English. Association copies of Seize the Day are uncommon.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 84225
Scarce complete first edition set of William O. Blake's pictorial history of the American Rebellion
BLAKE, William O.
Pictorial National Records: Embracing Descriptions of European and Asiatic Nations: A Statistical View of the United States of America; and a History of the Great Rebellion.
Columbus, Ohio: Gilmore and Brush, 1863-1866.
Complete first edition set of Blake's scarce history of the American Civil War. Quarto, two volumes, original publisher's gull morocco, elaborately decorated in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, illustrated. In good condition. A rare complete set of this scarce work, far more rare than Blake's better-known History of Slavery and the Slave Trade.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 133068
Rare German translation of One Hundred Years of Solitude; Inscribed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
MARQUEZ, Gabriel Garcia.
Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit. [One Hundred Years of Solitude].
Koln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1982.
Early German edition of the author’s masterpiece which is recognized as one of the most significant works in the Spanish literary canon. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers. Presentation copy, inscribed and dated by the author on the dedication page, “Para Patricia, del amigo, Gabo 83." Translated by Curt Meyer-Clason. In near fine condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 138432
"It is this theme, co-operation in industry, that I desire to develop": Rare first edition of John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s The Personal Relation in Industry; in the rare original dust jacket
The Personal Relation in Industry.
New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc, 1923.
First edition of this collection of addresses delivered by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; an important contribution to the field of industrial relations. Octavo, original scarlet cloth, uncut leaves as issued. Publisher's advertisement for Edward L. Bernays' Crystallizing Public Opinion on the rear flap of the dust jacket. Fine in a very good dust jacket with some light wear to the crown and foot of the spine, bookplate. Rare in this condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 89089
Signed Limited Edition of Curzio Malaparte's Kaputt
Roma: Aria D'Italia, 1948.
Signed limited edition of Malaparte's masterpiece. Octavo, original wrappers. Signed by Curzio Malaparte copyright page, this is number 12. In good condition. Books signed by Malaparte are rare.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 118008
First edition of Pat Franks second novel An Affair of the State; lengthily inscribed by him
An Affair of the State.
Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1948.
First edition of Frank's classic Cold War political thriller, inspired in part by his experiences as an international journalist. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed on the front free paper, "For Betty Wells - In the hope that some part of this book comes true. Pat Frank." Very good in a very good dust jacket. Signed examples are uncommon.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 124045
First Edition of The Party That Lost Its Head; Inscribed by George Gilder to William F. Buckley
GILDER, George F. & Bruce K. Chapman [William F. Buckley.
The Party That Lost Its Head: The Republican Collapse and Imperatives for Revival.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966.
First edition of this work by the award-winning author. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author to fellow writer William F. Buckley on the front free endpaper, "For William Buckley with a credit for early stylistic inspiration George Gilder." Some notes in Buckley’s hand, near fine in a very good dust jacket. The author, George Gilder worked for many years at the National Review, the political magazine founded in 1955 by William F. Buckley. Buckley’s thinking has loomed large on Gilder, with the latter writing in regards to God and Man at Yale, ''it is still correct and…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 2939
Collection of six first editions of the works of James Merrill; each volume inscribed by him to American playwright Michael Feingold
James Merrill First Edition Collection: Scripts for the Pageant, From the First Nine: Poems 1946-1976, The Changing Light at Sandover, Late Settings: Poems, Recitative: Prose, and A Different Person: A Memoir
Various Publishers, 1980-1986.
Collection of six first editions of the works of James Merrill; from the library of American playwright Michael Feingold. Octavo, six volumes, original cloth and wrappers, the collection includes: Stated first edition of 'Scripts for the Pageant' [New York: Atheneum, 1980]; Stated first edition of 'From the First Nine: Poems 1946-1976' [New York: Atheneum, 1982]; Stated first edition of 'The Changing Light at Sandover: Including the Whole of The Book of Ephraim, Mirabell's Books of Number, Scripts for the Pageant, and a new coda, The Higher Keys' [New York: Atheneum. 1982]; Stated first edition of 'Late Settings: Poems' [New York:…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145436
First Edition of "This Masterwork of Photojournalism" Vietnam Inc.; Signed by Noam Chomsky
GRIFFITHS, Philip Jones [Noam Chomsky].
Vietnam, Inc.
New York: Collier Books, 1971.
First edition of Philip Jones Griffith's first book. Quarto, original illustrated wrappers as issued. Boldly signed by Noam Chomsky, who in a later edition contributed an introduction to this volume. In near fine condition. Rare.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 146352
“In the course of time, Michael Strogoff reached a high station in the Empire. But it is not the history of his success, but the history of his trials, which deserves to be related": First Edition of Jules Verne's Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar
VERNE, Jules.
Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar.
New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 1877.
First American edition of this historical tale of adventure taking place during a Siberian revolt by the Tartars and what many consider one of Verne's finest novels. Octavo, original cloth, with Ninety Full-Page Illustrations. Translated by W. H. G. Kingston. Revised by Julius Chambers. In near fine condition. A nice example.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 89346
Rare autograph letter signed by Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky Autograph Letter Signed.
Rare autograph letter signed by Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky. One page, type-written, dated December 21st, 1966 and addressed to John McClure at Columbia Records, the letter reads, "Dear John, Please answer this Mercury Record letter for me, telling them that they can have the permission, though they can have it, I think, without asking me, in any case. I have been ordered to rest -- no conducting at all -- after Chicago. This postpones our January plans, I greatly regret to say (and not only for me, as I realize, bu can't help). Happy New Year to you and your wife.…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 95109
"The ability to think for one's self depends upon one's mastery of the language": First Modern Library Edition of Slouching Towards Bethlehem; Signed by Joan Didion
Slouching Towards Bethlehem.
New York: The Modern Library, 2000.
First Modern Library edition of what many consider her magnum opus. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Joan Didion on the half-title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Introduction by Elizabeth Hardwick.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 79043
Rare Japanese Western Fashion Collection
Japanese Western Fashion Collection.
Japan: c. 1800.
Collection of six plates depicting the traditional attire of countries west of Japan including England, Germany, Portugal, Holland, Denmark, and Russia. Folio, each painting housed in a custom mat with a mylar guard. In near fine condition. Housed in a custom clamshell box.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 132604