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"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more": THE WORKS OF JANE AUSTEN; Finely Bound
The Works of Jane Austen [Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Mansfield Park, and Emma].
Edinburgh: John Grant, 1911-12.
The Winchester edition of the works of Jane Austen containing each of her major novels. Octavo, 12 volumes, bound in three quarters calf, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, top edge gilt. Contains Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma, Persuasion, Lady Susan, and The Watstons. In fine condition. An exceptional set.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 142080
"And now, if you please, three round, smooth, stones": First edition of Stone Soup; Lengthily Inscribed by Marcia Brown with an original drawing
BROWN, Marcia.
Stone Soup.
New York: Charles Scribner, 1947.
First edition [with the Scribner's A] of the author's classic work. Quarto, original cloth. Inscribed by the author on the half title page, "To _____ _______ A handy recipe- May he never go hungry Bon Appetit! Best Wishes Marcia Brown." Brown has also drawn an original drawing. Near fine in a good dust jacket with some wear and tear. Rare, even more so signed and with the original drawing.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 344
TWAIN, Mark. [Samuel L. Clemens].
A Tramp Abroad.
Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Company, 1880.
First edition, first state of Twain's classic fictionalized account of his walking tour of central and southern Europe. Octavo, original publisher's pictorial gilt-stamped brown cloth, with 328 illustrations by Walter Francis Brown, True Williams, W.W. Denslow, and with four 'pictures made by the author of this book, without outside help' with the first state frontispiece captioned “Moses” and state A of the text-block. BAL 3386. In fine condition. Small bookplate and ownership name. Housed in a custom slipcase. An exceptional example of this American classic, easily the nicest we have seen.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 136080
Supreme Court Justice Photograph Signed by Justices Warren Burger, William Rehnquist, William J. Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr., John Paul Stevens, Harry Blackmun, Bryon White and Sandra Day O'Connor
BURGER, Warren; William Rehnquist; William J. Brennan; Thurgood Marshall; Lewis Franklin Powell; John Paul Stevens; Harry Blackmun; Bryon White; and Sandra Day O'Connor.
Warren E. Burger Supreme Court Signed Photograph.
Large photograph of the 1980's Burger Court, signed by nine justices. Large color photograph depicting the Supreme Court after the swearing-in of Sandra Day O'Connor in September 1981. The justices are Thurgood Marshall, John P. Stevens, William J. Brennan, Lewis F. Powell, Warren E. Burger, William H. Rehnquist, Byron R. White, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Harry C. Blackmun. Framed. In fine condition. The entire piece measures 13.5 inches by 10 inches. Rare and desirable. An attractive image of this important court which presided over a number of issues relating to equality and freedom.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 147428
"At one time in the world there were woods that no one owned": First Edition of Cormac McCarthys Child of God; Signed by the author
Child of God.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1975.
First British edition of the author's classic third novel. Octavo, original half cloth. Boldly signed Cormac McCarthy on the front free endpaper. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Graham Palfrey-Rogers. Housed in a custom chemise and clamshell box. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 141383
Rare Michael Faraday Signed Letter with a Carte-de-visite
FARADAY, Michael .
Michael Faraday Autograph Letter Signed.
Autograph letter signed by Michael Faraday to William Coffin answering a question regarding the chlorate reaction with sulfuric acid, "or oil of vitriol," in gunpowder. Addressed to William Coffin, it reads, "R[oyal] Institution, January 1, 1849, My dear Sir, I conclude you mean the acid which fires gunpowder - not directly but through the medium of the Chlorate mixture that and is as far as I know the strength liquid Sulfureum and or out of Vitriol. Ever Truly Yours, Michael Faraday." Matted and framed opposite a carte-de-visite of Faraday by John Watkins. The entire piece measures 11.25 inches by 14.25 inches. …
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 73081
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be": First Edition of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire; Signed by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire.
London: Bloombsbury, 2000.
First edition of Rowling’s fourth book in the Harry Potter series. Octavo, original illustrated boards. Boldly signed by J.K. Rowling on the dedication page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Cover illustration by Giles Greenfield. Cover design by Richard Horne.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 146932
The Declaration of Independence and Constitution; With the first appearance in book form of the 13th Amendment
Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States.
New York: R. Spalding, 1865.
Rare first edition of this Civil War publication of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which features the text of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, its first appearance in book form. Octavo, original cloth. In very good condition. Rare and desirable with only a handful appearing at auction in the last 80 years.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 117244
Rare complete first edition, presentation copy set of The Bounty Trilogy; each volume inscribed by James Norman Hall to fellow authors Charles R. and Theodora Larocque Codman
NORDHOFF, Charles and James Norman Hall.
The Bounty Trilogy: Mutiny on the Bounty, Men Against the Sea, Pitcairn’s Island.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1932-34.
First editions of all three volumes of The Bounty Trilogy, based on the historical event of 1789 and adapted into the award-winning 1962 film starring Marlon Brando. Octavo, original publisher's cloth, cartographic endpapers. Presentation copies, each volume inscribed by James Norman Hall. Mutiny on the Bounty is inscribed by James Norman Hall on the half-title page, "For Charley + Theodora with warm regards James H. Hall." Men Against the Sea is inscribed on the second half-title page, "For Charley Codman from his friend James N. Hall. Pitcairn's Island is inscribed on the half-title page, "For Theodora Codman with warm regards…
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 145233
"Thank God for books and music and things I can think about" First edition of the Daniel Keyes Classic Work; Warmly Inscribed by Him
KEYES, Daniel.
Flowers for Algernon.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc, 1966.
First edition of the author's Hugo and Nebula Award-winning novel, basis for the Oscar award-winning movie adaptation Charly. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Linnea Loge a fine writing student, for whom it is a pleasure to inscribe this- Best Wishes Daniel Keyes Athens Ohio, February 3, 1967." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Carl Smith. Housed in a custom half morocco clamshell box.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 703
Rare typescript broadside of the final paragraphs of Gerald Ford's 1974 Proclamation of Pardon granting a full and unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon; signed by both Ford and Nixon
NIXON, Richard M. and Gerald Ford.
Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford Signed Presidential Proclamation of Pardon.
Typescript reproduction of the final paragraphs of Ford's 1974 Proclamation of Pardon granting a full and unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon, his predecessor, for any crimes that he might have committed against the United States as president. One page, typescript. Signed and dated by Gerald Ford, "Gerald Ford 11/5/79" and Richard Nixon. Accompanied by two glossy photographs signed by Ford. In fine condition. The signed pardon measures 7.5 by 5.5 inches. The photographs measure 8 inches by 10 inches. Exceptionally rare.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 134249
First Edition of E.M. Forster's Howard's End
Howard’s End.
London: Edward Arnold, 1910.
first edition of this classic novel. Octavo, original cloth. Edith Nesbit's copy with her ink ownership inscription on the front free endppaer, "E. Nesbit Bland, November 1 1910". Presentation copy with ink stamp to the title page. E.M. Forster first met Nesbit at her house in 1909. Nesbit had contacted the author after reading and admiring A Room with a View and wrote to invite him for lunch and to discuss his work. The two authors became friends and Forster would make regular appearances at Nesbit's gatherings of writers, artists and intellectuals. It seems likely that this copy was sent…
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 130838
First Edition of Jack Kerouac's On The Road
On The Road.
New York: The Viking Press, 1957.
First edition of Kerouac's classic novel. Octavo, original black cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket with light rubbing and wear. Jacket design by Bill English. A sharp example.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 144208
First edition of William F. Sharpe's Fundamentals of Investments; Inscribed by him to Legendary Economist Paul A. Samuelson
SHARPE, William F. and Gordon J. Alexander [Paul A. Samuelson].
Fundamentals of Investments.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1989.
First edition of Alexander and Sharpe's classic text on the fundamentals of investments. Quarto, original boards. Association copy, inscribed by William Sharpe on the title page to fellow Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Samuelson, "For Paul with my best regards William F. Sharpe." In near fine condition. From the library of Paul Samuelson. An exceptional association linking two giants of economic theory.
Price: $5,000.00 Item Number: 138641
First Edition of Langston Hughes' I Wonder As I Wander; With a Full Page Inscription to Amy Spingarn
HUGHES, Langston.
I Wonder As I Wander: An Autobiographical Journey.
New York: Rinehart, 1956.
First edition of Hughes' classic autobiography. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, lengthily inscribed by the author with a full page inscription on the front free endpaper, "Inscribed especially for Amy Spingarn, another "life" of mine, for a friend who has helped to make life of ever joyous and cultural interest. Most sincerely, Langston New York 1957." The recipient, Amy Einstein Spingarn was a philanthropist, poet, and artist known especially for her paintings of prominent African-American cultural figures. Upon the death of her husband, Joel Spingarn, in 1939, Amy Spingarn was elected to finish out his term on the NAACP Board…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 43089
First Edition of Victor Wallace Germains' The Truth About Kitchener; inscribed by him to Winston Churchill and with Churchill's bookplate and pencil markings
GERMAINS, Victor Wallace [Winston S. Churchill].
The Truth About Kitchener. To Which is Appended a Letter From General Von Ludendorff.
London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd, 1925.
First edition of Germains' defense of Kitchener's role in the First World War, from the library of Winston S. Churchill. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front pastedown, "Rt Hon. Winston Churchill. from the Author V. W. Germains 23/2/27." Germains' defense of Lord Kitchener contains a critical analysis of the failure of the Dardanelles campaign, in which he criticizes Churchill, stating, "Much of the ill-natured criticism passed upon the War Office in connection with the failure to relieve Antwerp would seem to be due to the spectacular manner in which Mr. Winston Churchill chose to…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 138052
Collection of Presidential Letters from the Collection of Joe DiMaggio; including letters signed by Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, an Clint Eastwood
DIMAGGIO, Joe. [Bill Clinton; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood].
Joe Dimaggio Presidential Letter Collection.
Rare collection of letters and invitations sent by three United States Presidents to baseball legend Joe DiMaggio. The letters include a typewritten letter from President Bill Clinton wishing DiMaggio a happy 80th birthday, signed by Clinton; and letter on American Academy of Achievement letterhead from President Gerald R. Ford inviting DiMaggio to be a guest of honor at the 28th annual Salute to Excellence weekend program in June 1989, signed by Gerald Ford and Clint Eastwood; and an invitation to a luncheon held on Thursday, November 10, 1988 from President and Mrs. Reagan. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 105698
Rare First Edition of this "comprehensive survey of current mechanism, practice, and theory" Stock Market Theory and Practice
SCHABACKER, Richard Wallace.
Stock Market Theory and Practice.
New York: B.C. Forbes, 1930.
First edition of the first of Schabacker's three major works on the stock market. Octavo, original cloth. Very good in the original dust jacket with some light rubbing and wear. First printings are uncommon.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 4479
First Edition of Reason, Truth and History; Inscribed by Hilary Putnam to Philosopher Richard Rorty
PUTNAM, Hilary [Richard Rorty].
Reason, Truth and History.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
First edition of this work by Hilary Putnam. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper to fellow philosopher Richard Rorty, "For Richard to remind you of the year of the William James Lectures with gratitude for the instruction Hilary April 20, 1982." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. A nice association linking these two giants of twentieth century philosophy.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 15060
First German Edition of Einstein: His Life And Times; Signed by Albert Einstein and inscribed by Philipp Frank
FRANK, Philipp [Albert Einstein].
Einstein: Sein Leben und seine Zeit [His Life And Times].
Munchen: Paul List Verlag, 1949.
First German edition of this classic work by Frank, a famed contemporary of Einstein. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Albert Einstein on the slip to the title page and inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Karl W. Deutsch with the author's compliments Philipp Frank August 10, 1950." Philipp Frank was a physicist, mathematician and also a philosopher during the first half of the 20th century. He was a logical-positivist, and a member of the Vienna Circle. He was influenced by Mach and was one of the Machists criticised by Lenin in Materialism and Empirio-criticism. He studied…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 133215