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"Fight has never been and is not now a fight for conquest of land, for accumulation of wealth or domination of peoples, but for the recognition and preservation of the rights of man and the establishment of a truly free world for a free people": Exceedingly Scarce Signed Photograph of Albert Luthuli
LUTULI, Albert.
Albert Lutuli Signed Photograph.
Black and white photograph of Albert Lutuli, the first African to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Signed twice by him and dated by him 2/11/1961. The portrait shows Luthuli holding the telegram which announced his award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1960. The reverse of the photograph is rubber stamped "Copyright Photograph supplied by The Natal Mercury, Devonshire Place, Durban". In near fine condition.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 81123
First edition of Jawaharlal Nehru's The Discovery of India; Signed by Him
NEHRU, Jawaharlal.
The Discovery of India.
Calcutta: The Signet Press, 1947.
First Indian edition of one of the finest modern works on Indian history. Octavo, original cloth. Signed and dated by the author on the title page, "Jawaharlal Nehru June 1948." In good condition. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 132748
First Edition of Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett; Signed by both Warren Buffett and Andrew Kilpatrick
KILPATRICK, Andrew. [Warren E. Buffett].
Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett.
New York: AKPE , 1994.
First edition of this early Buffett biography. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed by Warren Buffett on the front free endpaper and additionally inscribed by Andrew Kilpatrick on the front free endpaper, "To Tish, Hope you enjoy Andy Fitzpatrick May your finances wind-up in better shape than Warren Buffett's!" Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Nancy Line Jacobs.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 146329
FISHER, Irving.
The Stock Market Crash—And After.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930.
First edition of Fisher's important work tracing the causes and the immediate aftermath of the 1929 Stock Market Crash. Octavo, original red cloth. Near fine in a very good dust jacket with some tape repair to the spine. Rare in the original dust jacket.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 107462
"In this book I take you on a random walk down Wall Street, providing a guided tour of the complexities of finance": First Edition of Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street; Signed by Him
MALKIEL, Burton G.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1973.
First edition of this classic work, one of the “few great investment books” (Andrew Tobias). Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by the author on the front free endpaper, "with best wishes Burt." Near fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Jay J. Smith. Housed in a custom half morocco clamshell box.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 133519
First Edition of Men and Women in Interaction: Reconsidering the Differences; from the library of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Signed by Elizabeth Aries
ARIES, Elizabeth [Ruth Bader Ginsburg].
Men and Women in Interaction: Reconsidering the Differences.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
First edition of this enlightening study in gender relations, from the library of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with her ownership stamp to the front free endpaper. Octavo, original pictorial wrappers. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "March 25, 1996. With all best wishes, Elizabeth Aries." American lawyer and jurist Ruth Bader Ginsburg served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death in 2020 and was responsible for some of the most eventful legal decisions of the past half-century. Nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993 to replace…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 147638
“All men, however highly educated, retain some superstitious inklings": First Edition of H.G. Wells The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man.
London: C. Arthur Pearson Limited, 1897.
First edition, first issue, with the title page printed in orange and black and pages 247 and 248 being publisher's ads. Octavo, original cloth. In near fine condition. Housed in a custom half morocco clamshell box. An exceptional example.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 131733
First Edition of Speeches and Addresses of William McKinley; Inscribed by Him to Professor Wright of Georgia State Industrial College
MCKINLEY, William .
Speeches and Addresses of William McKinley.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1893, [1895].
First edition of this collection of speeches by the United State's 25th president. Octavo, original publisher's cloth with gilt titles to the spine and front panel, pale yellow endpapers, tissue-guarded frontispiece portrait of McKinley, illustrated with four additional tissue-guarded plates. Presentation copy, boldly inscribed on the front flyleaf by William McKinley as Governor of Ohio, “For Prof Wright with the best wishes of WMcKinley May 10/95." The recipient, likely Richard R. Wright suggested by the Georgia State Industrial College (GSIC) bookplate to the front pastedown, was an American military officer, educator, politician, civil rights advocate and banking entrepreneur. One of…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 147248
"It is a strange thing to hear one's name from across all these waters so beautifully set to song": AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED FROM ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON TO HIS BIOGRAPHER, LOUISE IMOGEN GUINEY
STEVENSON, Robert Louis.
Robert Louis Stevenson Autographed Signed Letter.
One page autographed signed letter from Robert Louis Stevenson to his biographer, Louise Imogen Guiney. Matted and framed with a portrait of Stevenson. The letter reads, "Dear Miss Guiney I have waited long upon the muse, for I thought your song should be answered in kind. But I must wait no longer, and the verses refuse to come. Let me, then, thank you in prose for your book which I have read with pleasure, and for your poem which gave me genuine pride. It is a strange thing to hear one's name from across all these waters so beautifully set…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 43055
"This book was ghost written in the truest sense of the world. An imp crept down my arm and played in the ink. Don't turn me in please": First Edition of John Steinbeck's The Short Reign of Pippin IV; Inscribed by Him
The Short Reign of Pippin IV: A Fabrication.
New York: The Viking Press, 1957.
First edition of Steinbeck's only political satire. unrevised proof copy, signed presentation inscription from the author "Dear Elsie Clough: This book was ghost written in the truest sense of the world. An imp crept down my arm and played in the ink. Don't turn me in please Yours John Steinbeck." on front inner wrapper, 2 autograph corrections to the labels including the publication date corrected from March to April, and the price corrected from $2.95 to $3.00, original spiral-bound wrappers, some snapped, edges toned and creased, a little marked, tall 8vo, [1957]. A true unrevised copy (the title character's name…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 145697
First Edition of Victor Wallace Germains' The Truth About Kitchener; inscribed by him to Winston Churchill and with Churchill's bookplate and pencil markings
GERMAINS, Victor Wallace [Winston S. Churchill].
The Truth About Kitchener. To Which is Appended a Letter From General Von Ludendorff.
London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd, 1925.
First edition of Germains' defense of Kitchener's role in the First World War, from the library of Winston S. Churchill. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front pastedown, "Rt Hon. Winston Churchill. from the Author V. W. Germains 23/2/27." Germains' defense of Lord Kitchener contains a critical analysis of the failure of the Dardanelles campaign, in which he criticizes Churchill, stating, "Much of the ill-natured criticism passed upon the War Office in connection with the failure to relieve Antwerp would seem to be due to the spectacular manner in which Mr. Winston Churchill chose to…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 138052
Collection of Presidential Letters from the Collection of Joe DiMaggio; including letters signed by Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, an Clint Eastwood
DIMAGGIO, Joe. [Bill Clinton; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood].
Joe Dimaggio Presidential Letter Collection.
Rare collection of letters and invitations sent by three United States Presidents to baseball legend Joe DiMaggio. The letters include a typewritten letter from President Bill Clinton wishing DiMaggio a happy 80th birthday, signed by Clinton; and letter on American Academy of Achievement letterhead from President Gerald R. Ford inviting DiMaggio to be a guest of honor at the 28th annual Salute to Excellence weekend program in June 1989, signed by Gerald Ford and Clint Eastwood; and an invitation to a luncheon held on Thursday, November 10, 1988 from President and Mrs. Reagan. Accompanied by a letter of provenance from…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 105698
First German Edition of Einstein: His Life And Times; Signed by Albert Einstein and inscribed by Philipp Frank
FRANK, Philipp [Albert Einstein].
Einstein: Sein Leben und seine Zeit [His Life And Times].
Munchen: Paul List Verlag, 1949.
First German edition of this classic work by Frank, a famed contemporary of Einstein. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Albert Einstein on the slip to the title page and inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Karl W. Deutsch with the author's compliments Philipp Frank August 10, 1950." Philipp Frank was a physicist, mathematician and also a philosopher during the first half of the 20th century. He was a logical-positivist, and a member of the Vienna Circle. He was influenced by Mach and was one of the Machists criticised by Lenin in Materialism and Empirio-criticism. He studied…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 133215
CAPOTE, Truman.
Breakfast At Tiffany’s. A Short Novel and Three Stories.
New York: Random House, 1958.
First edition of Capote’s seductive, wistful masterpiece. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Truman Capote on the front free endpaper. Fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Ismar David.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 146495
Rare original gelatin silver print of Nobel Prize-winning author Thomas Mann; inscribed by him
MANN, Thomas.
Thomas Mann Signed Photograph.
Rare silver gelatin print signed by Nobel Prize-winning author Thomas Mann. Inscribed by him on the lower portion of the photograph, "Mr. Satoru Yamano, with all my good wishes, Thomas Mann." Double matted and framed. In near fine condition. The entire piece measures 11.5 inches by 10 inches.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 123909
“No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from": Rare first edition of George Eliot's Daniel Deronda
ELIOT, George.
Daniel Deronda.
Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1876.
First edition in the publisher's cloth of Eliot’s final and most controversial work, which essentially predicts the foundation of Israel. Octavo, eight volumes in the rare original publisher's cloth, with the half-titles and errata slip to vol. 3. In good condition, stamps. Exceedingly rare in the publisher's cloth issue with only one other example traced in auction records.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 137114
First Edition of Langston Hughes' I Wonder As I Wander; With a Full Page Inscription to Amy Spingarn
HUGHES, Langston.
I Wonder As I Wander: An Autobiographical Journey.
New York: Rinehart, 1956.
First edition of Hughes' classic autobiography. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, lengthily inscribed by the author with a full page inscription on the front free endpaper, "Inscribed especially for Amy Spingarn, another "life" of mine, for a friend who has helped to make life of ever joyous and cultural interest. Most sincerely, Langston New York 1957." The recipient, Amy Einstein Spingarn was a philanthropist, poet, and artist known especially for her paintings of prominent African-American cultural figures. Upon the death of her husband, Joel Spingarn, in 1939, Amy Spingarn was elected to finish out his term on the NAACP Board…
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 43089
Rare First Edition of this "comprehensive survey of current mechanism, practice, and theory" Stock Market Theory and Practice
SCHABACKER, Richard Wallace.
Stock Market Theory and Practice.
New York: B.C. Forbes, 1930.
First edition of the first of Schabacker's three major works on the stock market. Octavo, original cloth. Very good in the original dust jacket with some light rubbing and wear. First printings are uncommon.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 4479
First Edition of Reason, Truth and History; Inscribed by Hilary Putnam to Philosopher Richard Rorty
PUTNAM, Hilary [Richard Rorty].
Reason, Truth and History.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
First edition of this work by Hilary Putnam. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper to fellow philosopher Richard Rorty, "For Richard to remind you of the year of the William James Lectures with gratitude for the instruction Hilary April 20, 1982." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. A nice association linking these two giants of twentieth century philosophy.
Price: $4,800.00 Item Number: 15060