First Edition
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First British Edition of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables.
London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, LTD, 1908.
First British edition, from the US sheets (published the same year as the American first) of this timeless and beloved work by L.M. Montgomery. Octavo, original publisher's cloth, gilt titles to the spine and front panel, mounted pictorial label on front panel. Illustrations by M.A. and W.A.J. Claus. In near fine condition. First editions are rare.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 141041
Rare original photograph signed by both legendary sportsmen Ted Williams and Jim Thorpe
WILLIAMS, Ted and Jim Thorpe.
Ted Williams and Jim Thorpe Signed Photograph.
Rare original photograph of Olympic Gold medalist Jim Thorpe and Baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams smiling together at the New England Sportsman's and Boat Show in 1952. Signed by both Williams and Thorpe. Double matted and framed; the photograph measures 9.5 inches by 7.5 inches. The entire piece measures 16 inches by 14 inches. An exceptional .
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 96152
Rare Ulysses S. Grant Autograph; Additionally Signed by Secretary of State Hamilton Fish and U.S. Generals Leonard Wood and Joseph Wheeler
GRANT, Ulysses S.; Hamilton Fish; Leonard Wood; Joseph Wheeler.
Ulysses S. Grant, Hamilton Fish, Leonard Wood and Joseph Wheeler Autographs.
N.p., [1874-1902].
Autographs of President Ulysses S. Grant, Secretary of State Hamilton Fish, and United States Army Generals Leonard Wood and Joseph Wheeler. Octavo, one page. Signed by Grant, "U. S. Grant." Additionally signed and dated by Wheeler ("Joseph Wheeler Genl. USA. Apl. 11. 1902"), Wood (Leonard Wood Army Genl USA June 30th 1902"), and Fish ("Hamilton Fish Sect of State June 5/74"). In very good condition with light toning to the edges. Rare and desirable.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 146684
Rare Photograph Portrait Signed by Theodore Roosevelt as President
ROOSEVELT, Theodore.
Theodore Roosevelt Signed Photograph.
January 29, 1907.
Rare photograph of the 26th President of the United States. Sepia-tone Harris & Ewing bust portrait of Theodore Roosevelt wearing pince-nez eyeglasses and looking to the side of the camera, boldly signed and dated by him as President, "Theodore Roosevelt Jan 29th 1907." Triple mounted. In near fine condition with slight fading to the photograph. The piece measures 9 inches by 14 inches. An exceptional piece.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 147421
Rare 18th Century Catholic Antiphonal; containing the Festa Februarii, Festa Martii, and Festa Aprilis
18th Century Catholic Antiphonal.
Rare 18th Century Catholic antiphonal containing the Festa Februarii, Festa Martii, and Festa Aprilis. Quarto, bound in full leather, hand-written script of both music and lyrics in black and red, all edges red, ribbon bound in. In very good condition.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 123047
"We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it": First Editions of Winston Churchills Masterpiece The Second World War
The Second World War: The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing the Ring; Triumph and Tragedy.
London: Cassell & Co, 1948-54.
First editions of Winston Churchill's masterpiece. Octavo, six volumes bound in three quarters morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. In fine condition.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 125088
Rare forty-four star American flag
Forty-Four Star American Flag.
Rare forty-four star American flag. The American flag bearing 44 stars was in use between July 10, 1890 when the state of Wyoming was admitted into the Union and January 4, 1896 when Utah was admitted as the 45th state. In near fine condition with ownership initials to the hoist, identified to “Camp 6 Sons of Veterans, Illinois Division USA. The flag measures 48 inches by 84 inches.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 109201
Scarce first edition of George Eliot's Daniel Deronda; in the original parts
ELIOT, George.
Daniel Deronda.
Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood, 1876.
First edition in the original parts of Eliot's final and most controversial work, which essentially predicts the foundation of Israel. Octavos, four volumes in eight parts in the original wrappers with 4 half-titles and 8 section titles as issued, advertisements to each part with the exception of the final part, slips to the rear of each volume with the exceptions of part 1 (no slip issued with part 8), errata slips to volumes 3 and 6, publisher's catalogue to rear of part 7 (Parrish, 37-38; Sadlier, 813). In very good condition. Housed in two custom half morocco and chemise cases.…
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 96596
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed": First Edition of A History of the 90th Division in World War II; Signed by General Dwight Eisenhower
A History of the 90th Division in World War II: 6 June 1944 to 9 May 1945.
Baton Rouge, LA: Army & Navy Publishing Company , 1946.
First edition of this work on the 90th division in World II. Quarto, original leatherette boards, cartographic endpapers, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by General Dwight Eisenhower on the title page, "To Skippe Sheppard Best wishes from Dwight D. Eisenhower." The recipient, Captain Harlo John Sheppard was in the 712th Tank Division, with his name and notes throughout. In very good condition. Rare and desirable signed by Eisenhower, this is the first example we have seen.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 140008
HEATH, Dave.
A Dialogue With Solitude.
New York: Community Press, 1965.
First edition of the photographer's seminal work, one of the great photobooks of the second half of the twentieth century. Tall quarto, original gray cloth. Signed by Dave Heath on the half-title page. Fine in a very good dust jacket that shows some light rubbing to the front and rear panel.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 1763
First Edition of Cosmos; Inscribed by Carl Sagan
SAGAN, Carl.
New York: Random House, 1980.
First edition of one of the best-selling science books ever published. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "For the Collins family With best wishes Carl Sagan 9/20/95." Fine a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Robert Aulicino, jacket painting by Adolph Schaller.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 77951
LUTHER, Dr. Martin.
Eyn Sermon Doctoris Martini Luther (Dr. Martin Luther’s Maundy Thursday Sermon).
Wittenberg: Jobst Gutknecht, 1523.
First edition of Dr. Martin Luther's Maundy Thursday Sermon with explicit instruction on the correct preparation for receiving the holy sacraments. Quarto, 24 leaves of German text disbound from the original Gutknecht edition and tipped in to accompany a rare 16-page handwritten manuscript containing a literal translation in English from 1864. Bound in full brown morocco, elaborate tooling to the front and rear panels, tooling to the spine, yellow silk endpapers, gilt turn-ins, inner dentelles, all edges gilt.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 79343
Adam Smiths Masterpiece The Wealth of Nations; Finely Bound
SMITH, Adam.
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
London: A. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1799.
Early edition of Adam Smith's magnum opus and cornerstone of economic thought. Octavo, 3 volumes, bound in full calf, gilt titles to the spine, morocco spine labels. In near fine condition, rebacked. An exceptional set of this classic work.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 137589
Rare original photograph of the 946 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference; signed by Prime Minister Clement Attlee, Jan Smuts and each other sitter
ATLEE, Clement; Ben Chifley; Walter Nash; Jan Smuts; et al.
Clement Atlee Signed 1946 Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference Photograph.
Large original photograph of the 1946 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference, signed by UK Prime Minister Clement Atlee among every other sitter. The large silver gelatin print is signed on the mount by UK Prime Minister Clement Atlee, Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley, Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand Walter Nash, South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts, and Labour Cabinet Minister Arthur Henderson among others. In near fine condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 34.5 inches by 24.5 inches.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 137423
Rare First Edition of Terrorist Methods With Mines and Booby Traps
Palestine Pamphlets. Terrorist Methods With Mines and Booby Traps.
Jerusalem: Headquarters, Chief Engineer, Palestine & Transjordan, 1946.
Very rare restricted British Army manual dealing with terrorist explosive devices and methods. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers, frontispiece and 6 plates, 16 full-page text-illustrations. Only 2 copies can be traced in institutions (National Library of Israel and Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto). In very good condition.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 125181
First Edition of Stephen Sondheim's Collected Lyrics: Look I Made A hat; Inscribed by Him to Fellow Writer Annie Dillard
SONDHEIM, Stephen [Annie Dillard].
The Collected Lyrics of Stephen Sondheim. Look, I Made a Hat.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
First editions of the collected lyrics of Stephen Sondheim. Quarto, original boards, illustrated throughout. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author opposite the title page to fellow writer Annie Dillard, "For Annie Best Wishes from Stephen Sondheim." Fine in a fine dust jacket. From the library of Annie Dillard.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 133175
"Reality is one of the possibilities I cannot afford to ignore": First Edition of Beautiful Losers; Warmly Inscribed by Leonard Cohen
COHEN, Leonard.
Beautiful Losers.
New York: The Viking Press, 1966.
First edition of Cohen's second and final novel. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, lengthily inscribed by the author on the title page, "To William on his 60th Birthday warm regards Leonard Cohen Montreal 2008." Fine in a near fine dust jacket with only the lightest of wear. Jacket design by Gilda Kuhlman.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 99786
Rare First Edition of Benjamin Graham's The Interpretation of Financial Statements
GRAHAM, Benjamin and Spencer B. Meredith.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements.
New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1937.
First edition with the statement of first edition on the copyright page of this classic in understanding balance sheets. Octavo, original cloth. In near fine condition. Written in collaboration of Harold T. Johnson, Birl E. Shultz, Albert P. Squier, Belmont Towbin and Eric C. Vance. First printings are exceptionally scarce.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 100061
First edition of Wall Street 1955: Investment Careers, Procedures & Precepts; signed by Legendary Wall Street trader Gerald M. Loeb
LOEB, Gerald M.; Bernard M. Baruch; Benjamin Graham; William S. Goedecke; Walter Maynard; John Stevenson et al.
Wall Street 1955: Investment Careers, Procedures & Precepts.
New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Daily News, 1954.
First edition of this compilation of reports published by Yale as an introduction to Wall Street for aspiring students. Quarto, original wrappers, illustrated. Boldly signed by Gerald M. Loeb on the front panel. In near fine condition.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 116393
Photograph of Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks; Signed by Her
PARKS, Rosa.
Rosa Parks Photograph Signed.
Rare iconic photograph of Rosa Parks "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement," signed by her. In fine condition. The photograph measures 10 inches by 8 inches.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 147223