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"The greater the scientific advance, the more primitive the fear": First Edition of White Noise; Inscribed by Don Delillo
White Noise.
New York: The Viking Press, 1985.
First edition of the author’s National Book Award-winning novel. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, boldly inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Joe Don DeLillo." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Neil Stuart. A very sharp example.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 138126
First edition of George Bernard Shaw's Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant; inscribed by him to Alfred J. Warne Browne
SHAW, George Bernard.
Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant.
London: Grant Richards, 1898.
First edition of the definitive text of Shaw’s volume of “unpleasant” plays: Widowers’ Houses, The Philanderer, and Mrs. Warren’s Profession Octavo, two volumes, original cloth with gilt titles to the spine, top edge gilt, tissue-guarded frontispiece and 8 pages of publisher's advertisements to Vol. I, 4 pages of publisher's advertisements to Vol. II. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page of Vol. I, "From G.B.S., painter of humanity, to Warne Browne, painter of the next deepest subject - the sea! Cadgwith Sept. 1899." The recipient, Alfred J. Warne Browne, was an English seascape painter based in Cornwall.…
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 137391
"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body": First Edition of Margaret Sanger's An Autobiography; Inscribed by Her
SANGER, Margaret.
Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1938.
First edition of Sanger's autobiography. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece of Sanger. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For Hubert Michelman Margaret Sanger." Near fine in a very good dust jacket with some small chips and wear.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 5034
Palm Leaf Manuscript
Palm Leaf Manuscript.
Very attractive palm leaf book in East Asian script (possibly Burmese). Approximately 159 palm leaves between two wooden covers with beveled edges, loosely bound with a cord, with a medallion at each end. Each leaf approximately 1.25 inches by 13.5 inches, with manuscript in black ink on rectos and versos of each leaf, initial and final leaves blank. 19th century.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 52015
“As Sickness is the greatest misery, so the greatest misery of sickness, is solitude": First Edition of Awakenings; Signed by Oliver Sacks
SACKS, Oliver.
London: Duckworth, 1973.
First edition of Sacks' classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For John Rogers, with best wishes, Oliver Sacks Aug 2015." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 95790
"A Gallery of Ghosts": Rare late nineteenth century Carte de visite album containing albumen portraits of Henry Ward Beecher, Washington Irving, and General Winfield Hancock among dozens of others
Nineteenth Century Carte de Visite Album.
Rare late nineteenth century carte de visite album containing dozens of original portraits of prominent members of the Griffith family of New York and several contemporary celebrities including Henry Ward Beecher, Washington Irving, and General Winfield Hancock. Quarto, original full leather richly decorated in gilt with inner dentelles, silk watered endleaves, gilt decorations and ruling to each album page which contains one or four original carte de visite portraits, all edges gilt, metal clasp. In very good condition. A captivating collection of nineteenth century American portraits.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 136095
"Did you ever here of Mickey, how he heard a racket in the night, and shouted Quiet down there!": First Edition of In The Night Kitchen; Inscribed by Maurice Sendak
SENDAK, Maurice.
In the Night Kitchen.
New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1970.
First edition of Sendak's classic work. Quarto, original cloth with illustrated paper cover label, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "For Nicholas Robertson Maurice Sendak Dec. 85." Near fine in a very good dust jacket.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 140617
First Edition of Marc Chagall's Jerusalem Windows
CHAGALL, Marc & Jean Laymarie.
Jerusalem Windows.
New York: Braziller, 1962.
First edition. Folio, original red cloth, with two original color lithographs specially prepared by Chagall for this edition, illustrated throughout. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. A very sharp example.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 1376
First Edition of William Boyd's A Good Man in Africa; Signed Twice by Him
BOYD, William.
A Good Man in Africa.
London : Hamish Hamilton, 1981.
First edition of the author's classic first book. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For Annette, with all good wishes from the author." Additionally signed in full by the author on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket illustration by Michael MacManus.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 124801
First Edition of Tennessee Williams Memoirs; Inscribed by Him
WILLIAMS, Tennessee.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1975.
First edition of this classic memoir by the author of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Elissa Tennessee Williams." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Alex Gotfryd. Marballa mural by Laverne. Housed in a custom half morocco clamshell and chemise clamshell box. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 142240
Rare original December 24, 1973 Time Magazine Cover; Signed by Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger Signed Time Magazine Cover.
December 24, 1973.
Original cover from the December 24, 1973 issue of Time Magazine featuring a caricature of Henry Kissinger, signed by him. Quarto, original illustrated front wrapper. In very good condition with fold creases.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 145306
“Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are made for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration": First Edition of Izaak Walton's The Complete Angler
WALTON, Izaak and Charles Cotton.
The Complete Angler or The Contemplative Man’s Recreation: Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing.
London: Printed only for Thomas Hope; sold by him and Sackville Parker, Richard Matthews, and Samuel Trimmer, 1760.
First Hawkins edition of Walton's classic work. Octavo, original full speckled tan calf with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised bands, double gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, black morocco spine label, engraved frontispiece, illustrated with fourteen engraved plates, seventeen in-text engravings of fish, and several engraved headpieces, tailpieces, and initials. In very good condition with some rubbing to the extremities. Housed in a brown cloth clamshell with "Brooke Dolan 1940" stamped in gilt on front panel.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 146335
The Official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 Album; Signed by Composer John Williams
John Williams Signed Official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984.
New York: CBS Inc, 1984.
The Official Music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 on vinyl, signed by legendary composer John Williams. Double-folding album with art direction by Lane/Donald and stamped with the Official Olympiad Los Angeles music label. Boldly signed by John Williams on the front cover. John Williams composed the Olympic Fanfare and Theme for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games hosted in Los Angeles California. In fine condition. Record included.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 146750
First Edition of Norman Maclean's A River Runs Through It
MACLEAN, Norman.
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories.
Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1976.
First edition of Maclean's classic first book. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket photograph by Joel Snyder.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 147114
First Edition of Work Suspended. Two Chapters of an Unfinished Novel; Warmly Inscribed by Evelyn Waugh in the Year of Publication
WAUGH, Evelyn.
Work Suspended. Two Chapters of an Unfinished Novel.
London: Chapman & Hall, 1942.
First edition, one of only 500 copies. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, warmly inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the front free endpaper, "Carolyn with love from Evelyn Christmas 1942." In very good condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 146276
First Edition of Joel Greenblatt's You Can Be A Stock Market Genius; Signed by Him
You Can Be a Stock Market Genius Even If You’re Not Too Smart : Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To James, Good luck with this! Happy Hunting! Warmest wishes, Joel Greenblatt." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Marc Cohen.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 108924
"The greatest real thrill that life offers is to create, to construct, to develop something useful. Too often we fail to recognize and pay tribute to the creative spirit. It is that spirit that creates our jobs": First Edition of Adventures of a White-Collar Man; Inscribed by Alfred P. Sloan
SLOAN, Alfred P.
Adventures of a White-Collar Man.
New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1941.
First edition of the story of Alfred P. Sloan's rise to become General Motors executive. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece of Alfred P. Sloan. Boldly signed and dated by the author on the front free endpaper, "Alfred Sloan P. Sloan Jr New York July 22, 1964." Near fine in a very good dust jacket with some rubbing to the extremities. Written in collaboration with Boyden Sparkes. Introduction by Karl T. Compton. Scarce and desirable signed by Sloan.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 54084
“A WHOLE SWEET COUNTRYSIDE AMUCK WITH MURDER”: First Edition of Blunden's Undertones of War; In the Scarce Original Dust Jacket
BLUNDEN, Edmund.
Undertones of War.
London: Richard Cobden-Sanderson, 1928.
First edition of Blunden’s moving narrative of life on the Western Front told in prose and verse,. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. An exceptional example, uncommon in this condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 130487
First Edition of Elspeth Huxley's The Mottled Lizard; SIgned by Her
HUXLEY, Elspeth.
The Mottled Lizard.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1962.
First edition of this sequel to Huxley's The Flame Trees of Thika. Octavo, original cloth. Signed by Elspeth Huxley on the title page. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Rosemary Seligman. Uncommon signed.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 46332
Charts and Graphs: An Introduction to Graphic Methods In the Control and Analysis of statistics.
New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1923.
First edition of this seminal work on charts and graphs. Octavo, original leatherette boards, illustrated throughout. Introduction by Carl Snyder. In very good condition. First editions are rare.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 132351
Rare First Edition of Edwin Delos Coe's The Black Hawk Tragedy
COE, Edwin Delos.
The Black Hawk Tragedy: Read before the Loyal Legion at Milwaukee, May 6, 1896.
Milwaukee: 1896.
First edition of this work on the Black Hawk Tragedy. Octavo, original publisher's printed wrappers; 16pp. In very good condition with a few chips to corners of wraps, gift inscription to front free endpaper. Scarce with no examples appearing at auction since 1929.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 142116
First Edition of Robert Penn Warren's World Time and Enough; Inscribed by Him
WARREN, Robert Penn.
World Enough and Time.
New York: Random House, 1950.
First edition of this classic novel; one of the big sleepers in 20th century American fiction and the "richest of [Warren's] novels" (New York Herald Tribune). Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Frank Sutherland regards Robert Penn Warren." Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Jules Gottlieb. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise clamshell box.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 142272
"Knock, and it shall be opened unto you": First Edition of Sean O'Casey's I Knock At The Door; Lengthily Inscribed by Him
O'CASEY, Sean.
I Knock At The Door: Swift Glances Back at Things That Made Me.
London: Macmillan & Co, 1939.
First edition of this autobiography by the famed Irish playwright. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication, "To Joe Cummins, with deep affection, from Sean O'Casey remembering many delightful Dublin chats round his surgery firesides. Devon 1939. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 108016
First edition of C.S. Lewis' Beyond the Bright Blur
Beyond the Bright Blur.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World Inc, 1963.
First edition of this selection from Letters to Malcolm. Octavo, original boards. Near fine in the original rice paper jacket, which is in good condition. Rare.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 137526
Aldous Huxley's The Art of Seeing; Signed by Him
HUXLEY, Aldous.
The Art of Seeing.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1942.
First edition, early printing of this classic work which details Huxley's experience with and views on the controversial Bates method, which according to him improved his eyesight. Octavo, original half cloth. Boldly signed by Aldous Huxley on the front free endpaper. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 140889
CARTER, Jimmy.
Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President.
New York: Bantam Books, 1982.
First edition of the 39th President of the United States' memoirs. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Association copy, inscribed by President Carter to former four-term United States Senator Lloyd M. Bentsen on a Presidential bookplate affixed to the front free endpaper, "To Lloyd Bentsen J. Carter." The recipient, Lloyd Millard Bentsen, ran as the Democratic Party nominee for vice president in 1988 on the Michael Dukakis ticket and served as the the 69th United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Bill Clinton. As a primary architect of the Clinton economic plan, Bentsen contributed to a $500 billion reduction in the…
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 119599
Rare Photograph Signed by Charles, Prince of Wales is the oldest and longest-serving heir apparent in British history, as well as the longest-serving Prince of Wales, having held that title since 1958. Born in Buckingham Palace in 1948 as the first grandchild of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer on July 29th, 1981 at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London; the ceremony reached a global television audience of over 750 million viewers. The royal couple had two sons, princes Harry and William who became second and third in the line of succession to the British throne.
CHARLES, Prince.
Prince Charles Signed Photograph.
Rare photograph of Prince Charles and his staff taken during the 1994 Royal Tour. Signed and dated by Prince Charles, "Charles 1994." One of eleven original photographs presented by Prince Charles to his staff, this photograph was given to Sergeant Ron Lewis who is standing in the center of the back row of the photograph. In fine condition. A nice example.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 95805
First Edition of Larry Niven's Ringworld; Inscribed by Him
NIVEN, Larry.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1970.
Paperback original first edition of this classic work, which went on to win the 1970 Nebula and 1971 Hugo award for best novel. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers by Dean Ellis. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Tim Larry Niven." In very good condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 140443
"Beauty will live though I must sleep, unknowing, beneath thy feet": The Constant Nymph; signed by Margaret Kennedy and Basil Dean
KENNEDY, Margaret and Basil Dean.
The Constant Nymph: From the Novel of Margaret Kennedy.
London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1926.
First edition, second impression of the classic stage adaptation of Kennedy's Bohemian novel of the same name. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Margaret Kennedy and Basil Dean on the half-title page. In near fine condition. From the library of bibliophile Henry Stuart Maclean Jack with his bookplate to the pastedown. Uncommon signed.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 124809
BALZAC, Honore de.
Eugenie Grandet I.
Paris: Librarie Larousse, n.d.
Finely bound Classiques Larousse edition of Balzac's short novel, later revised to be included in his ambitious project, La Comédie humaine. Octavo, bound in full crushed green morocco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, double gilt ruling and fleuron cornerpieces to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. In near fine condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 130184
Rare Original Photograph Signed Twice and dated three times by Polar Explorer and Aviator Richard E. Byrd
BYRD, Richard E.
Richard E. Byrd Signed Photograph.
Original black and white photograph of polar aviator Richard E. Byrd. Inscribed by Byrd, "May 9, 1926 To Cornelius C. Greenway with best wishes R.E. Byrd." Additionally signed by him, "May 9, 1926 R.E. Byrd" and dated a third time, "Nov. 28, 1929." The recipient, Cornelius C. Greenway, was a Dutch-American Universalist minister and eminent autograph collector. He served as the minister of the All Souls Church in Brooklyn, New York for almost 40 years and led the opposition against the unification of the Unitarian and Universalist denominations. In near fine condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 100106
"I will come again and conquer you because as a mountain you can't grow, but as a human, I can": First Edition of High Adventure; Finely Bound by The Harcourt Bindery
HILLARY, Edmund.
High Adventure.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955.
First British edition of Hillary's account of his ascent of Everest. Octavo, with maps by A. Sparks and sketches by George Djurkouic, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. An exceptional presentation.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 144006
The Economic Point of View; Signed by Israel Kirzner
KIRZNER, Israel M.
The Economic Point of View.
Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1976.
First printing of this edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Boldly signed by Israel Kirzner on the half-title page. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by John Grandits. Edited with an introduction by Laurence S. Moss.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 144369
“We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private: and therefore starved for meditation and true friendship": First Edition of C.S. Lewis' The Weight of Glory
The Weight of Glory and other Addresses.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949.
First edition, first printing of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Ownership signature to the front free endpaper. Jacket design by Jeanyee Wong. Uncommon in the original jacket.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 145132
First Edition of Gene Sarazen's Thirty Years of Championship Golf; Inscribed by Him
SARAZEN, Gene with Herbert Warren Wind.
Thirty Years of Championship Golf: The Life and Times of Gene Sarazen.
New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1950.
First edition of Sarazen's classic autobiography. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Foreword by Robert T. Jones, Jr. Inscribed by the author opposite the title page, "To Dick Garlington My best wishes from his friend Gene Sarazen." The recipient Dick Garlington was a golfer and a close friend of Sarazen and Bobby Jones, who along with Jones was the visionary for Atlanta's famed Peachtree Golf Club. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Rare and desirable signed by Sarazen.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 53022
"You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from": First Edition of Cormac McCarthys No Country For Old Men; Signed by cormac mccarthy and Three times by Jacket designer Chip Kidd
No Country For Old Men.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.
First edition of this “harrowing, propulsive drama… about a stone-cold killer, a small-town sheriff, and an average Joe” (New York Times). Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Cormac McCarthy and signed three times by jacket artist Chip Kidd: on the front panel, below McCarthy's signature and on the rear jacket flap. In good condition with some staining to the first several pages in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Chip Kidd.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 146455
"First with the head, then with the heart": First British Edition of The Power of One; Signed by Bryce Courtenay in the Year of Publication
The Power of One.
London: William Heinemann, 1989.
First British edition of the Courtenay's classic novel. Octavo, original cloth. Signed and dated by the author in the year of publication on the title page, "Bryce Courtenay 22/3/89." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 147199
"A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example": First Edition of Joe Di Maggio's Lucky To Be A Yankee; Bound in Full Morocco By the Harcourt Bindery
DI MAGGIO, Joe [DiMaggio].
Lucky To Be A Yankee.
New York: Rudolph Field, 1946.
First edition of this early autobiography by Joltin' Joe Di Maggio. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles to the spine, raised bands, gilt ruled to the front and rear panels, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Introduction by James A. Farley. Foreword by Grantland Rice. In fine condition.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 140408
First Edition of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's La Mala Hora
La Mala Hora.
Madrid: Propiedad Literaria Reservada, 1962.
First edition of this work written just before One Hundred Years of Solitude. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers. In very good condition with some light rubbing and wear.
Price: $1,200.00 Item Number: 48742