Gifts - Holidays
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Rare 18th Century Oxford Book of Common Prayer printed by John Baskett
The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David.
University of Oxford: Printed by John Baskett, 1716.
Rare 18th Century Oxford Book of Common Prayer printed by John Baskett. Octavo, bound in full contemporary morocco richly decorated in gilt with gilt tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling and scrolling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, extra-illustrated with additional engraved title page, frontispiece, and 50 engraved plates, red ruled borders. In very good condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 140601
Rare collection of Tobacco Silks decorated with a variety of international flags and university pennants
International Tobacco Silk Collection.
Rare collection of Tobacco Silks decorated with a variety of international flags and university pennants. 35 flags in total, countries represented include Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Chile, Scotland, San Domingo, and the United States. University pennants include Yale, Pennsylvania, Harvard, and Missouri. In fine condition. A bright and unique collection.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 101561
"The only pal I ever had - always wishing you happy landings": First edition of Frank Hawks' Autobiography Speed; lengthily inscribed by him
HAWKS, Frank.
New York: Brewer, Warren & Putnam, 1931.
First edition of the legendary World War I aviator's autobiography. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated, lacking the frontispiece. Presentation copy, lengthily inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Rolly Ueland, the only pal I ever had - always wishing you happy landings Frank Hawks alias Hawker." The recipient, Rolf Ueland practiced law in Minneapolis from 1923 to 1969. His sister, Brenda Ueland, was a noted journalist, editor and bookseller. With an additional Christmas postcard addressed to the recipient in the original transmittal envelope laid in. In very good condition. Books signed and inscribed by Hawks are scarce.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 138244
Privately printed signed Limited Editions Club edition of Richard Burton's The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night; one of 1500 numbered copies signed by illustrator Valenti Angelo
BURTON, Richard F. Illustrated by Valenti Angelo.
The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments
New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1934.
Privately printed signed Limited Editions Club edition of the unabridged translation of Burton's famed work. Octavo, six volumes bound in half leather over printed paper boards, elaborate geometric and botanical stamping to the spine, illustrated with 1001 drawings by Valenti Angelo. One of fifteen hundred numbered copies made for the members of The Limited Editions Club and signed by the illustrator, Valenti Angelo, on the colophon, this is number 1398. In fine condition. An exceptional set.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145165
Rare Javanese Kris; From the Collection of General William T. Sherman
General Sherman’s Javanese Kris.
Rare Javanese kris, commonly used in the pencak silat martial art native to Indonesia, from the collection of General William T. Sherman preserved in his military trunk. Ulysses S. Grant, a close friend of Sherman’s, went on a “World Tour” after his second presidential term had ended. It has been suggested that Grant collected a few souvenirs for his dear friend while visiting Asia. When the Grant family returned from their trip, Sherman greeted Grant at a reunion held by the veterans of the Army of the Tennessee. In good condition, with handle missing. The piece measures 14.5 inches.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 147821
"THE MOST CELEBRATED BIOGRAPHY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE": Boswell's Life of Johnson; decorated with a concealed split fore-edge painting
CROKER, John Wilson [James Boswell].
Boswell’s Life of Johnson: Including Their Tour to The Hebrides.
London: John Murray, 1860.
Finely bound example of the most celebrated biography in the English language, decorated with a concealed split fore-edge painting. Octavo, bound in full period morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, elaborate gilt ruling and fleuron cornerpieces to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, all edges gilt, decorated with a concealed split fore-edge painting revealing two maritime landscapes, illustrated, ribbon bound in. In very good condition. Bookplate. A unique example.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 138277
First Edition of Of Flight And Life; Inscribed by Charles Lindbergh to close friend Walter Bartky
Of Flight and Life.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1948.
First edition of this prophetic discourse on weapons of mass destruction. Association copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the half-title page, "To Dean Walter Bartky with affection, and best wishes from Charles A. Lindbergh August 1948." The recipient, Walter Bartky was an American educator and mathematician and friend of the Lindberghs. After receiving a Ph.D. from the university, he served on its faculty in the astronomy department. In 1943 he became associate dean of the University of Chicago’s Division of Physical Sciences. During the Manhattan Project, Bartky served as the Metallurgical Laboratory’s associate director. Bartky…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 144537
The Louis XIV national deluxe illustrated edition of the works of Albert Camus; with over 90 original lithographs in color by Carzou
CAMUS, Albert.
Oeuvres Completes de Albert Camus.
Paris: Imprimierie Nationale, 1965.
The Louis XIV national deluxe illustrated edition of the works of Albert Camus with over 90 original lithographs in color by Carzou. Quartos, 7 volumes, pages loosely bound within black vellum backed wrappers housed in glassine, elaborately illustrated throughout with additional suites of lithographs to the rear of each volume. In near fine condition. Each volume housed in the original custom slipcase. Exquisitely illustrated.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 94697
WINFREY, Oprah; Danny Glover; Thandiwe Newton; Kimberly Elise. [Toni Morrison].
Journey to Beloved.
New York: Hyperion, 1998.
First edition of Oprah Winfrey’s emotional account of playing the part of Sethe, the former slave who must come to terms with a haunting past in Jonathan Demme’s film adaptation of Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Quarto, original illustrated boards, photographic endpapers, illustrated with photographs by Ken Regan. Presentation copy, inscribed on the second free endpaper by Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, Thandiwe Newton, Kimberly Elise, and Lisa Gay Hamilton to Bill Zwecker. A member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association, Zwecker was a longtime entertainment and celebrity journalist. A Chicago native and second-generation newspaper star (his late mother, Peg Zwecker,…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 135044
finely bound and copiously illustrated 19th century printing of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
The Pilgrim’s Progress and Other Works of John Bunyan with an Original Memoir by the Reverend George B. Cheever, D.D.
Howard Street, Glasgow; South Bridge, Edinburgh; 22 Paternoster Row, London: William Mackenzie, n.d. [1862].
Finely bound and copiously illustrated 19th century printing of one of the most significant works of religious English literature. Quarto, bound in three quarters morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, illustrated with 31 plates and numerous in-text illustrations, additional pictorial title page, folding plate of Bunyan's Dream. In very good condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 144028
Scarce first edition of Antoine Simon Duportal's Recherches Sur L'état Actuel de la Distillation du Vin en France, et Sur Les Moyens d'Améliorer la Distillation des Eaux-De-Vie
DUPORTAL, Antoine Simon.
Recherches Sur L’état Actuel de la Distillation du Vin en France, et Sur Les Moyens d’Améliorer la Distillation des Eaux-de-vie. (Research on the Current State of Wine Distillation in France, and on Ways to Improve the Distillation of Eaux-de-vie).
Paris, Saint Petersbourg: Klostermann, 1811.
Scarce first edition of early work on the distillation of wine and eau-de-vie. Octavo, bound in full period tree calf, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, red morocco spine label, five folding maps of distillation apparatus, rebacked retaining the original spine. Stamps and previous owner inscriptions. In very good condition. Scarce and desirable. Works on the distillation of eau de vie are rare.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 95242
First Edition of Man Ray Photographs; Warmly Inscribed by Him
Man Ray: Photographs.
New York: East River Press, 1975.
First edition. Quarto, original wrappers as issued. Inscribed by Man Ray on the half title page, "For Roberta with thanks for her interest in this resurrection! Man Ray 1976." In near fine condition with light shelfwear. Uncommon signed and inscribed, as Man Ray passed away in November of 1976.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 15047
First edition of The Dracula Book; inscribed by Christopher Lee and signed by William Marshall on a bookplate
GLUT, Donald F. With Introductions by Christopher Lee and William Marshall.
The Dracula Book.
Metuchen, N.J: The Scarecrow Press, 1975.
First edition of Glut's authoritative history of the literary and cinematic presentations of Count Dracula, including Bram Stoker's classic novel. Octavo, original publisher's decorated cloth, illustrated with photographs. Presentation copy, inscribed by Christopher Lee on the dedication page, "Art - All good wishes Christopher Lee" and additionally signed by William Marshall on a bookplate affixed to the dedication page. In fine condition. Cover illustration by Larry Byrd.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145253
"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet": First Edition of Life; Signed by Keith Richards in the year of publication
Life: Keith Richards.
New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2010.
First edition of Richards' autobiography. Octavo, original boards, illustrated with photographs. Signed and dated by the author om the year of publication on the front free-endpaper, "Keith Richards '10." Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Mario J. Pulice. Front jacket photograph by David LaChapelle. Rear jacket photograph by Deborah Feingold.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145196
"one of the most popular and widely read novels among Victorians": Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield; elaborately bound in full crushed levant morocco by Bayntun Bindery
GOLDSMITH, Oliver. With Prefatory Memoir by George Saintsbury.
The Vicar of Wakefield.
London: John C. Nimmo, 1886.
Finely bound example of one of the most popular and widely read novels among Victorians. Octavo, bound in full crushed levant morocco by Bayntun Bindery, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, elaborate gilt ruling to the front an rear panels, central morocco onlay to the front panel, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, ribbon bound in, illustrated with one hundred and fourteen colored illustrations. With a prefatory memoir by George Saintsbury. From the library of Eugene Field with his bookplate to the pastedown. Often referred to as "the…
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 139375
First Edition of Helen Levitt's Second Book In the Street; Signed by Her
LEVITT, Helen; Essays by Robert Coles.
In the Street.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987.
First edition of the photographer's second major photobook. Quarto, original cloth. Signed by Helen Levitt on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Not to be confused with the more common paperback edition. Helen Levitt and the author James Agee first collaborated in 1945 on a documentary film set in Harlem, called "In the Street." Psychologist Robert Coles contributed the essays to this volume.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 810
First Edition of Dorothy Hartley's Food In England; in the uncommon dust jacket
HARTLEY, Dorothy.
Food In England.
London: Macdonald, 1954.
First edition of this classic work by the social historian Dorothy Hartley, which is both a cookery book and a history of English cuisine. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated with Hartley's own strong, detailed and lively illustrations. Bookplate, near fine in a very good dust jacket. Uncommon in the original jacket.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 95798
William Alexander's Picturesque Representations and the Dress and Manners of the Chinese; finely bound in full morocco
Picturesque Representations and the Dress and Manners of the Chinese. Illustrated with Fifty Coloured Engravings, with Descriptions.
London: Printed for James Goodwin, c. 1829.
Finely bound example of Alexander's profusely illustrated work on t19th century China. Octavo, original full straight-grain morocco richly decorated in gilt, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, all edges gilt, illustrated with fifty hand-colored engravings. In good condition. Rare.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 133048
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron; finely bound with a fore-edge painting
BYRON, George Gordon [Lord].
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. [Fore-edge Painting].
London: John Murray, 1850.
Finely bound edition of the complete poetical works of Lord Byron. Octavo, bound in full crushed red morocco with gilt titles and tooling to the spine, quadruple gilt ruling and fleuron cornerpieces to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-in and inner dentelles, patterned endpapers, illustrated, frontispiece portrait of Byron. Decorated with a fore-edge painting depicting a portrait of Byron and a landscape. In very good condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 135627
Fine collection of Inaugural Gifts from the Inauguration of Ronald Reagan as President and George H. W. Bush as Vice President of the United States
REAGAN, Ronald and George H. W. Bush.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush Inaugural Gift Collection.
Fine collection of official gifts from the inauguration of Ronald Reagan as President and George H. W. Bush as Vice President of the United States. The collection includes a sterling silver money clip and pill box embossed with the Reagan Bush inaugural logo and a fountain pen from the inaugural reception of George H. W. Bush bearing Bush’s signature in facsimile and housed in the original box bearing the seal of the Vice President of the United States. In near fine condition.
Price: $1,450.00 Item Number: 117304