Presidents and World Leaders
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Rare 17th century printing of Rufus' celebrated history of Alexander the Great
De Rebus Alexandri Magni, Cum Commentario Perpetuo & Indice Absolutissimo Samuelis Pitisci. [History of Alexander the Great].
Utrecht: Apud Franciscum Halma, 1685.
Rare 17th century printing of Rufus' celebrated history of Alexander the Great. Octavo, bound in full vellum, with engraved title, folding map and 9 engraved plates (some folding) depicting the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a view of the ancient city, and a folding map of Alexander's domain. In very good condition. Period ownership inscription.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 131499
“My identity might begin with the fact of my race, but it didn't, couldn't end there. At least that's what I would choose to believe": Dreams From My Father; INSCRIBED BY BARACK OBAMA
OBAMA, Barack.
Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
New York: Crown Publishers, 2004.
First paperback edition of the future President's first book. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Bob - All the best! Barack" In fine condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 133108
"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall": First Edition of Ronald Reagan's Speaking My Mind; signed by him
REAGAN, Ronald .
Speaking My Mind.
London: Hutchinson, 1990.
First British edition of President Reagan's collection of speeches. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated with black and white photographs. Boldly signed by the author on the half-title page, "Ronald Reagan Aug. 5 - '92." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Alan Dempsey. British editions are rare signed.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 147641
“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on": First Edition of John F. Kennedy's Why England Slept
Why England Slept.
New York: Wilfred Funk, Inc, 1940.
First edition of John F. Kennedy's first book. Octavo, original red cloth. Introduction by Henry R. Luce. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Laid in is a copy of Kennedy's Inaugural Address.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 145871
"If my father had been an American, and my mother British, instead of the other way around, I might have gotten here on my own": First edition of Churchill's December 26th 1941 speech delivered before the United States Congress
An Address by The Rt. Hon Winston S. Churchill Prime Minister of Great Britain December 26th 1941.
Stamford Connecticut: The Overbrook Press, 1942.
Rare first edition of Churchill's historic address delivered before Congress on December 26th 1941. Octavo, original boards. One of on thousand copies printed. In near fine condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 131554
“Governments don't produce economic growth people do”: First Edition of the 40th President of the United States Autobiography An American Life; Signed by Ronald Reagan
REAGAN, Ronald .
An American Life.
London: Hutchinson, 1990.
First British edition of the 40th President of the United States' memoir. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Boldly signed by the author on the half-title page, "Ronald Reagan Feb. 24- '93." Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Robert Anthony, Inc. Uncommon signed.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 148095
Inscribed Photograph of the Johnson Family to Mary Lasker
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird.
Signed Family Photograph of Lyndon B. Johnson.
Large photograph of Lyndon B. and Lady Bird Johnson posing on the White House lawn, Inscribed "To Mary Lasker—Merry Christmas from her friends Lady Bird and" "Lyndon B. Johnson" "Christmas 1966." "The recipient Mary Lasker was an American health activist and philanthropist, who worked to raise funds for medical research and founded the Lasker Foundation. She helped convince Eleanor Roosevelt to endorse Lyndon Johnson's efforts to become the 1960 Democratic nominee, and Lady Bird glowingly mentions Lasker in her book A White House Diary. Lasker was the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969. Double matted and framed;…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 81065
Signed Christmas Cards from Nobel Laureates Nelson Mandela and F. W. De Klerk
MANDELA, Nelson and F.W. de Klerk.
Nelson Mandela and F. W. De Klerk Signed Christmas Cards.
Rare original Nelson Mandela and F. W. De Klerk Christmas cards, boldly signed by each. The signed card from Mandela showing children playing in the snow, signed inside in black ballpoint, "N. Mandela, 10.12.97", which measures 7.75 inches by 5.25 inches and a Christmas card of de Klerk and his wife Elita, signed, "F. W. de Klerk" and measures 6 inches by 6 inches.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 131394
Collection of Four Autograph Letters Signed By Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour
BALFOUR, Arthur James.
Arthur James Balfour Collection of Autograph Letters Signed.
Rare collection of four letters signed by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905. The collection includes: Duodecimo, four pages, embossed with the House of Commons insignia and signed by Balfour to "Dear Duchess," which reads in part "I am very glad indeed to hear of yr. success in finding a suitable model . . . . I should love to see your work as soon as you think the profane crowd may be admitted to it! In the meanwhile I venture to send you a book on anatomy for artists [not present], what you probably…
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 146657
"In long experience I find that a man who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of man nobody trusts": First Editions of each volume in Harold Macmillan's memoirs; Each Signed by Him
Harold Macmillan’s Memoirs: Winds of Change, 1914-1939; The Blast of War, 1939-1945; Tides of Fortune, 1945-1955; Riding the Storm, 1956-1959; Pointing the Way, 1959-1961; At the End of the Day, 1961-1963.
London: Macmillan, 1965-73.
First editions of each volume in Harold Macmillan's memoirs, each signed by him. Octavo, six volumes, illustrated. Each volume is signed by Harold MacMillan on the title page. Each are fine in near fine to fine dust jackets. Complete signed sets are rare.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 91420
First Edition of Biden's Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics; Inscribed by Him
Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics.
New York: Random House, 2007.
First edition of “this compelling personal story” (The New York Times). Octavo, original boards, illustrated. Presentation copy, signed by the author on the title page, "Thank you for supporting Delaware Technical Community College Joe Biden 1.16.08." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,950.00 Item Number: 117321
BOUVIER, Jacqueline and Lee [Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis].
One Special Summer.
New York: Delacorte Press, 1974.
Signed limited first edition of this delightful memoir written by the Bouvier sisters about their summer in Europe. Folio, original marbled blue paper boards, illustrated with drawings and decorations by both authors. One of five hundred copies signed by the authors on the limitation page. In fine condition. Housed in the original publisher's slipcase.
Price: $1,850.00 Item Number: 147187
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others": First Edition of Prisoner In The Garden; Signed by Nelson Mandela
MANDELA, Nelson.
Prisoner In The Garden.
New York: The Viking Press, 2006.
First edition of this work dedicated to Mandela's archive. Octavo, original boards, illustrated throughout. Signed and dated by Nelson Mandela on the title page in the year of publication. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $1,850.00 Item Number: 851
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr; Signed by Coretta Scott King and John Lewis
KING, Coretta Scott [John Lewis].
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
New York: Newmarket Press, 1987.
First edition, early printing of this classic collection of the words of Dr. King. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by John Lewis and Coretta Scott King on the front free endpaper, "For John Schreiber, Thank you very much. John Lewis" and signed below "With appreciation Coretta Scott King." Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Selected by Coretta Scott King. Uncommon signed by both of these Civil Rights icons.
Price: $1,850.00 Item Number: 139362
The Documentary Edition of Woodrow Wilson's The History of the American People; Finely Bound
WILSON, Woodrow.
A History of the American People.
New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1918.
The Documentary edition of this classic work. Octavo, 10 volumes, three quarters morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, raised bands, top edge gilt, marble endpapers, contains numerous plates and illustrations. In very good condition.
Price: $1,850.00 Item Number: 140457
"Who kept the heat on me and made me like it. With appreciation and great respect": First Edition of On China; Warmly Inscribed by Henry Kissinger and with an Autograph Letter Signed
On China.
New York: Penguin Press, 2011.
First edition of Kissinger's 13th book, in which he draws on historical records and 40 years of direct interaction with four generations of Chinese leaders to analyze the link between China’s ancient past and its present day trajectory. Octavo, original boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Ann Gandolff Who kept the heat on me and made me like it. With appreciation and great respect Henry A Kissinger." Laid in is a autograph letter signed on Kissinger letterhead that reads in entirety "Dear Ann -- this is a tribute to your calm leadership. Warm Regards H. Did I…
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 144311
Rare Autograph Note Handwritten by Zachary Taylor as President
TAYLOR, Zachary.
Zachary Taylor Autograph Note.
Rare autograph note handwritten by the 12th President of the United States. Duodecimo, one page on a folded sheet, blind stamped in the upper right corner. The note reads in full, "The President would be glad to see Mr. [Gales] this morning at 12 o'clock if in town, if not Mr. Seaton - Washington [?] May 12, 1850." In near fine condition with mail folds.
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 146904
First edition of Benjamin Netanyahu's A Durable Peace; inscribed by him to American journalist William Safire
NETANYAHU, Benjamin. [William Safire].
A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations.
New York: Warner Books, 2000.
First edition of Netanyahu's masterful tribute to Israel. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated with maps. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To Bill Safire, an avowed and unabashed supporter of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu." The recipient, William Safire was an important American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He joined Nixon’s campaign for the 1960 Presidential race, and again in 1968. After Nixon’s 1968 victory, Safire served as a speechwriter for him and Spiro Agnew. He authored several political columns in addition to his weekly column “On Language” in The New York Times Magazine from 1979…
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 127073
First Edition of Gandhi's Young India; In the Rare Original Dust Jacket
GANDHI, Mohandas K. [Mahatma].
Young India Second Series 1924-1926.
New York: The Viking Press, 1927.
First edition of the second series of the writings of Gandhi. Octavo, original cloth with gilt titles to the spine and front panel. Gandhi founded and published the weekly periodical in English, Young India, from 1919 to 1931 to spread the philosophy and principles of the Satyagraha Movement and urge readers to participate in it. Near fine in the rare original dust jacket with chips and wear, name to the front pastedown.
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 142054
First Edition of Churchill's Ian Hamilton's March; Finely Bound by the Harcourt Bindery
Ian Hamilton’s March.
London: Longman's, Green, and Co, 1900.
First edition of Churchill's fifth book, a continuation of his coverage of the Boer War which he began in London to Ladysmith via Pretoria. Octavo, bound in full morocco by the Harcourt Bindery, gilt titles and tooling to the spine in six compartments within raised gilt bands, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt signature to the front panel, gilt inner dentelles stamp-signed by the Harcourt Bindery, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt,engraved frontispiece portrait of Ian Hamilton, folding map in color and 4 pages of advertisements for Churchill's works at rear. In fine condition.
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 144787