Signed & Autographed Books
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"As tall as two horses. Eyes like glowing balls of fire. Long, razor sharp claws. The ickabog is coming": Exceedingly rare first edition of J.K Rowling's The Ickabog; signed by her
The Ickabog.
London: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2020.
First edition of this work by Rowling. Octavo, original decorated boards, with illustrations by the winners of The Ickabog Illustration Competition. Signed by J.K. Rowling on the half-title page. With Rowling's hologram opposite her signature. Fine in a fine dust jacket. With the original Foyles bookmark and shopping bag. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 132148
"Let Us Hope That The Best Important Achievement Of Atomic Energy Will Lie In Planetary Exploration, And Not In Human Destruction": First Edition of George Gamow's Atomic Energy In Cosmic And Human Life: Fifty Years Of Radioactivity; Inscribed by Him to Chester Nimitz
GAMOW, George [Chester Nimitz].
Atomic Energy In Cosmic And Human Life: Fifty Years Of Radioactivity.
Cambridge: At the University Press, 1946.
First edition of this work by the legendary physicist and cosmologist. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To The Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz Cordially From The Author G. Gamow." The recipient, Chester Nimitz was made Fleet Admiral in 1944 (a lifetime appointment) and was in charge of the United States Forces in the Pacific, and Commander of Operations including the first military use of atomic energy in warfare, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Near fine in very good dust jacket. An exceptional association.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 139841
“Many of the books tossed into the flames in Berlin that night by the joyous students under the approving eye of Dr. Goebbels had been written by authors of world reputation": William Shirer's Classic work The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich; Inscribed by Him
SHIRER, William L.
The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960.
Later printing "one of the most important works of history of our time" (Orville Prescott, New York Times). Octavo, original cloth, cartographic endpapers. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "To Barbara Melensky- with best wishes from the author William L. Shirer." Near fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Brownjohn, Chermayeff and Geismar. Rare and desirable signed and inscribed.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 147360
First Edition of Enrico Caruso's Caricatures; lengthily inscribed by him
CARUSO, Enrico.
Caricatures: In Quattro Parti.
New York: La Follia Di New York, 1908.
First edition of this compendium of Caruso's caricatures. Quarto, original publisher's half morocco with portrait label, illustrated with 150 pages of lithographed drawings. Presentation copy, with a full-page inscription by Caruso on the title page, "à mes amis Otto et Lina affectueusement Enrico Caruso London 1908". In near fine condition. Exceptionally rare, with no other inscribed copies having appeared at auction in the last 15 years. Caruso visited London only once in 1908 for the Royal Gala concert at the Royal Albert Hall on May 30th.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 131641
First Edition of John Hersey's Hiroshima; Lengthily Inscribed by Him
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1946.
First edition of Hersey's classic work, which has sold over three million copies. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to fellow writer and publisher Kirby Congdon on the front free endpaper, "For Kirby Congdon: 'The crux of the matter is whether total justified even when it serves a just purpose.' pp. 117-118. John Hersey February 24, 1985." Jacket design by Warren Chappell. Hersey's account of the aftermath of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, was judged the finest piece of American journalism of the 20th century by a 36-member panel associated with New York University's…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 142065
“They use everything about the hog except the squeal": First Edition of Upton Sinclair's Classic The Jungle; Signed by Him
The Jungle.
New York: The Jungle Publishing Co, 1906.
First edition of this classic political work, from the self-published sustainer's edition. This issue was published simultaneously to the Doubleday edition with the sustainer's edition label on the front pastedown. Octavo, original green cloth, 3 pp. publisher's ads at rear. Boldly signed by Upton Sinclair on the front free endpaper. From the library of writer George Sylvester Viereck and stamp of Carl E. H. Greab M.D. In very good condition.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 142977
First edition of Brian Mulroney's Memoirs; inscribed by him to President Bill Clinton
MULRONEY, Brian [Bill Clinton].
Memoirs 1939-1993.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd, 2007.
First edition of the 18th prime minister of Canada's autobiography. Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page to the 42nd president of the United States Bill Clinton, "For Bill, with friendship, admiration, and respect, Brian Mulroney." Mulroney visited Clinton in June of 1993, only days before the end of his second term to discuss NAFTA and the development of a common solution to trade matters in Bosnia through the United Nations Security Council. Both Mulroney and Clinton introduced major international free trade agreements during their time in office; Mulroney introduced the Canada–United States Free…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 96550
“Fear comes with imagination, it’s a penalty, it’s the price of imagination": First Edition of Thomas Harris' Red Dragon; Inscribed by Him to friends where he stayed and wrote this novel and Conceived Hannibal Lector
HARRIS, Thomas.
Red Dragon.
New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1981.
First edition of Harris' second novel. Octavo, original half cloth, frontispiece by William Blake. Association copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the half-title page, "For Toby and Mille with my thanks for their hospitality and friendship Thomas Harris Oct. 21, 1981." The recipients were close personal friends of Harris, whose isolated house he stayed at for 18 months writing Red Dragon and where he conceived the character of Hannibal Lecter amidst his nocturnal breaks in the cotton fields. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Lynn Hollyn. Jacket illustration by Ron Walotsky.…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 141310
“Freedom is often the first casualty of war": First Edition of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's El General en su Laberinto; Inscribed by Him to Close Friends
MARQUEZ, Gabriel Garcia.
El General en su Laberinto. [The General in His Labyrinth].
Mexico: Editorial Diana, 1989.
First edition of this "fascinating tour de force and a moving tribute to an extraordinary man” (Margaret Atwood, New York Times Book Review). Octavo, original illustrated wrappers. Association copy, inscribed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1990 with a drawing of a flower, "Una flor Para Juana, y un abrazo para Sergio en L.A. Gabo 90." The recipient, Sergio Muñoz Bata and his wife Juana, were close friends of Marquez. They met in 1964 in Mexico City in the home of author Carlos Fuentes, who often hosted a literary open house or "salon" on Sundays. At the time, Marquez was largely…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 133247
First Edition of In Darkest Africa; Inscribed by Henry Stanley to His Biographer
In Darkest Africa or, The Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria.
London: Sampson, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1890.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, original cloth, cartographic endpapers in pale green, frontispiece in each volume plus 36 plates, 3 folding maps (2 in color), and 150 woodcut illustrations. Association copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication on the front free endpaper of volume one, "To Professor Blaikie of Edinburgh reciprocating with many thanks his late courtesy, July 3rd, 1890, London." The recipient, Dr. William Garden Blaikie was the author of the definitive biography of Dr. Livingstone: The Personal Life of David Livingstone, with materials chiefly from Livingstone’s unpublished Journals and Correspondence in the possession…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 147833
First edition of Mind of My Mind; inscribed by Octavia E. Butler
BUTLER, Octavia E.
Mind of My Mind.
Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977.
First edition of Butler's second book; the chilling "pre-sequel" to Patternmaster. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Ron Keep Reading Octavia E. Butler." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket with a touch of shelfwear. Jacket design by Jan Esteves.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 134199
ELIZABETH, Queen and Prince Philip.
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Signed Royal 1964 Christmas Card.
Royal 1964 Christmas and New Year Card featuring a black-and-white photograph of the Royal family. Signed by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, “Elizabeth R 1964" and "Philip." In near fine condition. The card measures 7.25 by 19.25 inches.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 137583
First Edition of Graham Greene's A Burnt-Out Case; Inscribed by Him to Friend Anthony Hobson
GREENE, Graham.
A Burnt-Out Case.
London: Heinemann, 1961.
First edition of this Greene novel set in a leproserie on the upper reaches of a tributary of the Congo River in Africa. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "For Anthony Hobson from Graham Greene." The recipient Anthony Hobson, auctioneer and book collector, was a director at Sotheby’s and friend of Greene's. He successfully organized the sale of the Greene's manuscripts at Sotheby’s in 1964. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Dust jacket design by Lacey Everett.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 102563
We're NOT going on a bear hunt ok!": First Edition of We're Going On A Bear Hunt; Lengthily Signed by Michael Rosen
ROSEN, Michael; Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt.
London: Walker Books, 1989.
First edition of this modern children's classic. Oblong quarto, original cloth, illustrated endpapers. Lengthily signed by the author opposite the title page, "Michael Rosen We're NOT going on a bear hunt ok!" Near fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket, inscription to the front pastedown. Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. Rare and desirable signed.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 147379
From the library of Stephen Hawking with his name SW Hawking, on the front free endpaper
MATZNER, Richard A. and L.C. Sheply (editors).
Spacetime and Geometry: The Alfred Schild Lectures.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982.
First edition of this work on space. Octavo, original cloth. From the library of Stephen Hawking with his name written on the front free endpaper. Stephen Hawking was a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. Hawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. He was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 119377
First Edition of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Human Work; Inscribed by Her
GILMAN, Charlotte Perkins.
Human Work.
New York : McClure, Phillips & Co, 1904.
First edition of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's ground breaking work and what she considered "her greatest work" (New York Times). Octavo, original cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To a friend of mine and of progress, Alva Adams, with good will of the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1905." The recipient Alva Adams served three terms as Governor of Colorado where he made significant progress for the labor movement and human rights by establishing the Bureau of Labor Statistics which forbade child labor, and passing a bill that ended public executions in Colorado. In very good condition. An…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 89123
"A significant work in the development of fantasy literature": Rare second edition of Under the Sunset; inscribed by Bram Stoker
Under The Sunset.
London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1882.
Rare second edition of Bram Stoker's first book. Octavo, original publisher's green cloth lettered in gilt, all edges gilt, patterned endpapers, with illustrations by W. Fitzgerald and W. V. Cockburn, tissue-guarded frontispiece. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, "Mrs. John Foord with grateful remembrance Bram Stoker New York 1884." The frontispiece and plates of the second edition were printed from wood engravings by Swain based on the engraved plates of the first edition, several of the illustrations in the text were redrawn and a number of new full-page illustrations inserted.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 146259
Rare First Edition of An Address; Inscribed by Peter Paul Francis Degrand to John Quincy Adams
DEGRAND, Peter Paul Francis [John Quincy Adams].
An Address by P.P.F. Degrand, on the Advantages of Low Fares, and Low Rates of Freight, Practically Illustrated by the Deep Researches of the British, French and Belgian Governments; Unanimously Approved and Adopted, and Ordered to be Published, by a Meeting of Gentlemen Friendly to Internal Improvements, Held in Boston, Dec. 3, 1840.
Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, Printers, 1840.
First edition of this rare work by one of the earliest promoters of a transcontinental railroad. Octavo, original publisher's salmon wrappers, ownership stamp to the verso of the title page, "Baker Library From the Library of Senator Nelson W. Aldrich." Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "Hon. J. Q. Adams, Washington. With P. P. F. Degrand's regards." One of the greatest diplomats and secretaries of state in American history, John Quincy Adams is best known for his historic role in the development American foreign policy; staunchly defending the ideals of liberty, nonintervention, and freedom of commerce.…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 147598
"Unexpected Intrusions Of Beauty. This Is What Life Is": First Edition Of The Authors Masterpiece; Inscribed To Fellow Professor And Founder Of The University Of Chicagos Committee On Social Thought
New York: The Viking Press, 1964.
First edition of the author's second of three National Book Award winning novels, which was and remains an unprecedented literary accomplishment. Octavo, original blue cloth. Association copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper to John Nef and his wife, "To John Nef and Mrs. Nef with very good wishes Saul Bellow." The recipient, John Nef was a economic historian and founder of The University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought, where Bellow was a faculty member for over 30 years. Fine in a bright fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Mel Williamson. Housed in a custom half…
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 3538