First Edition of “an astonishing literary achievement” Anthill; Signed by Edward O. Wilson With A Drawing of an Ant
WILSON, Edward O.
Item Number: 15049
New York: W.W. Norton , 2010.
First edition of the author’s first extended work of fiction which won the Chicago Tribune’s Heartland Prize for fiction. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Edward O. Wilson on the title page, who has also added a drawing of an ant. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Pulitzer Prize–winning author and Harvard entomology professor, Edward O. Wilson channels Huck Finn in his creative coming-of-age debut novel. Split into three parallel worlds—ants, humans, and the biosphere—the story follows young Raff Cody, who escapes the humid summers in Clayville, Alabama, by exploring the remote Nokobee wilderness with his cousin, Junior. "Edward O. Wilson had a fine time writing his first novel.... The reader will have a great time reading it. Certainly I did" (Margaret Atwood, New York Review of Books).
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