Blood Meridian.
First Paperback Edition of Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian; Signed by Him
Blood Meridian.
Item Number: 1387
New York: The Ecco Press, 1985.
First paperback edition of the author’s fifth novel, published the same year as the hardcover. Octavo, original illustrated wrappers. Signed by Cormac McCarthy on the half-title page.
"Blood Meridian seems to me the authentic American apocalyptic novel, more relevant even in 2000 than it was fifteen years ago. The fulfilled renown of Moby-Dick and of As I Lay Dying is augmented by Blood Meridian, since Cormac McCarthy is the worthy disciple both of Melville and of Faulkner. I venture that no other living American novelist, not even Pynchon, has given us a book as strong and memorable as Blood Meridian." (Harold Bloom) McCarthy can only be compared with our greatest writers, with Melville and Faulkner, and this is his masterpiece" (Michael Herr).
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