Signed Photograph of the Enola Gay Crew.

"The most terrible weapon in the history of the world": Rare original photograph signed by six members of the enola gay crew

Signed Photograph of the Enola Gay Crew.

TIBBETS, Paul A.; Morris R. Jeppson; Thomas Ferebee; Dutch Van Kirk; George R. Caron; Richard Nelson; .

Item Number: 89157

Black and white photograph of the entire crew of the Enola Gay, the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb. Signed and inscribed by six members of the crew: “Morris R. Jeppson, Weapon Test Officer, Enola Gay Mission, Hiroshima, 6 Aug 1945,” “Paul Tibbets, Pilot,” “Dutch Van Kirk, Navigator–Enola Gay, Hiroshima–6 Aug 1945,” “Tom Ferebee,” “George R. Caron,” and “Richard Nelson, Radio.” In fine condition. The photograph measures 10 inches by 8 inches.

Named after Enola Gay Tibbets, the mother of pilot and aircraft commander Colonel Paul Tibbets, the Enola Gay became the first aircraft to drop an atomic weapon with the release of "Little Boy" on the city of Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. The bomb resulted in the near complete destruction of the city, causing an estimated 160,000 immediate civilian casualties and thousands of subsequent deaths associated with radiation, starvation, and dehydration.

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