The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.
“Many of the books tossed into the flames in Berlin that night by the joyous students under the approving eye of Dr. Goebbels had been written by authors of world reputation": First Edition of This Classic work The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich
The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.
SHIRER, William L.
Item Number: 148209
London: Secker and Warburg, 1960.
First British edition of “one of the most important works of history of our time” (Orville Prescott, New York Times). Octavo, original cloth, cartographic endpapers. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the half-title page, “To Jack Maloney- best from William L. Shirer.” Near fine in a near fine dust jacket, name to the half-title page. Jacket design by Desmond Skirrow.
Hailed as the definitive study of Adolf Hitler, the rise of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and World War II. It won the 1961 National Book Award for Nonfiction and the Carey–Thomas Award for non-fiction. In 1962, the Reader's Digest magazine serialization reached some 12 million additional readers. In a New York Times Book Review, Hugh Trevor-Roper praised it as "a splendid work of scholarship, objective in method, sound in judgment, inescapable in its conclusions" (Shirer, 1990). A film adaptation was broadcast by the U.S. ABC television network in 1968, one hour a night over three nights.