Travels and Researches in Crete.
Rare First Edition of Travels and Researches in Crete
Travels and Researches in Crete.
SPRATT, Capt. Thomas Abel Bremage.
Item Number: 135308
London: John van Voorst, 1865.
First edition of this classic work. Octavo, 2 volumes, original cloth, hand colored folding engraved maps, 14 tinted lithographed plates, 3 further plates (of inscriptions and coins), lithographed plans on india paper in the text, illustrations,
Spratt's observations were made whilst directing a geological survey of the eastern Mediterranean. He explored the islands widely, visiting Gnossus, Lyttus, Lycastus, the Mirabella discrict, Olus, Gortyna, Axo and Eleutherna amongst other places. The appendices are devoted to marine data, geology, ornithology, land shells, Greek inscriptions and a vocabulary of Cretan and Modern Greek.