William Faulkner Collection [25 Uniformly Bound Volumes Signed to His Only Daughter, Jill: Including Soldiers’ Pay; Mosquitos; Sartoris; The Sound and the Fury; Sanctuary; Light In August; A Green Bough; Absalom, Absalom!; Pylon; The Unvanquished; The Wild Palms; The Hamlet; Go Down, Moses; As I Lay Dying; Intruder in the Dust; Knight’s Gambit; Light In August; A Fable; The Faulkner Reader; Big Woods; The Town; Sanctuary; The Mansion; Selected Short Stories; The Reivers].
"To My Daughter Love Pappy": Collection of Faulkner's Works; Inscribed to his Only Daughter Jill Faulkner
William Faulkner Collection [25 Uniformly Bound Volumes Signed to His Only Daughter, Jill: Including Soldiers’ Pay; Mosquitos; Sartoris; The Sound and the Fury; Sanctuary; Light In August; A Green Bough; Absalom, Absalom!; Pylon; The Unvanquished; The Wild Palms; The Hamlet; Go Down, Moses; As I Lay Dying; Intruder in the Dust; Knight’s Gambit; Light In August; A Fable; The Faulkner Reader; Big Woods; The Town; Sanctuary; The Mansion; Selected Short Stories; The Reivers].
FAULKNER, William.
Item Number: 111565
New York and London: Various Publishers, 1926–1962.
Here we present a collection of Faulkner books that were specially bound at his direction for his only child, Jill Faulkner as a gift. Octavo, 25 volumes. Uniformly bound in full morocco by Maupin, gilt titles to the spine, raised bands, gilt supralibros of Jill Faulkner in the lower right corner of the front cover of each volume, marbled endpapers. The first eighteen volumes are all inscribed on the front free endpaper, “To my dear daughter. Pappy. Xmas 1953” and signed “William Faulkner” on the title page. The remaining volumes of the set were added as they were published. His last book, The Reivers, was inscribed and signed less than one month before Faulkner’s death on July 6, 1962. Random House undertook finding a binder and having the books bound to the author’s specifications and returning them to him for inscribing. The set consists of first editions, first British editions, Modern Library editions and early printings. Mosquitoes may have been Faulkner’s own copy, as it bears his signature and the date “9 May 1927” on the half-title page, the novel had been published nine days earlier. The following is a complete list of the included books in this collection. Additional inscriptions and signatures are noted. Soldiers’ Pay (1926 first edition, also signed on the half-title page); Mosquitoes (1927 first edition and also signed and dated on the half-title page, “William Faulkner. 9 May 1927”); Sanctuary (1932 Modern Library edition); A Green Bough (1933 first edition); Pylon (1935 first British edition); The Unvanquished (1938 First British edition); The Wild Palms (1935 early printing); The Hamlet (1940 first edition); Go Down, Moses (1942 early printing); The Sound and the Fury & As I Lay Dying (1946 Modern Library edition); Intruder in the Dust (1948 first edition, also signed on the front flyleaf following the flyleaf with the Christmas inscription); Knight’s Gambit (1949 first edition); Light in August (1950 Modern Library edition); Collected Stories (1950 first edition with the title signed “William Faulkner. Oxford Miss.”); Absalom, Absalom! (1951 Modern Library edition); Requiem for a Nun (1951 first edition); Sartoris (1951 early printing); A Fable (1954 first edition, the Dedicatee’s copy); The Faulkner Reader (1954 first edition); Big Woods (1955 first edition); The Town (1957 first edition); Sanctuary (1958 early printing); The Mansion (1959 first edition); Selected Short Stories (1961 first edition); The Reivers (1962 first edition with the front flyleaf inscribed, “To my dearest daughter. Pappy” and title-page signed and dated “William Faulkner. Oxford Miss. 12 June 1962). Easily the nicest collection of Faukner titles ever assembled by the author who inspired such authors as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Borges, and even Cormac McCarthy.
One of the most celebrated writers in American literature, William Faulkner became widely know upon his acceptance of the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature, for which he became the only Mississippi-born Nobel winner. Awarded for "his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel", Faulkner donated part of his Nobel money "to establish a fund to support and encourage new fiction writers", eventually resulting in the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction.
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